• Barlog_M added a new version:

  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    After my brand new VSS jammed after 30 shots and I was bonked by goons, I decided to add this feature.

    vssValOverheatMultiplier change heat modifier for VSS, VAL and all Caliber9x39 ammo. Recommended value is 0.85.

  • Barlog_M added a new version:

  • First off, I love the mod, thanks! I've had a great time customizing presets and adding them to various tiers to mimic "live" Tarkov progression with traders LLs and the available ammo/gear.

    I have a couple of questions about the "gear" and mod lists though.

    I have set various weights for low-level helmets, like the Steel and Ratnik to be more common, but with a chance for higher "low tire" ones, like the LShZ Light helmet. However, when they get a "modable" helmet, it's usually fully tricked out with higher-tier mods than I'd like the comparatively low-level bots to have.

    For example, when I have a bot spawn that has the LShZ, almost every time, it also spawns with the Class 3 face Visor, or the Mandible Armor, or the Heavy-Trooper mask attachments. How can I make sure my lower-level bots only spawn with the base LShZ helmet, and not all of the high trader level attachments?

    My second question is, in the Gear List, I've added a lot of low-level armors, like PACAs and 6B2, and Kirasa armors, as well as basic rigs like the Commando, Umka, and Bank Robber, and given them all very high weights (15-25 weight), but also added in some armored rigs, like the AVS and 6b3TM-01 (rat-rig), and 6b-15 Uley and given them very low weights (1) to make them seem more rare, but possible for low-level PMC bots.

    However, in the three raids I've tested with, every PMC Bot I've found is wearing one of the three rigs, and I've yet to see one with one of the low (but highly-weighted) armor and rig combos.

    Am I doing something wrong? How can I give my bots the chance to commonly spawn with Armor + Rig OR rarely spawn with an Armored Rig?

    Finally, how can I make it so PMCs in night raids only SOMETIMES have NVGs? Not all players wear them early-wipe in live, opting to use lights instead. Can I make it a chance between NVGs and Helmet / Gun lights / none? And can I have a separate "night" weapon preset list that includes more flashlights, night-vision scopes, and IR lasers and such?



  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    New feature from carl123432 - pmc backpack loot generator.

    pmcBackpackLoot enable/disable custom backpack loot pools

    disableBotBackpackLoot disable backpack loot completely

  • 1. Thank you.

    2. All helmets fully kittet regardless of bot levels because idea of gear in Andern it's not about make game looks like live but to make bots harder to kill. Especially by Scavs. Think about it like PMC bots a rich and bought all their gear on the Flea.

    3. Same about NVG - bots with NVG have better sight.

    4. I will check problem with weights. Might be a bug.

  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    1. Preset config moved to preset tier folder for example meta\two\config.json5

    2. New parameters in preset tier config kittedHelmetPercent and nightVisionPercent

  • Barlog_M added a new version:


    1. Tactical device is in laser only mode.

    2. Replaced glasses for meta tier two with no glare bug one.

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