Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • Not sure if this has been reported/answered already, but whenever I have this mod enabled, I can't shoot. Like the gun fires, it uses ammo and reacts properly, but no bullet is produced. No markers are made, no damage is dealt, the AI don't even react to it. I also noticed that AI completely ignore me as well, and the only way I can interact with them is through melee, in which they take damage then run away for a little bit. I can chase them down, kill them, loot them as normal. It's just the guns that are broken for me. It applies to every gun I equip (that I've tested) as well.

    Anyone else have this problem? Am I missing something?

    EDIT: Disabling Experimental Tab resolved this

    Edited once, last by Vee ().

  • Not sure if this has been reported/answered already, but whenever I have this mod enabled, I can't shoot. Like the gun fires, it uses ammo and reacts properly, but no bullet is produced. No markers are made, no damage is dealt, the AI don't even react to it. I also noticed that AI completely ignore me as well, and the only way I can interact with them is through melee, in which they take damage then run away for a little bit. I can chase them down, kill them, loot them as normal. It's just the guns that are broken for me. It applies to every gun I equip (that I've tested) as well.

    Anyone else have this problem? Am I missing something?

    I have been using this mod for a very long time, I have never seen such a bug (when using this mod), maybe you have a conflict with another mod (what mods do you have installed?).

  • Hello !
    I'm not sure what does "Extended Moddable" in Experimental tab do, does it make possible to mod in raid ?
    I tried to turn it on but i am still not able to mod in raid.

  • Not sure if this has been reported/answered already, but whenever I have this mod enabled, I can't shoot. Like the gun fires, it uses ammo and reacts properly, but no bullet is produced. No markers are made, no damage is dealt, the AI don't even react to it. I also noticed that AI completely ignore me as well, and the only way I can interact with them is through melee, in which they take damage then run away for a little bit. I can chase them down, kill them, loot them as normal. It's just the guns that are broken for me. It applies to every gun I equip (that I've tested) as well.

    Anyone else have this problem? Am I missing something?

    Something changed related to DB on AKI 3.4.0-3.5.0 that causes to behave like that if values have fields that shouldn't been here.
    Therefore the issue is either stacks or custom properties field.
    It will throw errors like this, and will cause screen to blink and no bullets will be shot,

    Hello !
    I'm not sure what does "Extended Moddable" in Experimental tab do, does it make possible to mod in raid ?
    I tried to turn it on but i am still not able to mod in raid.

    Sorry about this one, whole experimental section went in shambles on release, this function does exist in backend but never being called out, i forgot to select it from right field, will be fixed in new version.

    FOR BOTH OF YOU: avoid using experimental section, it's really heavy FUBAR.
    And please check the comments, those already were answered.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Sorry about this one, whole experimental section went in shambles on release, this function does exist in backend but never being called out, i forgot to select it from right field, will be fixed in new version.

    Alright ! Thank you for your answer

  • I have been using this mod for a very long time, I have never seen such a bug (when using this mod), maybe you have a conflict with another mod (what mods do you have installed?).

    I thought that may be the issue, but I also tested with exclusively this mod enabled, same issue.

  • Ohhh, I did have stacks enabled. I'll try defaulting the experimental tab. I did also have the screen blinking, but didn't know if it was related to this.

  • I thought that may be the issue, but I also tested with exclusively this mod enabled, same issue.

    Experimental tab (it's tough), I don't use it. Try disabling one tab at a time (and checking in-game to see if the problem is gone) so you can identify which tab is causing the problem. And then look in the problem tab, which functions need to be disabled.

  • Disabling the Experimental Tab fixed my issues, thanks!

  • The_Katto added a new version:

  • SVM does not seem to like this input? Am I doing something wrong, Or is it incapable of doing this task?


    You're missing the index selection.
    I recommend looking via this website^

    If you wonder `from where that 0 came from` - Using this brackets "{}" would mean structure, while those "[]" are a single object/array
    Therefore CalibrationDistances can possibly contain multiple lists, for example like [1,2,3],[3,4,1].
    And to select the first object, you'll start with "0" that would resemble [1,2,3], while to select [3,4,1] you'd need to use "1".
    I hope i'm good at ELI5 level of explanation.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • What is the quickest way I can make AI spawn? I have messed with deploy timer but the values have no description. Is 1 spawn as quick as possible or is it 30? I have been running deploy time of one in a preset but the spawn takes ages.

    Any help will be appreciated?

  • What is the quickest way I can make AI spawn? I have messed with deploy timer but the values have no description. Is 1 spawn as quick as possible or is it 30? I have been running deploy time of one in a preset but the spawn takes ages.

    Any help will be appreciated?

    Deploy timer has nothing to do with AI it is the time you have `Deploying` window before you get into the raid, that's why it's in pre-raid settings. SVM doesn't have any settings related to AI spawning either.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Why remove the scav timer remove options? 1.5.8 is this options is available.

    " 1.6.0:


    Scav Section with couple requested features, moved scav timer in to it.


    But is not showing this option. Or this option not work, just not writing this issue the 1.6.1 update log?

    Edited once, last by deveagle ().

  • English? It's in Scav Section now.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hungarian? Nincs ott. Én azt keresem ahol nincs a scav futáshoz várakozási idő.

    I search the scav run timer 0 settings. OPACHKY or other idiot name.

    Last option IS the scav timer.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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