Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Quite unfamiliar with this as I only wanted custom gear/weapons for bots in general.

    You're using a mod that hasn't properly established handbook entries for at least one of its items. You can bypass this issue by opening up mod.js and changing this line:

    printout.push(`${Math.round(itemdb[rarities.sorted[check][i]].Fin.SpawnChance)} ${Math.round(itemdb[rarities.sorted[check][i]].Fin.FinsRarityRanking)} ${[rarities.sorted[check][i]].ShortName}`)

    To this:

    // printout.push(`${Math.round(itemdb[rarities.sorted[check][i]].Fin.SpawnChance)} ${Math.round(itemdb[rarities.sorted[check][i]].Fin.FinsRarityRanking)} ${[rarities.sorted[check][i]].ShortName}`)

    But I can't promise it won't break elsewhere, unfortunately, as the root problem isn't inside of FAIT.

    Oh, and to clarify about the missing debug hash: Errors that happen before the mod finishes loading won't display a hash, and I don't need it to diagnose the problem. -Most of the time, anyways.

    Edited once, last by Fin ().

  • I have been having an issue where AI Scavs and PMCs sometimes don't spawn with a weapon, but have magazines for a weapon in their rigs. Sometimes when they should have spawned with shotguns they spawn with the magazine tubes in their inventory, which is strange. This happens sometimes (usually at least one or two AI a raid), but the more frequent and annoying issue is sometimes after I kill an AI (specifically scav AI it seems) all nearby AI will come rushing to where I am. They continuously fire at me, even while I'm behind layers of cover (walls, boxes, shipping containers, etc) and while on the way. It's like they have x-ray vision hacks, and it has gotten be killed quite a few times. Is there any rhyme or reason for this? Or any fix?

  • Fin,

    I can't seem to reduce the difficulty of PMCs no matter what I set it to. It seems to apply to everyone else. Could you please help? I've tried removing all mods but FAIT and it doesn't seem to change anything. I keep getting owned by PMCs while all other bots are essentially brain-dead.

    Thanks in advance!

    Debug hash:

  • Thanks!

    I've gotten a Hash, I hope this helps this time.

    Edited once, last by jc980: Added Hash ().

  • Sorry, you may ignore this. I has to add 'test' and 'bosstest', and it's fine now.

  • I left a debug function in by accident in the latest update, and it's getting caught encountering a broken ID in your install. -I've disabled the debug function now (1.21.8d), and you should be okay, the rest of the mod has filters built in to sift out any broken items, but due to its nature as a debugging function, the bit of code I'd left running before didn't have those safeties.

    It's possible, though probably beyond what FAIT can accomplish without bloating its already-large config. -It sounds like you might have a different issue however, as there should be bots spawning in the factory area on Customs, and all spawn locations (except bosses) should be being randomized. Would you mind posting your debug hash, and I'll see if anything stands out as being weird to me?

    Hey boss, seems this issue is still present even in the newest version. Still no hash, sadly. Really just seems to not like armbands not having a shortname.

  • I'm getting the same message when starting my server.exe "missing package.json" and in red it says "invalid mod encountered". I extracted the files to user/mods file and it still shows the same message. Am I missing something?

    EDIT: Figured it out. Went back over the instructions and figured out what I did wrong. I wasn't extracting the files inside the mods folder. Lesson learned.

    Edited once, last by WolfComplexx: Solution found ().

  • Hey boss, seems this issue is still present even in the newest version. Still no hash, sadly. Really just seems to not like armbands not having a shortname.

    Would you mind pasting the error you're currently getting, anyways? I've definitely disabled that part of code, and I'd like to see the line numbers of the error, so I can see if it's happening in a new place and, if so, at least try and fix it ^^.

    Hi there! Is there any way to make Ai's loadouts more varied? It seems like 90% of the time they got only scar's and g28's with little bit of vector's. How to fix it?

    Would you mind pasting your debug hash, so I can see what config settings you're currently using? I'm also curious, if you can open up your bot_inventories folder and see what the FirstPrimaryWeapon sections look like for assault and for whatever bots you're using for PMCs? -Though generally speaking, you'd want to alter the weapon rarity values each AI group is permitted to use, in order to increase their variety. [0, 50] should let them use all possible weapons.


    I've gotten a Hash, I hope this helps this time.

    No need for that! If the error is gone now, then unless something else is happening I don't need any more information. Thank you though ^^

    Edited once, last by Fin ().

  • Hello!

    I've been using the mod for a while after a huge break I took from tarkov that lasted for a year or so. I used to use Reider123's advanced npc mod combined with your AI tweaks mod before to make it so that bots were both a lot more aggressive and aimed better. I noticed that reider stopped updating his mod so currently, I'm only using FAIT. My question is, is there a way to make bots a lot more aggressive? Behavioral changes seem to be very inconsistent with some bots not moving at all, some rushing back and forth without attacking etc but after I turn it off all bots seem to be just mindlessly roaming around where they spawned. Is there a setting you could recommend to make bots a lot more aggressive? Mainly pmc's, roaming around the map and just sprinting towards any hostile they hear or is that actually quite hard to code and doesn't exist?

    Thanks for the help and the awesome mod!

  • Though generally speaking, you'd want to alter the weapon rarity values each AI group is permitted to use, in order to increase their variety. [0, 50] should let them use all possible weapons.

    That was helpful, thank you!

    I thought that weapon rarity affects total mod price not weapon itself.

    And another question - can you add mjolnir to bots loadouts by default? It would be really cool.

  • Hi there,
    I've encountered not really gamebreaking, but disappointing issue. Sometimes "friendly" PMCs becomes hostile after first shot. Trick is about this "sometimes" thing - it happens spontaneously. First time I could blame my incautious grenade on customs, but then it happened multiple times on factory, where I made 2-3 shots at enemy PMC, and it had no chance to hit anything else. Just as it was happening few updates ago. So, I've tried to mess around with settings and reinstalling mod, but unsuccessfully. Anyone else had such problem?

    UPD: Worth noticing, not all of them becoming hostile, but as well, not all of the "hostile by default" are hostile. Now that feels messed up

    Edited once, last by BTW3A15 ().

  • when I set 100 in the ChanceToUseWeaponsFromPlayerPresets0_100 option, then I get this error when entering the raid.

    with this error bots do not appear.

    upd: If remove all mods except this one, the error does not disappear.

    debug hash:

    DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in

    to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:










    ==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========

  • Hello Fin,

    Does the spawn rate (when set to evenly space spawn times over raid duration) play nice with the ZEreshkigal-AllinOneMod (when set the raid timers to a custom duration)?

    The context block when hovering over the 'evenly spaced spawn' option says it assumes raids will last 45mins, but if I set the scav waves to 10 and have the AIO mod set the raid timer to 120min will I get a new spawn wave every 12 mins?(or every 4.5 mins?)

    Edit: Perhaps I've already found a solution. I think I need to set the "end_spawns_at_time_seconds" in the 'advanced spawn config.json' file to 7200 (120min * 60sec). for the maps. Will try now.

    Edit2: hmm, doesn't seem to affect it, after about 30-ish minutes in raid I don't see anymore spawn bots messages in the server console.

    Edited 3 times, last by Tyoi ().

  • Would you mind pasting the error you're currently getting, anyways? I've definitely disabled that part of code, and I'd like to see the line numbers of the error, so I can see if it's happening in a new place and, if so, at least try and fix it ^^.

    Sure thing hombre, see below, just got it today:

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property '_props' of undefined

    at Function.swapPresetWeapon (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.0\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:2584:44)

    at Array.pmcScavAlliance (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.0\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:2101:39)

    at Object.botGen [as botGenerationQueue] (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.0\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:4710:69)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.0\obj\src\routers\HttpRouter.js:26:26)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.0\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:149:33)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\Users\Wizard\Desktop\Vidya Gaems\Single Player Tarkov\SPT-AKI 2.3.0\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:195:32)

    at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)

    at Inflate.emit (events.js:315:20)

    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)

    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21)

  • The built-in assumption that it's over a 45 minute duration is independent of the actual length of the raid, though doing what you did with the advanced spawn config should work, provided you don't hit your bot spawn cap.

  • Fin added a new version:

  • first error up!


    here's my mods list

    is it a mod conflict or is something wrong with the base mod?

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