Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • help me!

    If Fin's AiTweaks mod is applied, the health value cannot be modified. Is there any solution??

    There is, actually. -If you go into Aki_Data\Server\database\globals.json, and look for PlayerHealthFactors, any values you enter into the 'Maximum' settings will be applied as the new player defaults.

    I'll add that information to the readme, too, since it probably should be in there.

    Edited once, last by Fin ().

  • Hi Roach this was a great post as Ive also been slowly testing and tweaking these settings and its always handy to see what settings other people are using. I just wanted to ask you again, are these still your settings or have you changed any since the last post?

    - "aiAimSpeedMult": 1.3,

    - "aiVisionSpeedMult": 1.3,

    - "visibleDistanceMult": 0.5,

    - "aiHearingMult": 0.3


    "lowLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": 2,

    "midLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": 2,

    "highLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": 1,

    Also what in game difficulty are you using?


  • Hi Mad Mike appreciate the kind words man.

    To answer your question yes these are still my current settings, I haven't had the need to change anything other than the AI gear and min_max values which I believe works really well if you don't want the AI having tonnes of loot and OP weapons, I can share it with you if you would like to try out my settings?

  • Hi Mad Mike appreciate the kind words man.

    To answer your question yes these are still my current settings, I haven't had the need to change anything other than the AI gear and min_max values which I believe works really well if you don't want the AI having tonnes of loot and OP weapons, I can share it with you if you would like to try out my settings?

    That'd be awesome! Again thanks for your assistance! :)

  • Okay no problem :) below is my complete Fins AI custom settings, give it a try and let me know what you think:

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.16 for AKI 1.5.1 and 1.6.0


    • Added a new config editor (config editor.exe), to make navigating the basic config file easier and more convenient.
    • Added a new config option to spawn all waves in a raid at the start of the raid.
    • A few small miscellaneous tweaks to how the mod runs.
  • Hello, how do I solve this one?

    [ERROR] [OOB] for item with id bddaed8a402410f24a20820a; Error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fill' of undefined

    [ERROR] [OOB] for item with id 8af4a50f3690bbcb2657ad7d; Error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fill' of undefined

    [ERROR] [OOB] for item with id 6880d613fe9c4631bfffc514; Error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fill' of undefined

    [ERROR] [OOB] for item with id 11461a55231a3f95e66d39ca; Error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fill' of undefined

    [ERROR] [OOB] for item with id 34fff17c5a86f4a85d6a8dc3; Error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fill' of undefined

    [WARNING] Could not locate ammo to use for 5e81ebcd8e146c7080625e15, falling back to default -> 5ede474b0c226a66f5402622

    [WARNING] Generated weapon with tpl 5e81ebcd8e146c7080625e15 had no magazine

    [ERROR] [OOB] for item with id 787a1332e4b4ce95bf57ff76; Error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fill' of undefined

    [ERROR] [OOB] for item with id d7dff36ccc4e69b9b94c9c2e; Error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fill' of undefined

    [ERROR] [OOB] for item with id 1690bd5232051ad2b4a9708a; Error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fill' of undefined

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property '_props' of undefined

    at C:\Users\dsky3\Documents\Games\Tarkov\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:51061:58

    at Array.some (<anonymous>)

    at Function.isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems (C:\Users\dsky3\Documents\Games\Tarkov\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:51061:29)

    at Function.generateModsForItem (C:\Users\dsky3\Documents\Games\Tarkov\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:50966:27)

    at Function.generateModsForItem (C:\Users\dsky3\Documents\Games\Tarkov\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:51003:22)

    at Function.generateWeapon (C:\Users\dsky3\Documents\Games\Tarkov\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:50878:33)

    at Function.generateInventory (C:\Users\dsky3\Documents\Games\Tarkov\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:50776:22)

    at Function.generateBot (C:\Users\dsky3\Documents\Games\Tarkov\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:44324:34)

    at Function.pmcScavAlliance (C:\Users\dsky3\Documents\Games\Tarkov\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:1435:37)

    at Object.generateBots [as aitweaks] (C:\Users\dsky3\Documents\Games\Tarkov\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:1213:41)

    Thank u in advance

  • [snip]

    Those errors are usually caused by a bad item being added in somewhere. You should see if (A) the error occurs on a fresh character, (B) see if the error occurs if you remove this mod, and then (C) see if the error occurs if you remove ALL your OTHER mods (So this mod is the only one in your mods folder). Doing these three things should give you a better idea of the error's source: If it's a problem with your profile (If A fixes it), with my mod (If B fixes it but C does not), or with another mod adding a bad item or interacting with this mod in a weird way (Any other combination).

  • Those errors are usually caused by a bad item being added in somewhere. You should see if (A) the error occurs on a fresh character, (B) see if the error occurs if you remove this mod, and then (C) see if the error occurs if you remove ALL your OTHER mods (So this mod is the only one in your mods folder). Doing these three things should give you a better idea of the error's source: If it's a problem with your profile (If A fixes it), with my mod (If B fixes it but C does not), or with another mod adding a bad item or interacting with this mod in a weird way (Any other combination).

    I think removing other mods fixed it but now I have another problem. Other ai seems to be spawning but they don't really do anything other than just stand. They only have rigs and backpack without loots. I can also kill them. I just gonna try reconfiguring other mods. Thanks again for the help

  • Not sure where to post this, but in general bot health is insane. I literally dumped 22 rounds into one just for them to one shot me, they took 727 damage no armor. Not sure if its a bug or part of your mod. not sure why it would tank 727 damage without dying

  • Not sure where to post this, but in general bot health is insane. I literally dumped 22 rounds into one just for them to one shot me, they took 727 damage no armor. Not sure if its a bug or part of your mod. not sure why it would tank 727 damage without dying

    Both vanilla AKI and my mod buff PMC health, but other bots are left alone. Check the "Healing" section of the config (Difficulty tab) for options related to that.

  • Both vanilla AKI and my mod buff PMC health, but other bots are left alone. Check the "Healing" section of the config (Difficulty tab) for options related to that.

    I have it set to one, ill see if that will help. It was a regular scav from my knowledge. I do have Ereshkigal aki configurator installed as well, but not sure if that does change the health of the pmcbots.

  • Both vanilla AKI and my mod buff PMC health, but other bots are left alone. Check the "Healing" section of the config (Difficulty tab) for options related to that.

    Tried it, and gave 75 to a scav, swear i hit him all in the face. Does the SP show ammo delt to armor?

  • Tried it, and gave 75 to a scav, swear i hit him all in the face. Does the SP show ammo delt to armor?

    When you say 75, what exactly do you mean? -Did you put '75' into one of the config options? If so, that, ah.. Would have given them 75x their normal health.

    And I'm afraid I don't know exactly what the post-raid screen considers to be 'damage dealt'. I know it counts things like fragmentations as extra hits, and other strange things, however, so it can at times be misleading.

  • When you say 75, what exactly do you mean? -Did you put '75' into one of the config options? If so, that, ah.. Would have given them 75x their normal health.

    And I'm afraid I don't know exactly what the post-raid screen considers to be 'damage dealt'. I know it counts things like fragmentations as extra hits, and other strange things, however, so it can at times be misleading.

    I gave the scav 75 damage lol, no worries i should of worded it better.

  • I gave the scav 75 damage lol, no worries i should of worded it better.

    Aha! -Okay, got you. Well, let's see..

    If you open up src/mod.js, and ctrl-f for the line: else if (["bossbully", "bossgluhar", "bosskilla", "bosskojaniy", "bosssanitar"].includes(i))

    You should find some code just below that, that begins with: /* console.log(`

    and ends with: `) */

    It will be spread across eleven lines.

    Delete the /* and */, and that will tell the mod to start printing out all the health values for the various bots, so you can double-check that you've got the right ones. -Also, since mods load in alphabetical order, you can change the the name of my mod's folder to something that starts with a 'z' to make sure it loads last. This will ensure that if something else is changing bot HPs, you'll still be able to see that increase.

  • Ah thanks that helped, i see the values, yeah they're set high like to 750 which i wanted a vanilla exerience so i set it back down to the normal. Also, does your mod mess with scav runs? I havent killed any scavs and im being hunted by them. Not sure if its yours or if its ereshkigal configurator, or bread and butter.

    Is that just normal part of aki for scavs to hunt you during a scav run?

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