Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • On factory, most of the time no bots are spawned. In the server terminal i can see that only Tagilla was spawned, but i cant actually find him anywhere. I've tried to search for him everywhere.

  • TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'cartridge')

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'cartridge')

    at Function.runOnGameStart (D:\Spiele\SPTARKOV\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:4552:60)

    at Object.action (D:\Spiele\SPTARKOV\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:81:30)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:527:28)

    at (node:internal/streams/readable:527:10)

    at flow (node:internal/streams/readable:1011:34)

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'cartridge')

    TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'cartridge')

    at Function.runOnGameStart (D:\Spiele\SPTARKOV\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:4552:60)

    at Object.action (D:\Spiele\SPTARKOV\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:81:30)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.js)

    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:527:28)

    at (node:internal/streams/readable:527:10)

    at flow (node:internal/streams/readable:1011:34)

    Have moved this from Rezesions to here.

    Will try it with a fresh copy of SPT and see if i still get this error.

    Ok i figured it out now what gave the error it seems that your mod is not compatible with

    Valens Progresion

    without it it works fine and with no problems.

    Edited once, last by Mark1502 ().

  • Hello, I figured out what's actually causing the error people are reporting, as above (or maybe one of the causes). It's not a mod conflict, although I don't use Valen's Progression, so I can't speak to that.

    Issue: What actually happens is the EFT client freezes before reaching main menu. obviously there's the server error people are copy/pasting here. I am rarely getting debug hashes printed so I won't bother repasting the same thing. But it does occur at the same time as the freeze.

    Cause: With no other mods installed, enabling the "progressive gear" setting in FAIT config editor causes this issue - it's disabled by default. There aren't many settings I want to tweak from default, so I haven't found any other settings that may also cause the issue. Turning off this setting or resetting configs to default resolves the issue.

    I use a fat mod stack and other mod conflicts do not appear to have any relation to this issue (other than mods that would obviously cause conflicts, and were developed to fill the void left by this mod when it wasn't being updated.)

    Thanks for your time and I hope this is helpful! Take care.

    Edited once, last by OhCrud: for clarity, and removed conjecture ().

  • When I launch server.exe, it says that this mod is missing package.exe. I have not modified the mod at all, just unzipped it like the instructions say and then tried to launch, am I doing something wrong?

  • [snip]

    Cause: With no other mods installed, enabling the "progressive gear" setting in FAIT config editor causes this issue - it's disabled by default. There aren't many settings I want to tweak from default, so I haven't found any other settings that may also cause the issue. Turning off this setting or resetting configs to default resolves the issue.


    Should be fixed in the latest hotfix, 1.25.1a. Thanks for the reports! C:

    When I launch server.exe, it says that this mod is missing package.exe. I have not modified the mod at all, just unzipped it like the instructions say and then tried to launch, am I doing something wrong?

    That sounds like you may have unzipped the wrong part of the mod. You want to make sure that the folder "zFin-AITweaks" is inside your mod's folder.

  • Hey Fin! Thanks for the updates and your hard work on this. I'm intermittently experiencing raids where it seems only bosses/Goons will spawn on Woods or Factory, with no other PMCs or scavs loading in. Restarting the server and starting the raid again often fixes the issue, only for it to reoccur after a raid or two. I haven't seen any errors in console when this happens, and everything seems to be working great when the spawns actually occur. I have no other mods active besides FAIT as well. Any suggestions?

  • Hey Fin! Love the mod, by far my favorite.

    As mentioned in a couple comments above, it seems were having an issue with spawn changes. (I've tried everything including a clean install of SPT 3.5.2 with just FAIT installed, all multiple times.) I've started a fresh log file and attached it, hopefully to be of some sort of help if possible although I don't see any errors popping up in the server.

    In my config I have all spawn changes enabled, and both "all PMCs are BEARs" "all PMCs are USECs" set to false.

    First I tried factory. Upon starting the first raid the bots were loaded in the server but SptUsecs were missing. All the bots spawned as normal, apart from missing USECS. On the second raid, only Tagilla loaded for spawns but does not ever actually spawn in. After that I switched over to customs and woods and had other spawning issues including no SptUsecs or SptBears being loaded at all so I restarted my game.

    On my second try I tried out customs. Once again on the first raid the bots were loaded in but SptUsecs were missing, and on the second raid SptUsecs and SptBears were missing completely from the server.

    Possibly an issue since i'm using SPT 3.5.2 and the mods listed for 3.5.1? I didn't think that would cause an issue since it was said that most 3.5.1 mods should work on 3.5.2 but I could be completely wrong?

    Everything else such as Bots difficulties, loadouts and all works fine just seems to be a weird issue with spawning. I'm no lua coder so I have no clue what to look for to try and help :(

    Thanks for putting time into this game and making this mod. appreciate you man

  • Not exactly sure what causes it, but on my 1st raid all my ai spawns are fine, then on every raid starting on the 2nd and so forth, no ai spawn at all. So basically I have to restart my game AND server every time I wanna play a new raid. (i turned the file into a txt so i have space for all the lines)

    As mentioned in a couple comments above, it seems were having an issue with spawn changes. (I've tried everything including a clean install of SPT 3.5.2 with just FAIT installed, all multiple times.) I've started a fresh log file and attached it, hopefully to be of some sort of help if possible although I don't see any errors popping up in the server.


    Hey Fin! Thanks for the updates and your hard work on this. I'm intermittently experiencing raids where it seems only bosses/Goons will spawn on Woods or Factory, with no other PMCs or scavs loading in. Restarting the server and starting the raid again often fixes the issue, only for it to reoccur after a raid or two. I haven't seen any errors in console when this happens, and everything seems to be working great when the spawns actually occur. I have no other mods active besides FAIT as well. Any suggestions?

    Appreciate the reports! I'll be taking a look at this this weekend. I really, really appreciate some of the specificity you went into as well, it should make it much easier to reproduce and start fixing.

    Hi. im getting some mean error when using my config. The errors are with the bot generator,random weight helper, bot weapon generator, bot loot generator and bot controller. The error itself says "Error: Items must not be empty" So in raids the game just doesnt generate bots. Backup config.txt

    And just in case. This is the config i use for this mod Backup config.txt

    I'll try and have a look at this one too, thanks for linking your config. As with the above, it should make it easier to reproduce ^^

    Hi! I'm interested how to make it compatible with SWAG? Do I just disable all spawn changes in the config and that's it?

    I haven't tried SWAG, but that *should* work, yes.

  • Hi, as from other ppl previously mentioned Iam experiencing exactly same thing and was delving into logs or whatever i can catch up with but i found literally nothing that i could send u than help u other than describe whats happening, and so far everything works fine on first raid after starting server and then any other raid is basically empty or having just scavs/bosses or just as someone mentioned tagilla only spawned on factory but no pmcs and scavs whatsoever, only restarting server works. I also tested if it will spawn any other things during the whole raid i was just running around and checking aki server console if something is spawned but nothing for whole raid, for example customs contained just reshala and minions and sniper scavs but nothing else. (I recently moved from 3.5.1 to 3.5.3 - List of mods ( KIKI-DegradationRemover,ModularNVG,zFin-AITweaks, AmandsGraphics, AmandsHitmarker) but since other ppl mentioned this happens with no other mods involved i dont think its important.

    I would love if ud fix this because ur mod is amazing and it seemed uve put alot work to it, with this mod (even if it works just first raid now) is quiet more fun and it feels alot more alive than all the time half dead maps. This mod is basically essential for SPT i think, and wanted to congratulate u for a great job u did here for community :).

  • I did a bit of research and this doesnt happen when using the default config. I believe it must be releated to the changes i made in the Gear section in the config exe

    I've figured out the source of your error: The weapon rarity settings (primaryWeaponRarityMinMax0_50 and sidearmRarityMinMax0_50) are meant to range from 0 to 50, but you have settings in them that are above 50, which is causing errors.

    As JuicyJ stated above, I'm having the same problem, for example when i load a factory raid for the first time in a session, bots load in, but for the second or third raids, the map is empty

    Hi, as from other ppl previously mentioned Iam experiencing exactly same thing and was delving into logs or whatever i can catch up with but i found literally nothing that i could send u than help u other than describe whats happening, and so far everything works fine on first raid after starting server and then any other raid is basically empty or having just scavs/bosses or just as someone mentioned tagilla only spawned on factory but no pmcs and scavs whatsoever, only restarting server works. I also tested if it will spawn any other things during the whole raid i was just running around and checking aki server console if something is spawned but nothing for whole raid


    I've been able to replicate the error, but I'm still trying to figure out the exact cause and a fix. It's on the way, though!

    Edited once, last by Fin ().

  • You were right lol, Thank you. Another thing, How does the "bots use weapon preset from players" thing work exactly. I created a couple presets and made the chances very high and i have never seen a bot carry one of my guns.

  • Same issue as everyone else above, First raid has AI, everything after is a deadzone, no ai spawns. Any progress since Monday? No rush, love your mods. Incredible work as always!

    I've figured out the source of your error: The weapon rarity settings (primaryWeaponRarityMinMax0_50 and sidearmRarityMinMax0_50) are meant to range from 0 to 50, but you have settings in them that are above 50, which is causing errors.

    I've been able to replicate the error, but I'm still trying to figure out the exact cause and a fix. It's on the way, though!

  • Same issue as everyone else above, First raid has AI, everything after is a deadzone, no ai spawns. Any progress since Monday? No rush, love your mods. Incredible work as always!

    To add to this, I tested a few raids and i found that the only AI that spawn are bosses, I tried about 10 raids in total, in customs, woods, and factory and after the first raid of a session, i only found the bosses and their guards in the following raids, but no other AI, I even went to every POI on Woods and found no one else (apart from shturman and his guards in saw mill), i did find a fix, although it is pretty annoying, which is to restart the server after one raid.

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