
  • yeah that is the folder that was empty, I've sort of fixed my problem for now by creating a new profile and took out the alternative bundles I added and it seems to be working fine right now

  • I've sort of fixed my problem for now by creating a new profile and took out the alternative bundles I added and it seems to be working fine right now

    If you are starting fresh, you may want to exclude Weapon Proficiency for now (at least do not complete them), because huge update is coming later today with total overhaul of that bundle and you do not want to miss new rewards added for each quest

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • hey,
    found a bug with version v.09 but as I haven't upgraded to newer version I'm not sure if its been fixed but with gunsmith part 4 I'mn unable to hand in the upper receiver colt M4A1, the 260mm barrel, Ive tried buying the weapon from both the fleamarket and peacekeeper incase I was getting the wrong one from the fleamarket.

    Edit not really a bug realised I need to have 2 full built gun to hand then in and not just the solo piece

    Edited once, last by ash1688 ().

  • unable to hand in the upper receiver colt M4A1

    It may be due to some parts require child components in order to be counted functional and you can only handover functional parts. If part or gun is red - it cannot be turned in. Is it possible to remove such restrictions from all parts, but I am not sure it is a good idea. So far I've added such fix for "HK MP5SD Upper receiver" and removed need to turn is some barrels where they are the only option, but I have no time to test each build for optimal configuration, possible an option for future updates

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Andrudis added a new version:


    Changes in v0.11.3 Beta from v0.11.2 Beta

    ### Updated

    * Barters Only - localization update for GE locale

  • love the quests, give so much to do in raids but i have one wierd problem, maybe meant to be and maybe a bug.

    when i do the quests where you need to give specific weapon parts or parts that you can use to modify a type of weapon the quest recognizes the parts i have on weapons in the stash and on my PMC, and sometimes when i choose a part to give i find out after that it took a part from one of my weapons which sometimes makes a problem if the part is vital for the weapon.

    i think its also happening with the bullets quest where it will recognize bullets inside magazines and take bullets from the magazines, and if you don't notice it before a raid you might enter with an empty secondry magazine.

  • Hi!

    sometimes when i choose a part to give i find out after that it took a part from one of my weapons which sometimes makes a problem if the part is vital for the weapon.

    Yes, that is one of many problems with mods handover conditions because it is implemented in this way by BSG. That is why in the latest update I've removed conditions to handover mods either completely (for Trade quests) or replaced with requirements to kill N Scavs instead.

    also happening with the bullets quest where it will recognize bullets inside magazines and take bullets from the magazines,

    Yes, unfortunately there is nothing I can do to prevent this. I do not feel it as bad as situation with mods to remove these conditions completely.

    I could recommend at the beginning keep good ammo you are using separately and handover only weak ammo when you got spare. For example for 9x19 I keep all 9x19 mm 7N31 and handover all the rest

  • Andrudis added a new version:


    Changes in v0.11.4 Beta from v0.11.3 Beta

    ### hotfix

    * Weapons Proficiency - Fixed AK-74 not assigned correctly to Assault rifles category and not counted for guns handover

  • Logs attached.

    Look like some internal error:

    Not very informative for me. If you are using version earlier than B5, try switching to B5. Also could you please try to test is this is reproducible without mods (remove all mods and try auto-completing any vanilla quest by editing profile, create backup of profile before you do anything )?

  • Andrudis added a new version:

  • Pretty much unable to interact with any UI element after completing a quest.

    Ok, looks like some problems with Survivalist bundle if you reach failable Fence quest because fail conditions are not handled correctly. I've replaces those 2 quest with a different ones, but I am afraid you'll need to remove all references to "Survivalist_" from your profile.

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