Game Panel HUD

  • kmyuhkyuk added a new version:

  • kmyuhkyuk added a new version:

  • Terkoiz

    Approved the thread.
  • Terkoiz

    Approved the thread.
  • I noticed that with HUDMag that you've managed to stop the game from displaying its tooltip for ammo type when checking the magazine (most of the time). However, the game tooltips for fire type "Single Shot", "Burst Fire", etc. still show up. Edit: Nevermind, I was wrong on this, it's just lined up really well.

    Is there a setting in the config I'm missing, or is there a way to turn off the game's pop ups for "Full", "Almost Empty", "Single Shot", etc. since your mod already shows that information?

  • I noticed that with HUDMag that you've managed to stop the game from displaying its tooltip for ammo type when checking the magazine (most of the time). However, the game tooltips for fire type "Single Shot", "Burst Fire", etc. still show up. Edit: Nevermind, I was wrong on this, it's just lined up really well.

    Is there a setting in the config I'm missing, or is there a way to turn off the game's pop ups for "Full", "Almost Empty", "Single Shot", etc. since your mod already shows that information?

    ah, I didn't add any settings for off these information, so will shows these information is normal.

  • kmyuhkyuk added a new version:

  • kmyuhkyuk added a new version:

  • kmyuhkyuk added a new version:


    Fix on some UI Pages HUD will not Hide (fully fixed, based on BattleUIScreen GameObject to hide)

    Add Hide Original In-Game Ammo Panel Setting

  • kmyuhkyuk added a new version:


    Update 3.5.5 support

    Update GamePanelHUDCompassStatic


    Shows quests, extraction points and airdrops on compass

  • kmyuhkyuk added a new version:

    Very nice update, options for quest and extraction indicators on compass are very helpful. :thumbup:

    I think if the extraction static info could include (maybe optionally) the distance in meters to that extract, it could be even more helpful, for example:

    "Ventilation Shaft: 100m"

    That way players could quickly see which are the nearest extracts to their present location. <3

  • Good idea, Next version I will add

  • kmyuhkyuk added a new version:


    Fix GamePanelHUDCompassFire Sometimes will generate errors

    Add Distance Panel for GamePanelHUDCompassStatic


  • Hey, Been using this mod for a long time.
    Don't know if it was after the update or whatnot.
    But I get a bad memory leak when using this mod on lighthouse.
    To the point where the game crashes. I have 32gb ram and it was using more than 90%

    Went through my mods one by one and after removing the GPHud mod the ram leak went away.
    Got through a whole session of lighthouse without crashing or going above 50% of my total ram.

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