CTD randomly

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    I recently Upgraded my Motherboard and CPU. I then added my drive with SPT on it and when I load raids I have had 1 CTD during raid on shorline and 2 CTD on Woods/Shorline during extract. Log file shows Cant Set Affinity Code Error code 0. I never had a problem before my upgrade. I did try to uninstalL/reinstall SPT but no luck

  • Can you drop traces logs too, and/or give ya PC specs?
    Most common issue with CTDs is a lack of memory, granted it is inconsistent on your side, I believe it might be the case.
    Although your errors.log doesn't contain the usual line about it which is also weird.

    The Affinity code seems to not being the cause of CTD, usually those would be giant exceptions, or end of logs, yours isn't, because you have DB related issues after.

    The best solution for such problem would be setting a pagefile, a windows feature that utilizes non-ram memory as one, and give it couple of gigs, if you have 32GB, then don't give more than 4, if you have 16GB, might as well set as much.

    For unclear Unity/EFT reasons, it uses pagefile quite heavy, mostly because of shitty memory optimisations
    also be sure you have an option in game settings to clear ram too.

    If the issue still persist:
    I recommend looking into Windows Event Viewer, and look for Windows logs> Applications, maybe it can give you a hint of why applications emergently shut down itself.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • What CPU did you upgrade to? "Can't Set Affinity" is an error that occurs when a process attempts to change CPU affinity to itself or another process and the CPU denies it. Try running it in administrator mode or even compatibility mode and see if the game still crashes. Also, have you tried playing without mods?

    Try and see if you can also find any crash dumps in your AppData folder, from there you can see what caused the crash, which if I were to guess, is either something related to process affinity or just a classic Memory Access Violation.

  • Sorry for the late reply. Been without power. I'll provide the logs shortly when Im home

    I upgraded from an I7-8700 to an i7-12700 as well as the motherboard. Z370 to Z690

    I'm running 32gb of memory as well

  • What CPU did you upgrade to? "Can't Set Affinity" is an error that occurs when a process attempts to change CPU affinity to itself or another process and the CPU denies it. Try running it in administrator mode or even compatibility mode and see if the game still crashes. Also, have you tried playing without mods?

    Try and see if you can also find any crash dumps in your AppData folder, from there you can see what caused the crash, which if I were to guess, is either something related to process affinity or just a classic Memory Access Violation.

    Also I did try it without mods. Crashed on extract. Unfortunately running as admin did not solve it

    Edited once, last by Savage ().

  • SPT-Aki CodePaste
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.

    Update: Ive check viewer log and memory usage with the game running and I cannot detect any heavy usage or spike in memory, atleast from what I can see

    Edited 2 times, last by Savage: Extended duration ().

  • Ok So after several test on memory here is what Ive seen.

    Test 1. No Kills/Loot- Woods. All Mods enabled. Ran straight to extract and stayed in raid for 10 minutes and some change. No crash but watched memory jump up to 4,600+ and continue climbing

    Test 2. Killed AI/Looted-Woods.-All Mods Did not affect memory however memory continued to climb unless in the pause menu. In raid 12 minutes, No crash Memory again reached up into the 4k range

    Test 3: All but 1 mod enabled. Memory climbed but no crash

    Test 4: All Mods disabled Still climbed. Exited out a few minutes in but didnt crash

    Test 5: Tried Phasmophobia on steam and while memory went up in spots, it never climbed consecutively like Tarkov

    While I can confirm this is a memory leak, Im sure, had I let the memory climb a bit more I could make it crash. I retract my comment earlier about no leak as that was only during the menu

    Figured Id share what I did to save others the time incase they run into this trying to troubleshoot. While their could be more to this, it seems it is a memory leak but only seems to happen with tarkov

  • CWX

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  • Terkoiz

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