Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Hello, Could anyone help me figure out how I can get PMC bots to spawn with NVG's at night?? When I do night raids they dont spawn with them at all.


    ==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========

  • Fin, a couple things.

    The first thing is that it looks like when PMC's use the weapon presets that they use terrible ammo and the mag size decrease regardless of having the percentage for that to happen at 0.

    The second thing, for some reason the PMC's constantly have blue gunpowder, a knife, and half masks in their rigs. I'm not sure what is causing this but I know it has something to do with this mod because if I turn the gear changes off for PMC's it fix's this issue. I have attached a picture and the debug hash for you to take a look at.


    Humn. -Okay, for once these screenshots do help a bit, I hadn't realized (Maybe I just derped, though) people were saying that they were getting knives and gunpowder in their rigs.

    And the ammo issue is something I meant to do ages ago for presets, but forgot about >_>;;. There's even a note in the code about it, so I'll get on that!

    Hello, Could anyone help me figure out how I can get PMC bots to spawn with NVG's at night?? When I do night raids they dont spawn with them at all.


    Unfortunately at the moment AI gear is independent of the time of day. I'll see if I can do something about that.

  • Hey Fin, had an issue that I couldn't piece together after moving to 2.3.1 and setting up your newest version of FAIT, sadly no debug hash from the server. Here's what I got, not sure if I fucked something up somewhere with armbands, or if it's a new issue.

    From the server:


    [INFO] Fin's AI Tweaks: Gear changes complete.

    [SUCCESS] Gear for bot assault, ai category lowLevelAIs, gear category scavBots:


    { Armband: 1 }


    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'ShortName' of undefined

    at Function.printAllBotGear (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:129:72)

    at AITweaks.load (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:64:19)

    at Function.executeMods (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:147:13)

    at Function.load (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:17:19)

    at Object.load [as aki-mods] (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\obj\src\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js:9:19)

    at Function.load (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\obj\src\utils\App.js:22:13)

    at Function.main (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\obj\src\Program.js:26:13)

    at Object.192../Lib.js (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\obj\src\Program.js:30:9)

    at o (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\obj\node_modules\browser-pack\_prelude.js:1:1)

    at C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.1\SPTARKOV\obj\node_modules\browser-pack\_prelude.js:1:1

    Feel free to call me a moron if it's an obvious error on my end.

  • Hey there dude, been playin' with your mod for a while now and I still can't get something off my mind. Is it even possible to make spawns more online-like, when pmcs spawn a bit earlier than scavs? Besides of that, on customs there are no bots at factory at all I dunno why tho online there are spawns either for reshala and ordinary scavs

    Also, bots are always spawned to certain points, on customs I meet raiders on an old gas station for the 3rd time, can smth be done with that?

  • Hey Fin, had an issue that I couldn't piece together after moving to 2.3.1 and setting up your newest version of FAIT, sadly no debug hash from the server. Here's what I got, not sure if I fucked something up somewhere with armbands, or if it's a new issue.

    From the server:


    Feel free to call me a moron if it's an obvious error on my end.

    I left a debug function in by accident in the latest update, and it's getting caught encountering a broken ID in your install. -I've disabled the debug function now (1.21.8d), and you should be okay, the rest of the mod has filters built in to sift out any broken items, but due to its nature as a debugging function, the bit of code I'd left running before didn't have those safeties.

    Hey there dude, been playin' with your mod for a while now and I still can't get something off my mind. Is it even possible to make spawns more online-like, when pmcs spawn a bit earlier than scavs? Besides of that, on customs there are no bots at factory at all I dunno why tho online there are spawns either for reshala and ordinary scavs

    Also, bots are always spawned to certain points, on customs I meet raiders on an old gas station for the 3rd time, can smth be done with that?

    It's possible, though probably beyond what FAIT can accomplish without bloating its already-large config. -It sounds like you might have a different issue however, as there should be bots spawning in the factory area on Customs, and all spawn locations (except bosses) should be being randomized. Would you mind posting your debug hash, and I'll see if anything stands out as being weird to me?

  • It's possible, though probably beyond what FAIT can accomplish without bloating its already-large config. -It sounds like you might have a different issue however, as there should be bots spawning in the factory area on Customs, and all spawn locations (except bosses) should be being randomized. Would you mind posting your debug hash, and I'll see if anything stands out as being weird to me?

    DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:


    ==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========

    There it is. I'm playing mostly customs and I always meet raiders at old gas station and tons of bots at sniper's outpost while factories and medicals are always empty

    Also, I have another question, is it possible to disable spawns within a certain range of player? I've died a few times just because new bots spawn faster than I can kill them or while I'm looting

    Edited once, last by TheTM ().

  • [snip]

    Also, I have another question, is it possible to disable spawns within a certain range of player? I've died a few times just because new bots spawn faster than I can kill them or while I'm looting

    Did a few testing runs with your config, and I had bots spawning the way I'd usually expect them to. -I assume you haven't modified the advanced spawn config at all? -If not, the only thing I can think of is some kind of weird mod conflict or esoteric. specific-system issue it's having with your install.

    As for limiting where bots can spawn, as far as I know that's not possible with my level of programming skill, and it's something that's still an issue on Live as well.

  • Did a few testing runs with your config, and I had bots spawning the way I'd usually expect them to. -I assume you haven't modified the advanced spawn config at all?

    Yes, I did not modify anything I didn't understand, only changed a difficulty and spawn waves, that's all. Can't think of any reason why bots do not spawn there though

  • First thank you for this mod, I think it has come long way since it's iteration. Is there a way to make my own faction bots be aggressive against me. I am playing BEAR and I think all of the BEAR's are friendly to me. I know I can make all PMC's USEC but it will mess with the quest progression afaik.

    My hash just in case:

  • Ran into this error


  • Hi fin! Love your mod.

    I have a few questions:

    1) Is game settings like bots difficulty and spawn count (that ones which appears before raid) affect something?

    2) why are bot loadouts have to be so simillar? there's a lot of g28's and scar's and I have no idea how to change it. I would like to see something like mjolnir and etc but there's none.

    3) how to prevent bots from hiding? They are extremely passive, no matter what I do.

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.22.0 for AKI 2.3.x

    1.22.0 - (May 16, 2022)

    • Updated default config values
    • Bugfixes for debug functions
    • Bug fixes for preset weapons
      • Should no longer cause an error if there are no available ammunition types for the weapon in question
      • AI armed with preset weapons should now respect the config's ammo settings
    • Small bugfix for PMC hostility
    • Added an advanced AI config file
      • This file's main practical use is to modify boss AI, but it can be used in general to modify AI groups with much more precision than the default config's three AI categories allow
      • The default settings are designed to give users a basic grasp of which settings affect what, but there's significantly more that can be modified
        • The default settings are also set to affect only bosses and boss minions, reducing the settings of the former by ~20% and the latter by ~30%
      • This file is disabled by default
    • Altered internal weapon weighting system
      • Scavs used to have an approximately equal chance to use any weapon they had available, leading to things like a scav being just as likely to use an SKS as an RPK
      • Scavs are now more appropriately biased towards lower-end weapons, raiders to midrange weapons, and PMCs to higher-end weapons
    • Internal tweaks for weapon rarity settings
    • New standard debug function to display rarity of items
      • The first
        number is their rarity value, while the second is their ranking. This ranking is what FAIT uses to determine if a bot should have access to a given weapon or not
      • These are found in the donottouch/debug folder, with the prefix 'rarities_'
    • Small tweak to loose loot items on PMCs

    Known issues:

    • When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
    • Potential black screen on raid end when using progressive gear. This does not interfere with your loot, but does make you 'skip' Therapist's healing screen when it happens.
  • Hey, Fin.

    I have a small problem.

    Can you advise something?

    The game always freezes for 10-15 seconds every time I spawn on the map at the start of a raid.

    All mod settings are standard.

    Without the mod, everything is fine, it does not freeze.

    Other mods for spawning and difficulty of bots are not installed.

    AQI version 2.3.1, AI TWEAKS version 1.22

    Here is my build.


    P.S. Sry for bad English. It not my primary lenguage (

  • Well, its normal, because you are using default spawn system and Bot alive on map are 40, You can lower amount of Bots alive, make each extra wave like 1 of 2 max bots or even 1 of 1 (spawn settings), i think even top tier CPU's will stutter with big waves and 40 alive bots. Lower Max bots alive around 12-16. If you are good at english, read about advancedspawn.config into config folder, you can make custom spawns for better control. If its too hard for you and you are real rookie in mod customizations, use spawns from Fin configurator.exe, but turn to True "Remove default non_pmc spawns" and "remove default PMC spawns", so you ll see only your extra waves in game

  • Well, its normal, because you are using default spawn system and Bot alive on map are 40, You can lower amount of Bots alive, make each extra wave like 1 of 2 max bots or even 1 of 1 (spawn settings), i think even top tier CPU's will stutter with big waves and 40 alive bots. Lower Max bots alive around 12-16. If you are good at english, read about advancedspawn.config into config folder, you can make custom spawns for better control. If its too hard for you and you are real rookie in mod customizations, use spawns from Fin configurator.exe, but turn to True "Remove default non_pmc spawns" and "remove default PMC spawns", so you ll see only your extra waves in game

    Thank you very much for your reply. I will definitely try this.

  • First thank you for this mod, I think it has come long way since it's iteration. Is there a way to make my own faction bots be aggressive against me. I am playing BEAR and I think all of the BEAR's are friendly to me. I know I can make all PMC's USEC but it will mess with the quest progression afaik.

    My hash just in case:

    The last time I looked into it it wasn't possible due to some of FAIT's particular quirks (Due to behaviour changes, if I recall), but I'll have another look and see if something has changed.

    Ran into this error


    That's interesting. I think I know how to fix that (And should have in the latest release, now), though I'm not sure how that happened in the first place. -Are you using any mods that add weapons, by chance?

  • I just did a raid on Factory with the latest version of FAIT and no AI spawned and I got this reference error message in my local server -

    My Debug Hash below -



  • I just did a raid on Factory with the latest version of FAIT and no AI spawned and I got this reference error message in my local server -

    My Debug Hash below -


    Oh, oops. -I forgot to call it with AITweaks.curateMagazine, so it's just sitting in there as 'curateMagazine'. I'll have that fixed in a minute.

  • Hey, Fin. Rad mod. I have to second what Rad Roach and SHunt05 have posted, and I've gone ahead and tried some of your troubleshooting tips:

    1. No other mod directly interferes with weapons, ammunition, or any of their objects (magazines, containers, etc.)

    The only mod I have which could do that is my recoil tweaker, which only alters camera recoil.

    2. Only your mod will trigger this when added to the modlist.

    It's rather clear the error is logged by FAIT and located in its own files, but you never know, I guess?

    3. When triggered, it will stop the spawning process.

    This is the only effect of the error I've found, nothing else.

    4. It will do so on any map.

    Just in case there was some config-specific thing for Factory or whatever, I've had this occur elsewhere as well in the same way.

    I'll be posting my logs as well with the hash:



    edit: seems like you figured it out a few mins before I posted. Looking forward to the patch!

  • Shunt05 was having a different error, but I should have just now fixed the one you and Roach were having ^^.

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