Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Yeah. That was to you. And, well, damn.

    I was hoping it was something that small and stupid. As I've said, I've had similar experiences. Only to realize I for got to "check a box" or whatever.

    Yeah man it can happen from time to time, I've gotten in to this routine of making sure I save any edits that I do because in the past I've had to re-do all of the work I just did and wasted hours of testing and playing || thanks for tryna help though I appresh! :thumbup:

  • I have my bot inventories setup so that none of the PMC configs can use any class 5 or 6 armours.
    It's set to 'load from file' and all that, everything works, except that very occasionally, they spawn with the Slick Plate Carrier (Tan).
    I haven't seen them use any other class 6 or 5 armors except for very occasionally this one.
    Any idea what causes this?
    I checked all my bot_inventories.jsons(bear, usec, assaultgroup) to see if it's anywhere and it's not in a single file.
    To my understanding, this means that the spawned PMC bots shouldn't be wearing that armor, correct?


    It's happening again. Both Class 6 Armor and helmet.
    I checked every single inventory .json and not a single one had the Zhuk-6A or the Vulkan-5 in their lists and yet a Scav spawned with it.
    How does this happen?
    I also have scav and pmc max armor class on 4 in the config.

    I have also noted that when they spawn it goes like this:
    "Old role: -name- New Role: -name-"
    Is this normal? Like it'll spawn as "Old Role: followerKojaniy New role: assault" for example.

    Here is my mod list:


    In that order

  • I've literally spent the last few hours searching through and deleting dozens of items from 3 bots inventories so far, USEC, SCAV & BEAR (screenshots provided as an example). I am trying to get the AI's inventories to a place where there inventory isn't clogged up full of common, low-tier loot and what I think would be in a more realistic way that represents their respective bots, for example, USEC only use non-Russian based weapons etc.. BEAR & SCAVS only use Russian-based weapons etc.. but the damn thing keeps getting reverted back to default and I'm literally pulling my hair out trying to figure it out. I am still going through each bots' inventory probably take me a few more hours.

    Can you link your config settings? I can have a look over those, and see if it's an error I can reproduce on my end.

  • if i turn bechaviour changes to false i get this error:

    [ERROR] Bot with name 18 does not exist, or is missing at least one difficulty entry.

    This error must be fixed, or you'll likely experience errors. Check your AI category entries in the config and make sure they're all valid bot types.


    That's odd. I suspect you may have a misspelled bot name somewhere in your config, but it appears I messed up that error message. To replace '18' with the actual name, you'll need to open up Mod.js and find this line:

    Logger.error(`Bot with name ${i} does not exist, or is missing at least one difficulty entry.

    This error must be fixed, or you'll likely experience errors. Check your AI category entries in the config and make sure they're all valid bot types.`)

    And replace it with this:

    Logger.error(`Bot with name ${botName} does not exist, or is missing at least one difficulty entry.

    This error must be fixed, or you'll likely experience errors. Check your AI category entries in the config and make sure they're all valid bot types.`)

    You should also be able to look in your config file and count through the bots under 'changeBots'. -The nineteenth bot from the top will be the problematic one, though if there is no nineteenth bot, then you'll want to change Mod.js to find out more.

  • Can you link your config settings? I can have a look over those, and see if it's an error I can reproduce on my end.

    Yea sure here it is mate -


  • But this only happens when i turn off behaviour changes :)

    If i turn it back on, the errors go away as well.

    I will try to test more around it. i will let you know.

  • You appear to have "loadGearFromFile" set to false. -Without this enabled, it won't load the AI's gear from the bot_inventory files.

    Yeah this was intentional, I was doing some tests on whether or not the bot_inventories config gets reverted back when set to true or false. Any changes that I make even if I set the file to read-only it goes back to default.


  • Yeah this was intentional, I was doing some tests on whether or not the bot_inventories config gets reverted back when set to true or false. Any changes that I make even if I set the file to read-only it goes back to default.

    Ah, gotcha. -So if I set that to true, I'll be using your config in the state it was in when you were having issues?

  • Ah, gotcha. -So if I set that to true, I'll be using your config in the state it was in when you were having issues?

    Yeah I haven't modified anything in the main config or the AI's inventories since posting my previous comments as I didn't have the time to mess with it until now. Have you noticed anything strange or been able to reproduce the issue?


  • Yeah I haven't modified anything in the main config or the AI's inventories since posting my previous comments as I didn't have the time to mess with it until now. Have you noticed anything strange or been able to reproduce the issue?

    I gave it a couple of runs today, and so far inventory modifications seem to work as I'd expect them to. I'll have more time tomorrow though, I'm hoping.

  • I gave it a couple of runs today, and so far inventory modifications seem to work as I'd expect them to. I'll have more time tomorrow though, I'm hoping.

    It's definitely an issue with the mod dude there's really no other reason, I tested 3 times today starting from scratch and only adding FAIT to my mod list and only changing the AI inventories JSON files and AI gear changes section, I am honestly confused. Have you tried removing items from the AI's inventories and checking to see if it reverts back to default or deletes any changes?

    It could be my Notepad++ being a complete arse and not saving properly but that likely isn't the root cause.


  • It's definitely an issue with the mod dude there's really no other reason, I tested 3 times today starting from scratch and only adding FAIT to my mod list and only changing the AI inventories JSON files and AI gear changes section, I am honestly confused. Have you tried removing items from the AI's inventories and checking to see if it reverts back to default or deletes any changes?

    It could be my Notepad++ being a complete arse and not saving properly but that likely isn't the root cause.

    I've tried adding new items to their inventory list, and I've tried deleting all but one item from each category under 'Equipment', and both changes seem to stick. -Bots spawn ingame with the gear I'd expect them to have, and the files don't update or refresh themselves until I turn Optimized Loading back on, or disable Load Gear From File. I believe there's someone else recently in the comments who's also been modifying bot_inventories successfully, though they're having a slightly different issue where extra items are occasionally appearing on bots ingame, and I plan to try and replicate both problems again tomorrow.

  • I've tried adding new items to their inventory list, and I've tried deleting all but one item from each category under 'Equipment', and both changes seem to stick. -Bots spawn ingame with the gear I'd expect them to have, and the files don't update or refresh themselves until I turn Optimized Loading back on, or disable Load Gear From File. I believe there's someone else recently in the comments who's also been modifying bot_inventories successfully, though they're having a slightly different issue where extra items are occasionally appearing on bots ingame, and I plan to try and replicate both problems again tomorrow.

    Oh that's great! There are 4 inventories I am currently trying to edit and hopefully get working it's just been a bit of a nightmare lmao. I had no idea about those two things, so just to be clear if I disable Load Gear From File and set Optimized Loading to False the files won't update or refresh?

    Thanks for the quick reply mate.

    Lastly, how would I go about making the AI only have the minimum amount of Meds and not 10 injectors, 20 Grizzlies, 10 CMS kits? (over-exaggerating of course). The AI tend to have a sh*t tonne of meds which takes about 5 minutes to loot per corpse and I would like to get them as similar as online, could you help me with this?


    Edited 2 times, last by Kippa ().

  • Oh that's great! There are 4 inventories I am currently trying to edit and hopefully get working it's just been a bit of a nightmare lmao. I had no idea about those two things, so just to be clear if I disable Load Gear From File and set Optimized Loading to False the files won't update or refresh?

    Thanks for the quick reply mate.

    Lastly, how would I go about making the AI only have the minimum amount of Meds and not 10 injectors, 20 Grizzlies, 10 CMS kits? (over-exaggerating of course). The AI tend to have a sh*t tonne of meds which takes about 5 minutes to loot per corpse and I would like to get them as similar as online, could you help me with this?

    Ah, yes! -Sorry if I didn't make that clear, but I'll just quickly go over the process now so we're both on the same page.

    The file loading options will take priority over one another in a deliberate order:

    Optimized Loading > Load Gear From FIle > Save Gear To File

    If Optimized Loading is enabled, then the game will forcibly update the inventory files if it detects a major discrepancy between the current files, and the files the config settings would create (Essentially, it's trying to figure out if you've changed any of your settings, and if you haven't it loads from the files to save time. If you have then it generates the files from scratch and overwrites what's there so that next time it can, hopefully, save time by not having to do that).

    If Load Gear From File is enabled and Optimized Loading is disabled, then the mod will ignore all gear settings, except for Progressive Gear, and just load whatever is in the file. If progressive gear is enabled, I believe that most of what's in those files will be ignored, with a few small exceptions, but the files themselves won't be updated.

    If Save Gear to File is enabled, and neither of the other two are enabled, then the mod will do the full inventory generation procedure, and then overwrite the bot_inventories files afterwards.

    As for meds, that's currently controlled by the advanced inventory config, by default. There are a number of options in there, but settings medical_inventory_changes_enabled to false will allow the min / max meds option in the regular config to be used instead, which is the easiest way to control how many meds they get, though it won't let you control the type at all.

  • This is great information to know man, looking at these options in the config was a little confusing but I completely understand it now. I'll try setting the medical inventory changes to false and changing some values around, hopefully finding a good spot with the meds lol. Thanks for clearing this up for me mate :thumbup:


  • Howdy Fin, I'm here again with an issue concerning your mod. It might be one you're already aware about, as I have a feeling it's tied to how your mod functions. Here's the link to my Support Forum post about it. Basically, having FAIT installed causes my Player Scav model to be different in-raid compared to the one in the main menu/loading-into-raid screen. It also causes the Player Inventory Menu to lockup until the game is restarted if you enter the "Overall" tab. Is there anyway I can use you mod and get around this?

  • Hi Fin, I would like to continue our previous conversation from the other day with regards to the AI's inventories and I would like to know if this is a known issue or hasn't been brought up yet. If you remember I asked you about the medical items the AI would spawn in raid with that seems to be working okay at the minute but the armour, weapons and ammo don't seem to take in to account what ever changes I do in the config. PMC's have OP gear, Scavs have semi-decent but OP gear and Raiders have decent but OP gear also. I'll share with you my config in a spoiler so I don't clog up this thread page lol -


  • Hi Fin, I would like to continue our previous conversation from the other day with regards to the AI's inventories and I would like to know if this is a known issue or hasn't been brought up yet. If you remember I asked you about the medical items the AI would spawn in raid with that seems to be working okay at the minute but the armour, weapons and ammo don't seem to take in to account what ever changes I do in the config. PMC's have OP gear, Scavs have semi-decent but OP gear and Raiders have decent but OP gear also. I'll share with you my config in a spoiler so I don't clog up this thread page lol -

    Taking a quick look, I see you still have Optimized Loading disabled, and Load Gear From File enabled. This means that your bots will be pulling all their gear settings from the bot_inventory files, and ignoring the config.

  • Howdy Fin, I'm here again with an issue concerning your mod. It might be one you're already aware about, as I have a feeling it's tied to how your mod functions. Here's the link to my Support Forum post about it. Basically, having FAIT installed causes my Player Scav model to be different in-raid compared to the one in the main menu/loading-into-raid screen. It also causes the Player Inventory Menu to lockup until the game is restarted if you enter the "Overall" tab. Is there anyway I can use you mod and get around this?

    I've never heard about this issue before, I'm afraid. If you'd like, you can either zip your FAIT folder and upload it to dropbox (If you've done anything unusual, like manual edits to the bot_inventories files or the advanced configs) or paste your config here in a spoiler, and I can see if I can use your settings to reproduce the issue.

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