Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • how do i configure the amount of healing items for ai? they always spawn with 2-3 splints and bandages

    Go into (Your Install Drive)/SPTARKOV/user/mods/zFin-AITweaks/config, open the file named advanced inventory config.json, and edit Line 16 (medical_inventory_changes_enabled) from true to false.

    Then, inside of the config editor.exe you can change the amount of healing items scavs, raiders, and PMCs have under the gear tab near the bottom.

  • I'm getting this error right before the main menu loads. Only started happening after I upgraded from FAIT v1.24.1a to the latest version, v1.24.2e, AND also added FAIL (latest version). In addition the server log displays the message "There is still an error" as it begins loading FAIT.

    Upon removing FAIL, the server log does not display "There is still an error", but the error below does still appear and the game does not reach the main menu.

    Reverting to FAIT v1.24.1a the game boots to main menu without any errors. Adding the latest version of FAIL also gives no errors.

    Running on AKI v3.1.1 because 3.2.0 has given me troubles getting my mods to run with it. Debug hash included below. Running with a multitude of other mods, however there was never any previous issues or errors until now.

  • OFC you have this error, you dont read descriptions) Latest 2 or 3 version only for Aki 3.2.0.

  • Hi Fin) I noticed, that on lighthouse we have new zone, called Zone_Island with default exusec spawn, you ll update advanced spawn config with that spawn zone?

    You can just add it yourself if you know the zone name.


    "Zone_Island": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],

    under "zone_spawn_weight_bot_types":{ in the Lighthouse section.

  • when i'm loading reserver for an example i get this error and no bots are spawned











    it happens if i enable gear changes but i want it on true bcause its good is there a way to fix this ?



    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Mod 54527ac44bdc2d36668b4567 is not compatible with slot 'cartridges' for item 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108

    Mod 601949593ae8f707c4608daa is not compatible with slot 'cartridges' for item 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108

    Mod 54527ac44bdc2d36668b4567 is not compatible with slot 'cartridges' for item 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    No ammo found for bot type gifter

    Error: bot generation failed

    Error: bot generation failed

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeaponByTpl (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:7636:19)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:7659:21)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:7161:61)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:6857:52)

    at BotGenerator.generate (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:6809:24)

    at BotController.generate (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:3064:34)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:53:61)

    at $de60112e0288ef4d$export$1dd35d19c79daa7c.action (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:15086:42)

    at BotStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:13983:61)

    at Proxy.handleRoute (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:14299:41)


  • You can just add it yourself if you know the zone name.

    i did it manually ofc, its not a problem for a guy, who 90% of time tweak and updrage each mod into core files) I asked about it, cuz some settings are directly tied to certain settings in mod.ts, like some openzones etc. But thx for a tip

    P.S.i just dont like to add new features into such global mods and search for a ton of errors in future, even if its just a simple SpawnZone

    Edited once, last by X3R0S6 ().

  • As i know, Lua disabled gifter as boss in his Luaplayerbossscav mod and lua spawn rework, as i see - your errors make sense, because they about Gifter loadout generation. So you didnt read descriptions like usual or used old patterns for Spawn rework.

    Want to play? Fix it from your side and delete everything, related to Gifter in FAIT and SpawnRework, or just in Fait (if you add gifter into AI categories and\or Gear) + use default patterns from Lua with latest 2.1.0 ver.

  • Hey all, first I should mention that I'm still using SPT-AKI 2.3.1. But I am having an issue with FAIT (using the latest version for 2.3.1) where the game doesn't launch at all. If I press start in the AKI launcher it just says "Patching..." then doesn't do anything. This was previously only an issue I had with Zicoman's config, but now FAIT refuses to work no matter what settings I'm using. If someone has a solution that would be much appreciated, thanks!

  • Hey all, first I should mention that I'm still using SPT-AKI 2.3.1. But I am having an issue with FAIT (using the latest version for 2.3.1) where the game doesn't launch at all. If I press start in the AKI launcher it just says "Patching..." then doesn't do anything. This was previously only an issue I had with Zicoman's config, but now FAIT refuses to work no matter what settings I'm using. If someone has a solution that would be much appreciated, thanks!

    Welp, nevermind. pepescream

  • OFC you have this error, you dont read descriptions) Latest 2 or 3 version only for Aki 3.2.0.

    It's why I mentioned I'm running on 3.1.1, I just figured it would be compatible with it but I guess it's not, thanks anyways.

  • Is there any possible way of creating an option in the automated config editor that adds a % chance to have PMC's equip NVG's during night raids. I guess you'd have to write something that enables this feature in between specific timing window... This would be awesome though!

  • Running into an issue where I'm seeing this error spammed upon starting server.


    Unable to find spawn limits for bear, falling back to defaults

    Unable to find spawn limits for usec, falling back to defaults


    theres about 40 lines of each of those upon server startup and now FAIT spawn changes are completely broken.

    = =

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    = =

    Edited once, last by Haven ().

  • As i know, Lua disabled gifter as boss in his Luaplayerbossscav mod and lua spawn rework, as i see - your errors make sense, because they about Gifter loadout generation. So you didnt read descriptions like usual or used old patterns for Spawn rework.

    Want to play? Fix it from your side and delete everything, related to Gifter in FAIT and SpawnRework, or just in Fait (if you add gifter into AI categories and\or Gear) + use default patterns from Lua with latest 2.1.0 ver.

    i dont use any other patterns. i can se on the lua config that lua default is set to 60 somthing so i set it to one im not shure that fixes it tho.

    "default_pattern": "Lua-Default",

    "use_random_patterns": false,

    "random_patterns": {

    "Lua-Default": 67,




  • I get this aswell but spawns seem to be working just fine. (Got lua spawn rework)

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