Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • How do I disable rogues and raiders from spawning into normal maps without going into the advanced spawn config? I don't want to face them unless i'm specifically playing on maps they would spawn normally like raider or labs. I thought I could disable it by just putting all the values for them on "extra spawns" to 0 but that doesn't seem to be the case and I can't figure out how the advanced spawn config works as far as deciding which bots spawn and how, it's a bit too complicated for me.

  • I keep on getting this error when trying to load this mod, Any fixes?

    Post the full error, please. And if that is the entire error, then it would seem to be because your config file is missing. -Which would trigger other errors, hence my suspicion that the white text you've cropped out is the actual information I need to look at.

    Hi Fin,

    Thank you for the great mod! is there a way to get both bears and usec to spawn in a raid as I thought it would be to set the all bear/all usec option to false in the config but it seems to have a similar issue to what jimothy is having with pmc's spawning with there gear but no dog tags which isnt a big deal but would be nice to have both spawn in a raid?

    Heya. So I've got a bug that's kinda annoying.

    The option to replace vanilla wave scavs with pmcs will spawn bots with pmc gear settings... but it won't give them their dogtag and their melee becomes lootable. It might have other issues, but that's what I can confirm.

    Update, killed 3 "pmcs" and 1 normal pmc in that raid. the 3 "pmc" kills were counted as boss kills, the pmc that dropped their dogtag counted as a pmc.

    I will be grateful for any suggestions.

    I'm using FAIT alongside with SVM (which has settings for PMC hostility, so PMC of my own faction won't shoot at me), however, despite the settings I'm using, both USEC and BEAR are attacking me, here is my config.json file.

    I just want my PMC faction not to shoot me on sight
    Thanks in advance for all the suggestions.

    I'll need to look into these, though I'm having some very severe PMC issues with my current installation that seems to have nothing to do with FAIT, so until I get those sorted out I can't do much of anything with changing how PMCs work. -However, to Baracouto: you are correct, setting them both to 'false' is *supposed to* get you the behaviour you're looking for.

    How do I disable rogues and raiders from spawning into normal maps without going into the advanced spawn config? I don't want to face them unless i'm specifically playing on maps they would spawn normally like raider or labs. I thought I could disable it by just putting all the values for them on "extra spawns" to 0 but that doesn't seem to be the case and I can't figure out how the advanced spawn config works as far as deciding which bots spawn and how, it's a bit too complicated for me.

    Rogues shouldn't be spawning on those maps if you've set those values to 0. You can check the _waves.json files for each map inside of your donottouch/debug folder to see precisely what types of bots are being spawned: exUsec means rogue, and pmcbot means raider. Are either of those appearing in your _waves.json files?

  • Hello,

    it's me again.
    While using "advanced spawn config" only representitive maps boss spawns or boss is completely random in the map?
    Since in customs i killed shturman i'm thinking maybe it's a conflict with KIKI all boss mod, but shturman is turned off in there

    Also is AI spawning 100% ?
    Like if wave is min 1 and max 1 and total waves are 20. Will it spawn 20AI ? since i when i talked with lua he sayed that it's not always like that. But maybe it's only with his mod

    Edited once, last by markopas ().

  • Rogues shouldn't be spawning on those maps if you've set those values to 0. You can check the _waves.json files for each map inside of your donottouch/debug folder to see precisely what types of bots are being spawned: exUsec means rogue, and pmcbot means raider. Are either of those appearing in your _waves.json files?

    Can confirm, I'm also getting rogue spawns. In addition to my earlier 1-wave precedent of issue with pmc spawns... (mind you, this only occurs with the option to replace vanilla scavs with pmcs, "normal" pmc spawns seem to work fine, but I like my maps a little bit louder so having pmcs spawning inside groups of scavs as well gets the map sounding like it's not just me with pve disabled).

    I haven't seen the issue of them being called bosses again recently... maybe that was a fluke, but I can confirm it did happen.
    I am however seeing the PMCs (can confirm they're pmcs based on gear settings... mind you, these are the ones that spawn with lootable melees and no tags though) counting as rogue kills. Sometimes as raiders? but I might be wrong on that since my pmc gear settings and raider gear settings are so similar and I do have it so there's a 2% chance for a vanilla scav to be a raider because why not.

    It's something that only started happening when I began messing with FAIT settings to allow pmcs to replace some vanilla scav spawns, no issues with it prior to using that setting.


    Here's that if you want it, it's not a hugely problematic bug... but at the same time, finding "pmcs" with lootable RR's is both exciting... and a bit game breaky since I was planning on farming the shturmeister for that just to be able to enjoy reserve.

  • Rogues shouldn't be spawning on those maps if you've set those values to 0. You can check the _waves.json files for each map inside of your donottouch/debug folder to see precisely what types of bots are being spawned: exUsec means rogue, and pmcbot means raider. Are either of those appearing in your _waves.json files?

    I checked the waves file for the maps I was in, only assault and assaultgroup show up. However, I checked the bosses folder and it seems that on woods there's a 30% chance for exUsec to appear? That might explain why i'm seeing them in woods, though I swear I saw them in customs too but my memory is a bit fuzzy.
    If the "bosses" chance in debug is the reason i'm seeing rogues, how do I safely edit/disable this?

  • I can confirm the problem mentioned above as well. But I can give you more info, Fin:

    The issue is not Rogue waves (since I have rogue waves disabled), the USEC PMC's are completely replaced by Rogues. You simply do not find any USEC. And weirdly enough, the Rogues have kits that you'd generally see on PMC's, just no dogtags and they are listed as Rogue in the killfeed. It does not affect BEAR PMC's. Reinstalling the mod does not solve the issue. I deleted the mod to test and then USEC PMC's respawned.

  • Hash


    TypeError: Cannot read property 'BodyParts' of undefined

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'BodyParts' of undefined

    at Function.undoCodMode (D:\EFT - Aki\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:5331:46)

    at Function.runOnGameStart (D:\EFT - Aki\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:4368:30)

    at Object.action (D:\EFT - Aki\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:71:30)

    at $79469d862e09d5e9$export$1d24e66a30f2c3c6.handleStatic (D:\EFT - Aki\obj\bundle.js:12648:61)

    at Proxy.handleRoute (D:\EFT - Aki\obj\bundle.js:12943:41)

    at Proxy.getResponse (D:\EFT - Aki\obj\bundle.js:12933:30)

    at HttpServer.sendResponse (D:\EFT - Aki\obj\bundle.js:14510:38)

    at Inflate.cb (D:\EFT - Aki\obj\bundle.js:14535:22)

    at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)

    at Inflate.emit (events.js:315:20)

    I've reinstalled the mod and thus went back to the default settings, thinking I had broken something somehow, but it still gives that error when the server tries to load the main menu.
    Turns out this mod doesn't want to be loaded before you actually create your character because of the undoCodMode part

    Edited once, last by Maldun88: Issue is gone after creating your character ().

  • To people who have issues with Rogues, downgrading the mod to Version 1.23.0c solves the issue. That gives mr Fin a bit of time to work out the issue.

  • can anyone explain those spawn zones in the advanced spawn cfg? only a couple of names are recognizable and the rest of those can't really tell where they are. and how to add the new bosses? tagilla, pipe, birdeye, and knight? tbh the adv spawn cfg need to be updated so bad, and new bosses and the new AI exUSEC added, and the spwan zone, omg how can anyone know what those locations are, there's no info anywhere what those zones correspond to!

  • I checked the waves file for the maps I was in, only assault and assaultgroup show up. However, I checked the bosses folder and it seems that on woods there's a 30% chance for exUsec to appear? That might explain why i'm seeing them in woods, though I swear I saw them in customs too but my memory is a bit fuzzy.
    If the "bosses" chance in debug is the reason i'm seeing rogues, how do I safely edit/disable this?

    Looking at the default AKI files, it seems that's just a normal thing for Woods now. You could manually edit it out by setting the chance in the AKI_Data files to zero, though the only way to remove spawns from the the BossLocationSpawns section of the location data is via the advanced spawn config, if I recall correctly.

    Oops. Looks like my old safety for that doesn't work in 3.0.x. I'll fix that in the next update!

    I can confirm the problem mentioned above as well. But I can give you more info, Fin:

    The issue is not Rogue waves (since I have rogue waves disabled), the USEC PMC's are completely replaced by Rogues. You simply do not find any USEC. And weirdly enough, the Rogues have kits that you'd generally see on PMC's, just no dogtags and they are listed as Rogue in the killfeed. It does not affect BEAR PMC's. Reinstalling the mod does not solve the issue. I deleted the mod to test and then USEC PMC's respawned.

    Working on this one, but I'll admit I have *no idea* what's happening with PMCs right now. Not helped by my installation apparently being uniquely borked.

  • can anyone explain those spawn zones in the advanced spawn cfg? only a couple of names are recognizable and the rest of those can't really tell where they are. and how to add the new bosses? tagilla, pipe, birdeye, and knight? tbh the adv spawn cfg need to be updated so bad, and new bosses and the new AI exUSEC added, and the spwan zone, omg how can anyone know what those locations are, there's no info anywhere what those zones correspond to!

    New bosses aren't in SPT yet, and all the names should be explained at the top of the file. You're right about the zones though, they're rather confusing, but those are the internal names BSG uses for them. I didn't get to pick what they'd be called, unfortunately x.x

  • Fin,

    I am wondering, can I increase the spawnchange of a boss? Let's say Killa for example.

    If I go to \donottouch\debug and then select map_interchange_bosses.json , it shows 35% spawnchance for Killa. If I raise this, let's say to 100%, it gets reverted back to 35% when I start the server.

    Any suggestions?

  • Hey Fin,

    is "miscellaneous_items_to_add_to_bot_inventories" from advanced inventory config actually used somewhere in the mod? Can't find it's usage in src\mod.ts and it doesn't seem to take any effect when I include items in this list.

    Thanks for your great mods,


  • That option wasn't supposed to be out yet, actually, its inclusion in the advanced inventory config was a mistake. It should be implemented soon though.

    Everything in that folder is debug information, and changing it won't affect anything. You can use other mods to alter the boss spawn chance, and FAIT will respect it, or you can use the advanced spawn config to change the boss spawn chance.

    Fin, am curious, there is any chance to do some tweaks in "Progressive gear", with this option weapons are such a trash on scavs and pmc's, i wanna changed it a little to have a chance, you know, to shoot

    There is not, no. Progressive gear is deliberately a binary toggle without additional options. I'm planning on slightly raising the durability of bot weapons at higher player levels, but by and large it's intended that AI weapons, particularly scav ones, should be well within the 'jamming range' of durabilities.

  • Hi! Here is the whole server console! sorry! Hope this helps

    This is an error with Lua's All In Weapon mod, judging by the error log, though I'm afraid I can't say more without knowing about that mod.

    By default, the advanced config only spawns the bosses that would normally appear on a given map, though you can go out of your way to add new boss spawns if you want. Try removing all mods except FAIT, and see if it still happens. If it doesn't, then it's probably just a mod conflict. If it continues to happen, though, please let me know!

    And yes, AI spawning is 100%, except for cultists. There are two different types of bot spawns, one of which has only a % chance to spawn, but FAIT only uses that second type for cultists, so the rest are 100%.

    Good night Fin, a few days ago these errors started pouring down, I don’t really understand what’s wrong, just throw off the server screen, and the archived folder E:\Tarkov3.0\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\donottouch\debug

    This looks like a conflict with a mod that added some new items in, because of some of the changes made in AKI 3.0.0. I'll see if I can't make FAIT a bit more compatible with new item-adding mods, though. I think I have an idea of how to do it.

  • DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:

    xĀā,5225541017637790,Č85387092800667ă5Ğ1Č2330ĪĠģč91ĩ9518Ďĩ82,ĪĘĒĞ2Đĵ8ħļ2Ċė5ĒĆĢ6ćļī2Ē05č3ı2ğăŁ442ĸ93ėı8Ĕ45647Ĉ9Ĵ8ńĠ,|ēŴĔŲassaultŲpmcbožfollowergluharŸźżƅƇƉƋƍƏƑrscouƗƈƊƌƎƐƒsecurity,ƆƤƚƧƝsnipeƲƘƥrkojaƹƱƳƙƌźƹtƒƽƴƌbżlƱ||ƔŻŽgrơp,beǍuƪcŲ-3,ǦǨǧǩ1Ŷǧ5,Ļǰǧ0.ťǵǰ1.ǰǵǧǭ3řļĔǼ.6,ēǭŵȊŲƃtnameshƌƼƪƻƓtetȔmwƯhƠmmŸŲǭȧŶȨȪŶȋȫǭĻǾȩȇȳǖŹǘžǕƀƂƄǎLjƛƨƓȶƖȽƿƶƩƠƢɄƵƜƩƫƭƯdžƾɋɀƸƺƼǕǟǡǣ,ǗƖ ǚǜȦȲǵȆǯēĆŲēīŲųĔēǕǭ4ɫǿɲȂɱĻȨ|ĊļǰǕ6ēĒɫɾ,ʀǕɽɿɮ|ʂʄǕ4ŵǕēɱǕȰɫ-ɰťɹȬŲɫɨȳȨģǵťģ5ēʣȦʐʈɩʈǯɫǧʑʘȨɶŶ|ʥʥʆʃʈʊʈʶʋʹɫ|ɪɪʒ,ʮĻĻǕʕ˃ʗȨɮʛɬȈȩɦɭļēĖŲǧȆ˂˘ʯȲɸʥūʁǹŚǕ˟ħʺʉˡʈˤɺʅĩăʈȁʵ|ɧʍɴǧ˂ɼ|ˈ4ʗɷăſumǝƃŽˍŵȉʝʲ5dĄcc5ba4bšĢʍĖğĠDzcdebą9d7fğc̘e7ceČʑɮȤpȏȑȓȕ,ȗƌaȚȜeȞȠȢȤsʜ̆ȳ́ˋ˾ˏǭųǶ˜.ɷ͋ɢȅɡʥȆɳ͒˃͕ȯȳ˅Ŷ͙ʥDzͅDZDZŚȋȋř͢ȇ5:ć:ŚĻaƈɜͮͭlͯͲͱͳʙ

    I get this when I run server

  • DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:

    xĀā,5225541017637790,Č85387092800667ă5Ğ1Č2330ĪĠģč91ĩ9518Ďĩ82,ĪĘĒĞ2Đĵ8ħļ2Ċė5ĒĆĢ6ćļī2Ē05č3ı2ğăŁ442ĸ93ėı8Ĕ45647Ĉ9Ĵ8ńĠ,|ēŴĔŲassaultŲpmcbožfollowergluharŸźżƅƇƉƋƍƏƑrscouƗƈƊƌƎƐƒsecurity,ƆƤƚƧƝsnipeƲƘƥrkojaƹƱƳƙƌźƹtƒƽƴƌbżlƱ||ƔŻŽgrơp,beǍuƪcŲ-3,ǦǨǧǩ1Ŷǧ5,Ļǰǧ0.ťǵǰ1.ǰǵǧǭ3řļĔǼ.6,ēǭŵȊŲƃtnameshƌƼƪƻƓtetȔmwƯhƠmmŸŲǭȧŶȨȪŶȋȫǭĻǾȩȇȳǖŹǘžǕƀƂƄǎLjƛƨƓȶƖȽƿƶƩƠƢɄƵƜƩƫƭƯdžƾɋɀƸƺƼǕǟǡǣ,ǗƖ ǚǜȦȲǵȆǯēĆŲēīŲųĔēǕǭ4ɫǿɲȂɱĻȨ|ĊļǰǕ6ēĒɫɾ,ʀǕɽɿɮ|ʂʄǕ4ŵǕēɱǕȰɫ-ɰťɹȬŲɫɨȳȨģǵťģ5ēʣȦʐʈɩʈǯɫǧʑʘȨɶŶ|ʥʥʆʃʈʊʈʶʋʹɫ|ɪɪʒ,ʮĻĻǕʕ˃ʗȨɮʛɬȈȩɦɭļēĖŲǧȆ˂˘ʯȲɸʥūʁǹŚǕ˟ħʺʉˡʈˤɺʅĩăʈȁʵ|ɧʍɴǧ˂ɼ|ˈ4ʗɷăſumǝƃŽˍŵȉʝʲ5dĄcc5ba4bšĢʍĖğĠDzcdebą9d7fğc̘e7ceČʑɮȤpȏȑȓȕ,ȗƌaȚȜeȞȠȢȤsʜ̆ȳ́ˋ˾ˏǭųǶ˜.ɷ͋ɢȅɡʥȆɳ͒˃͕ȯȳ˅Ŷ͙ʥDzͅDZDZŚȋȋř͢ȇ5:ć:ŚĻaƈɜͮͭlͯͲͱͳʙ

    I get this when I run server

    If you're asking what this is, it helps identify your FAIT settings in case you have some problem with it.

    The debug hash is always shown.

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