Immersive Raids

  • You can use bot.AIData.Player.ClearHands() before setting the object inactive to fix the floating ghost weapons. This is probably the solution you would use if not using the destructive route.

    I'm personally going to continue to use dipose along with destroy as it frees up memory. I've tested it enough at this point to where I can confidently say it causes no issues. The end raid cleanup throws some NREs when it looks for the bots but it is harmless.

  • finished SATs so now I can lay off studying and get back to work, thinking I might just make a server plugin and integrate that with gear extraction so I can properly update the profile and more properly tune map and globals variables, originally wanted to avoid this so I could keep this to just a DLL but it seems I'll have to

  • Kobrakon added a new version:

  • I ran into some issues: the red timer still appears and i got a missing in action black screen fade after some time in factory i cant tell how much time went by cause it only showed my real time . if i go into factory at 7:18 am its dark if i go in at 19:18 its bright seems to be inverted


  • I ran into some issues: the red timer still appears and i got a missing in action black screen fade after some time in factory i cant tell how much time went by cause it only showed my real time . if i go into factory at 7:18 am its dark if i go in at 19:18 its bright seems to be inverted


  • I also have the stutter upon update of the clock increasing every second, only when this is displayed in UI with the O shortcut and also when the timer would be running out and appears red in top right

  • Kobrakon added a new version:


    back at my pc for a bit figured id do some maintenance

    rewrote a patch to fix the laggy exfil time display and made sure everythings good

  • Hello!

    I have been having an issue the past few raids where I get a lot of loot planning to extract then the body clean up message pops up. Proceeds to clean the bodies but executes me with them. It is becoming a pain since I basically don't know when I can extract or not. Please help I am loosing a shit ton of loot with this. ;(

    Edited once, last by MrBotanic: The issue has been resolved I am a bit of a dumb dumb ().

  • Time seems to count just real time but then I got MIA while I was chillin on a roof afk to finish cooking dinner. was in Interchange.

    Tried it again, on Interchange, and the timer again turned red after what would be considered a "normal" raid time and then kicked me out MIA. Not sure if it's just Interchange but it's rather annoying.

  • Mod works perfectly fine. Only issue I have right now is some kind of conflict with Realism.
    Airdrops seem to be bugged when i run both mods at the same time.
    currently done with testing:

    SPT 3.6.1 >> Airdrops normal

    SPT 3.6.1 + Realism >> Airdrops normal
    SPT 3.6.1 + Realism + I.Raids >> Airdrops spawn but are empty // bugged

    found this in the error logs:

    currently doing a fresh install to check if airdrops are bugged without Realism...


    Done testing. Fresh Install SPT 3.6.1 and only mod Immersive Raids

    Airdrop spawns empty or rather with no inventory.

    error log:

    Edited once, last by B3N1v93 ().

    • Official Post

    Hope all's well, Kobra. Just leaving it here that a few people have reported that the infinite raid time thing has broken and that raids end at their expected times again. I have not tested nor verified myself, but just wanted to pass it along in case others see this.

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