• Barlog_M added a new file:

  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    At night raids tactical device replaced to [Zenit Klesch-2IKS](https://escapefromtarkov.fando…IR_illuminator_with_laser)

    At night raids all PMC wear helmets with night vision googles

  • Barlog_M added a new version:

  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    Enable insurance on Lab. Option `insuranceOnLab`.

    Loot multiplayer for each map for static and loose loot. Default is 3. Option `lootMultiplier`.

  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    Add PMC bot gear generator.

    Every PMC wear armor, helmet, rig, headphones, face cover and glasses according to their level.

    Gear discribet in gear.json

  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    Fixed bug with empty magazine.

    PMC with Chad armor chanse set to 30% and they can only spawn on Day Factory and Lab.

    Flea min level and loot multiplier settings is set to default (15 and 1)

  • Barlog_M added a new version:

  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    Bugfix for static loot multiplier.

    Loose and static loot multipliers now two different config parameters.

    Increase key spawn chance.

  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    Add separate settings for pmc bots delta pmcBotLevelDownDelta and pmcBotLevelUpDelta

    Add ability to generate pmc bots in fixed level range useFixedPmcBotLevelRange, pmcBotMinLevel and pmcBotMaxLevel

    Keys spawn settings move to config.json

  • Barlog_M added a new version:

  • Barlog_M added a new version:

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