Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Hi there. I'm a noob to all this. I just installed everything last week and started modding away, first this mod is great. I have a, probably, noob question though. All of a sudden I'm not taking any damage from others. My armor will deplete, i can take fall damage, but I can just stand in front of scavs blasting away at me and I shake and get the concussion vision, but I never take any damage. What have I done?!?

    I'm afraid I have no idea, I've never seen anything like that.

    Sorry, but there's a new error

    [ERROR] bot bossTest does not have properly defined chance values.

    [ERROR] bot followerTest does not have properly defined chance values.

    That means that some other mod (Unless you've gone in to those files yourself and done something manually) has modified those files in a way that removes their chance values. -It shouldn't affect your gameplay unless some mod is also trying to spawn those bot types, though.

    Hey sorry I am a bit of a noob here but after installing this mod i no longer see Bosses every raid. I have this option turned on in Ereshkigal's All in One Mod and prior to installing this mod i saw them every raid. Is it possible i need to tweak a setting in your mod and if so can you point me in the right direction please? I am loving the mod tho! :)

    Load into a raid on Customs, and then go into donottouch/debug/bigmap_bosses.json and look for the entry that mentions bossBully. -Is it present, and if so, what are its BossChance, BossZone and Time settings? That should tell me a little more about what's happening.

  • 恐怕我一无所知,我从未见过这样的事情。


    -加载到海关的突袭行动中,然后进入donottouch / debug / bigmap_bosses.json并找到引用bossBully的对齐。-是否存在?如果是,则其BossChance,BossZone和时间设置是什么?那应该告诉我更多有关正在发生的事情。

    Got it

  • hey, sir. I found that there's no config of sameFactionPMCsShootPlayerOnSight anymore in the latest edition.

    and the pmc in the same faction as me still engage me.

    even after i edit the mod.js, turning line 1542 to as below

    let PMCROE = "false"//config.aiChanges.sameFactionPMCsShootPlayerOnSight_true_false_Default //Rules of Engagement

    //OKAY, I found it is due to the spawn pmc as boss option

    Edited 2 times, last by eastwind ().

  • by the way, how can i equip pmc with mod gears and weapons correctly?

    should i add their parent id directly into the bot_inventories folder

    //I've already got it. Your mod is really fascinating!

    Edited once, last by eastwind ().

  • So is there a way for the same faction as you to NOT engage you but engage everyone else?


  • So is there a way for the same faction as you to NOT engage you but engage everyone else?

    I had an option for that in the config a month and a half or so ago, but it never worked consistently so I ended up removing it. As eastwind has discovered, its fragments live on inside mod.js, and it's possible to re-enable with a few changed lines and by adding the relevant config option back in, but.. Yeah. Personally, I wasn't able to get it working consistently.

    From one of the mod's comments I replied to, on the main, uh.. Comment page:


    If you want to play around with what I had setup before, your starting spot in the mod would be:

    let PMCROE = "Default"//config.aiChanges.sameFactionPMCsShootPlayerOnSight_true_false_Default

    Change that to:

    let PMCROE = config.aiChanges.sameFactionPMCsShootPlayerOnSight_true_false_Default

    Add sameFactionPMCsShootPlayerOnSight_true_false_Default under the aiChanges section of the config, and then you could start messing around.


    by the way, how can i equip pmc with mod gears and weapons correctly?

    should i add their parent id directly into the bot_inventories folder

    //I've already got it. Your mod is really fascinating!

    And I'm glad you find it interesting xD. -It's a bit of a tangled web, I'm afraid, but so far it works.. Well enough.

    Edited once, last by Fin ().

  • I'm afraid I have no idea, I've never seen anything like that.

    That means that some other mod (Unless you've gone in to those files yourself and done something manually) has modified those files in a way that removes their chance values. -It shouldn't affect your gameplay unless some mod is also trying to spawn those bot types, though.

    Load into a raid on Customs, and then go into donottouch/debug/bigmap_bosses.json and look for the entry that mentions bossBully. -Is it present, and if so, what are its BossChance, BossZone and Time settings? That should tell me a little more about what's happening.

    Hey mate thanks for the reply, ok so i tested Customs and it seems fine, i think my issue is Woods and i repeated the above steps and this is what is displays:

    "BossName": "bossBully",

    "BossChance": 38,

    "BossZone": "ZoneDormitory",

    "BossPlayer": false,

    "BossDifficult": "normal",

    "BossEscortType": "followerBully",

    "BossEscortDifficult": "normal",

    "BossEscortAmount": "4",

    "Time": 15

    I haven't had a chance to test other boss maps as yet.

    Thanks again!

  • I had an option for that in the config a month and a half or so ago, but it never worked consistently so I ended up removing it. As eastwind has discovered, its fragments live on inside mod.js, and it's possible to re-enable with a few changed lines and by adding the relevant config option back in, but.. Yeah. Personally, I wasn't able to get it working consistently.

    I remember the option being in the mod about a month or so ago and its a shame you had to take it out. I don't suppose you'll be happy to put it back in IF someone will help you untangle the web for you? :)

    I need more variety in my game it was more fun when the same faction as you didn't try and kill you but I have small hope it will come back HAHA!


  • i think it can work correctly after disable "spawn pmc as boss" and edit mod.js like me

  • You might have to walk me through the steps to get it to work I don't want to mess my game up a third time lol

    i edit the mod.js, turning **line 1542** to as below

    let PMCROE = "false"//config.aiChanges.sameFactionPMCsShootPlayerOnSight_true_false_Default //Rules of Engagement

    the default value should be "Default" BUT "false"

    use notepad++ to search for Default and you can find this line

    WARNING:i can't program,this is a PERSONAL try

    by the way, if you find out any grammar mistakes in what i said , just tell me. I am a english intermediate learner from CHINA


    Edited once, last by eastwind ().

  • Okay thank you for explaining it to me. As of right now I have changed the mod.js line 1542, I will do some raids to test it out and let you know what happens :)


  • Alright, an advice that was not easy to be done : please change the spawn chance of the weapon mod to avoid hight-zoom sight in CQB map like factory, and night vision in the daytime

  • I'll check out Woods in particular and see if I can find anything odd happening there on my end. -You can also set the mod up to give you a report on the Woods spawns by changing showBosses in the config to "woods". Then once you've loaded up a raid for woods, there'll be a file in donottouch/debug called woods_bosses.json that'll have an entry mentioning "bossKojaniy", which refers to shturman. The main thing to look for are abnormal spawn times or BossChance values.

    Hey, Fin. Is there some ways to make sure that pmc always born with armor vests?

    and why the pmc don't spawn until i move severa paces

    You can change the chance values in the AI files, and set ArmorVest to 100. And they spawn with a slight delay, is why.

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