Fin's Realistically Equipped Traders

  • Fin added a new file:

  • As soon as game is launched, erroring lines are as follow (in order):

    • //Parse out their inventory (IE: Parent items only)
      let itemList = trader.assort.items.filter(i => ["hideout"].includes(i.parentId))
    • let newInv = FRET.randomizeTraderInventory(traderId)
    • FRET.load()

    and then rest on the server side... guessing mod incompatibility, mod list below of every mod i have that does anything related to traders

  • Fin added a new version:

    • Small update that should make this mod compatible with mods that add new traders.
  • As soon as game is launched, erroring lines are as follow (in order):

    • //Parse out their inventory (IE: Parent items only)
      let itemList = trader.assort.items.filter(i => ["hideout"].includes(i.parentId))
    • let newInv = FRET.randomizeTraderInventory(traderId)
    • FRET.load()

    and then rest on the server side... guessing mod incompatibility, mod list below of every mod i have that does anything related to traders

    That's definitely some sort of mod incompatibility, though I'm not sure exactly which one it's having trouble with. -If I had to guess, it looks like one of those mods you're using adds a new trader, and that's causing the issue.

    With that in mind, I've put in a fix that should account for new traders in version 1.0.0a.

  • That's definitely some sort of mod incompatibility, though I'm not sure exactly which one it's having trouble with. -If I had to guess, it looks like one of those mods you're using adds a new trader, and that's causing the issue.

    With that in mind, I've put in a fix that should account for new traders in version 1.0.0a.

    sorry, passed out for like 10 hours after not sleeping for two days, but i figured out what the problem was, first try lucky, its advanced trader framework, guessing the fact that it loads like 2.2.1 mods usually load

    interestingly it says

    [Client Request] /client/game/start









    [Client Request] /client/menu/locale/en
    like that before loading into menu, doesnt seem to affect anything

  • That is.. ..Rather interesting. Out of curiosity, do you happen to have exactly eight custom traders added to your game?

    I'll try and dig into this one over the weekend (I think I know what it is), but if it's not causing errors then I wouldn't be too worried. And if it's what I think it is then it's totally harmless, and just some debug stuff I forgot to pick out.

  • That is.. ..Rather interesting. Out of curiosity, do you happen to have exactly eight custom traders added to your game?

    I'll try and dig into this one over the weekend (I think I know what it is), but if it's not causing errors then I wouldn't be too worried. And if it's what I think it is then it's totally harmless, and just some debug stuff I forgot to pick out.

    nope, scavcat, boris bangski and food&water trader

  • Fin added a new version:



    • New config options:
      • allow_barter_trades
        • Allows barter trades to appear in trader inventories
        • Barter trade items have 50% more durability than cash trade items
      • show_unavailable_barters_as_zero_stock
        • Shows unavailable barters (As in, those that this mod didn't give the trader stock for) as having 0 stock.
          • If this is not enabled, and allow_barter_trades is enabled, then unavailable barters simply will not be short
          • Enabling this allows you to see what trade goods are required for barter trades, even if that barter isn't currently in stock
      • reduce_armor_durability
        • Subjects armor to the same durability loss as weapons
  • Fin added a new version:



    • 2.3.1 compatibility
    • New config option, "condense_identical_items_into_one_stack"
  • I got this a few times. The only mods I have is FAIT FRET

    [Client Request] /launcher/server/version

    [Client Request] /singleplayer/bundles

    [Client Request] /singleplayer/settings/version

    [Client Request] /client/game/start

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property '_tpl' of undefined

    at Function.consolidateTraderInventory (C:\Users\tdeyo\Desktop\SPT\user\mods\Fin-LimitedInventories\src\mod.js:473:39)

    at Function.setupTraderInventories (C:\Users\tdeyo\Desktop\SPT\user\mods\Fin-LimitedInventories\src\mod.js:160:9)

    at Function.main (C:\Users\tdeyo\Desktop\SPT\user\mods\Fin-LimitedInventories\src\mod.js:87:9)

    at Object.runOnGameStart [as FRET] (C:\Users\tdeyo\Desktop\SPT\user\mods\Fin-LimitedInventories\src\mod.js:621:8)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\Users\tdeyo\Desktop\SPT\obj\src\routers\HttpRouter.js:26:26)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\Users\tdeyo\Desktop\SPT\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:149:33)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\Users\tdeyo\Desktop\SPT\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:195:32)

    at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)

    at Inflate.emit (events.js:315:20)

    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)

    [Client Request] /client/game/start?retry=1

    [Client Request] /client/menu/locale/en

    [Client Request] /client/game/version/validate

    [Client Request] /client/languages

    [Client Request] /client/game/config

    Edited 2 times, last by Deyo ().

  • Fin added a new version:



    • FRET is now compatible with mods that add new traders to the game, or modify trader inventories, via three new config options
      • I_am_using_a_mod_to_alter_trader_stock_and_want_FRET_to_play_nice_with_it
        • Set this to true to tell FRET to refer to the trader's inventory after it's been altered by other mods, rather than its vanilla version.
      • Use_mod_added_trader_settings_for_vanilla_traders
        • Mod-added traders are now set to use algorithmically determined values
          for their inventory sizes. If you're changing the inventories of vanilla traders, you might want to turn this on to scale the size of their selection to their new list of available goods.
      • new_trader_IDs_to_modify
        • You need to add the IDs of any new traders you want FRET to modify to
          this list. These are the ids they use internally, you should be able to find them inside of any trader-adding mod fairly easily. You can also add an entry called "ALL TRADERS", and it will just go ahead and modify every mod-added trader, regardless of what else you've entered.
  • Should be fixed in the new release!

  • Is there a blacklist for items to show in the traders or maybe you made some items super rare? It seems that most traders that sell/barter for guns only show the same few guns after resets. For example, I have yet to ever see an AKS-74U available from Prapor for sale or barter. I check every reset and really not much changes with Prapor's assort other than ammo. I am level 29 and have been using it since I started fresh on 2.3.1.

    Oh, also the 60 round 5.45 mag is never available for barter either. I have been watching those very closely b/c Mechanic gunsmith quest and Punisher series.

  • Is there a blacklist for items to show in the traders or maybe you made some items super rare? It seems that most traders that sell/barter for guns only show the same few guns after resets. For example, I have yet to ever see an AKS-74U available from Prapor for sale or barter. I check every reset and really not much changes with Prapor's assort other than ammo. I am level 29 and have been using it since I started fresh on 2.3.1.

    Oh, also the 60 round 5.45 mag is never available for barter either. I have been watching those very closely b/c Mechanic gunsmith quest and Punisher series.

    There's no blacklist or rarity weighting, everything ought to be completely random. -I'll do some tests this weekend, though, and see if there's a bug I missed.

  • Is there a blacklist for items to show in the traders or maybe you made some items super rare? It seems that most traders that sell/barter for guns only show the same few guns after resets. For example, I have yet to ever see an AKS-74U available from Prapor for sale or barter. I check every reset and really not much changes with Prapor's assort other than ammo. I am level 29 and have been using it since I started fresh on 2.3.1.

    Oh, also the 60 round 5.45 mag is never available for barter either. I have been watching those very closely b/c Mechanic gunsmith quest and Punisher series.

    Following up on this, it's not a bug, but I used some math to try and balance the number of items you'd have available when barters were enabled, so you didn't suddenly get a huge boost to what you could acquire. In practice it seems it was too stingy, so I'm going to adjust it.. Probably today.

  • Fin added a new version:


    -Slightly rebalanced item availability when barters are enabled.

  • That is better, on the second refresh I saw an AKS-74U for barter. By chance, can you point me to location in your code that governs how much sale/barter items are available per refresh? I would like to play around with the amount available to find my sweet spot.

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.3.0 for AKI 3.0.x

    1.3.0 - (June 26, 2022)

    • Updated to work with AKI 3.0.x
  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.3.0 for AKI 3.0.x

    1.3.0 - (June 26, 2022)

    • Should no longer always assume you're LL1 with all traders

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