
  • Not possible. There is no need for that either.
    Server itself doesn't eat cpu power nor ram, if you want to transfer character between multiple PC's just make a cloud storage and throw profile there.
    It's in user/profiles.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • It should be possible. SPT-AKI server is just a web server started at localhost by default.

    You will need a mod to override IP address and post to look for server not at localhost ( but at different IP in your LAN.

    Ereshkigal-AkiConfigurator Version 1.3.1 has settings for this:


    [Added] Server IP and Port configuration

    Note: through it should be possible to have server on one PC and connect from clients from other PCs if configured correctly, there will be no matchmaking so each client connected to dedicated server will still play only solo as is it plays from localhost server on the same PC.

  • First of all, Eresh Config still doesn't override actual IP and PORT, because she still tries to override one from source configs rather the one Senko've made in database/server.json
    Here's proof of my words

    It was like that on previous versions, got removed, now she does the same again.

    (Task Manager>Network>Netstat -an, no showings on my internal ip.)
    So don't use AkiConfig, go straight to where Senko pointed out, can confirm it works.

    Second of all, i wouldn't be sure if i haven't tried myself.
    It won't go past connect, I bet it's caused either because of certificates or because server can't handle external connections or because it requires a files within same system, i don't know, not even in guilded to know.
    Maybe if you have a LAN network, you can try, but i highly doubt it'll work anyway
    JET in another hand have servers for remote connections, yet those only rumours i heard.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Here's for Eresh(I bet she'll see this eventually):
    You don't need those checks - (X !== Y) [if it's same - don't override it]
    Because nothing would change, so why won't just not override in any case? [X = Y]
    Except you want to add fancy Logger.log(); outs in server, not the case in your code, but i'll give you a tip, use 'try -catch'

    Here, you know what to do with this.

    DatabaseServer.tables.server.ip = Config.Server.ip
    DatabaseServer.tables.server.port = Config.Server.port

    You're welcome.
    Turns out, server already writes the same thing into itself like this
    Inside src/server/HttpServer.js.
    It won't work neither if you try to change value into HttpConfig or in DatabaseServer.tables.server.

    So i bet it's impossible to write that value onto launched server(Because loading queue), and should be written manually beforehand.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

    Edited 2 times, last by GhostFenixx ().

    • Official Post

    Hello, you can actually setup your server on another PC/server, but you will only still be able to play solo, like if you had the server on your main computer.
    Tho, you will have to manually install the server certificate on the PC you want to play on.

    If your PC is on your local network, you wont need to change the IP afaik, and should work with the local IP.

    If you try to run it on a server, you'll have to change the IP through either AkiConfigurator or in server.json, and specifically on linux, you'll have to make some changes to the sources, as there's uppercase letters sets for lowercase filenames and such.

    Any if you want to change your port, you can aswell use AkiConfig like said in the FEI post, despite what people are saying about it, it does work as intended.

  • If it is possible:
    You'd set your internal (not local) IP and any port in AkiConfig(If it worked) or in aki_data/database/server.json
    I really don't know what you suppose to do with certificate, but i guess you need to make a folder in PC2, put a same certificate as server on PC1 has (it's in user/certs) and use windows utility to add it on PC2.

    Open Command Prompt (Windows key + R)

    inside of it enter : certutil.exe -f -addstore Root <yourgamepath>\user\certs\cert.pem
    Here's an example if you feel you need one:
    certutil.exe -f -addstore Root D:\Games\Tarkov\user\certs\cert.pem
    In our case you can use any folder..i guess? no one is really informative sadly.
    Start the server on PC1 and try to connect via PC2.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

    Edited 2 times, last by GhostFenixx ().

  • Sorry mb im kinda stupid and annoying but.. what should i do on my main pc and what on my server pc

  • Well, i also realised i was wrong in multiple aspects, here you go, more detailed guide:
    1) Prepare a setup, Install SPT on PC1 (That means install EFT with AKI on it)
    2) Install AKI on PC2, you don't need game files for that.
    3) On PC2 - Change IP and Port, IP is your internal one, you can check it via Win-x > System>Network>Adapter>Settings>Status, something like that, i have a different default language so i can't tell you exact names.
    And any port, there is no firewall really in LAN, just don't go above limits, take a simple one, like 3456 or 7777, you may leave it as it is
    4) Launch server in PC2, take generated certs from PC2 and put it in PC1 into user/certs, or maybe any folder you'll use next step on. (that's where i was wrong on previous post)
    5) Use certutil as guided above
    6) Run Launcher on PC1, get in settings, set up your URL, launch the game.
    If it's that perfect it'll work, maybe it's not, it's all my assumptions, i don't have 2nd pc as of now to try, sorry.
    Maybe someone will give you more detailed instructions on back-end side.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • kikirio

    Closed the thread.
  • kikirio

    Set the Label from In progress to Solved

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