Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Fin added a new version:


    Thanks for the update Fin, everything seems to be working fine now. Much love homie.

  • I'm really sorry for keep bothering about the bot generation thing, but still have problem.

    Yeah, last update fixed wrong pmc generate on disabled spawn setting

    but now when I disable it, all bots are pmc bots. Maybe zero or one scav on map I guess?

    I personally want to use only gear tab, so I'm waiting for FiBIT to updated(for meds config),

    just in case I'm telling about this small issue. Without that this mod works fine.

    Thanks and sorry again Fin..

    Edited once, last by Dokko ().

  • Hello,

    When i'm playing on anything but Factory i get this : (long one)

    as a consequence no AI is generated and the map is empty.

    Any idea on how to fix this ?

  • So,

    I tested this mod again after waiting longer and only using AI Tweak. With AI Tweak the PMCs had weapons with about 3 scopes and 3-4 flashlights or lasers. I found that to be ok and just left the weapons. Now I have again taken the complete mod with Lua respawn etc and there the errors listed below in the spoiler. As already written I think this is due to mods that change weapon parts. I use eg the "FershteBalancePatch" which is a weapons rework. So the weapons still adds attachments. In addition, what annoys me the most, that in every damn rais the Knight arrives with kindergarten and shoots you away as if you were a standing doll. Slight increase from normal I can understand, but in really every raid? I know there is a lot of work in this mod and hope it is not taken badly. But I will probably have to wait or hope they have maybe a tip for me.

    Can I only use the "Lua-SpawnRework"? I still have the "AITweak" and "Fin-Bot Inventory Tweaks" in the folder. Where I could not really notice any change in the latter. Lua as said the far too frequent spawn of Knight with crew. As I said, it is for me a pure AIMBOT + Wallhack + whatever but no boss. I go partly very carefully, but again and again he stands suddenly there and slams me with a shot away, no matter what I have armor on. You notice, I have a stinkwut because of such a supposed AI which is for me just a built-in hacker.

  • I'm still getting a LOT of error messages with the latest. The problem is that no bots spawn until these error messages are finished, which can take a minute. I can cross half of customs while this is running

    Edited once, last by Kpoof ().

  • I'm having this issue as well

  • Having the bot spawn issue as well, both lab and reserve have been empty ghost towns

    Okay checked disabling gear and spawn changes, one bot appeared in reserve and shot me in the face, will do some further testing tomorrow

    Tested a bit more with reserve, bots do spawn now with gear and spawn changes disabled.

    Edited 2 times, last by PhoeniAl ().

  • TypeError: Cannot read property 'deserialize' of undefined

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'deserialize' of undefined

    at Function.generateDebugHash (C:\Users\*cleared*_\OneDrive\Desktop\sptarkov\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:5223:35)

    at HttpServer.getRandomisedMessage (C:\Users\*cleared*_\OneDrive\Desktop\sptarkov\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:208:30)

    at WebSocketServer.<anonymous> (C:\Users\*cleared*_\OneDrive\Desktop\sptarkov\obj\bundle.js:16857:60)

    at WebSocketServer.emit (events.js:315:20)

    at Server.emit (events.js:327:22)

    at emitListeningNT (net.js:1352:10)

    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:79:21)

    keep having this pop up everytime i try to boot with this mod loaded. i shouldnt have any conflicting mods and am not sure what to do

  • Bots not loading. Suspecting this to be a conflict with MacrossMX's ASSORTED WEAPONS ARMORY 1.2.2 based on the errors mentioning caliber data.

    So I removed that mod, but I still have this:

    Note that in both cases the issue seems to mention 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 which is the PP-19 Klin.

    Saw that there's a new version out (4a) and downloaded that one, put all my mods back in and still have this:

    Gonna do more tests.


    changed disablegearchanges to true:

    Note that I renamed the folder although I don't think that should do anything.

    Final update for now:

    Can't live without FAIT, so I deleted ASSORTED WEAPONS AND ARMORY and AllTheBackupSights. Every 3-4 rounds it's still throwing me errors re: not being able to find the cartridge for M32A1 though I think that was residual stuff stuck in my profile. The server would still retry the bot generation and would sometimes be successful. Works for me!

    Edited 4 times, last by Strahhe: Clarified some sentences and updated with more test logs. ().

  • Hello Fin, i have get error with last update. I try early any update which is compatible with aki 3.2.2 update.

    And still got this error. And my bots no loading. At all, at any maps.

    This error

    This my Debug hash

    Please help



    I see your code and laughed at these lines. I love reading other people's comments.

    //Hate this. Hate hate hate.
    for (let bot in botTypes)
       if (botTypes[bot].inventory?.Ammo?.Caliber9x18PMM)
          botTypes[bot].inventory.Ammo.Caliber9x18PMM = botTypes[bot].inventory.Ammo.Caliber9x18PM

  • Ok, may be this was helpful for anyone. I'l fix this delete mod VALENS-PROGRESSION 1.2.1 - i's incompatible

  • Added the PP-91 Klin and the M32A1 Milkor to the ban list for bot gear. Still somehow able to generate bots some rounds while failing some others. Only difference is it just fails without any printed reason. I'm guessing this is one of those server bugs that just happens sometimes. I think I'll be fine if I restart the server every 2-3 games. This is solved for me.

    Edited once, last by Strahhe ().

  • Heyo Fin, PMC's have become friendly towards the player scav when in raid even with the default config. Upon disabling AI changes then PMC's become aggro again. If you get the chance for a hotfix again that'd be cool, otherwise its no worries. There's compromise.

  • Hi Pal

    Not sure if this has been mentioned before or if the solution is something obvious that I'm missing but since installing FAIT, it hasn't spawned a single bot of any type on any map. The only other mod I have downloaded is your In Raid Modding mod.

    Error Message is as follows:

    Hash is as follows:

    Let me know if there are any other details needed

    Any help with whats going on would be grand


  • Getting a strange error that I can't find any info on.
    This is on a fresh install of SPT-AKI 3.2.3 and a fresh install of the mod


    Thanks for any help

  • Getting this exact same error on a fresh game

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