Posts by icswcshadow


    This has nothing to do with progressive gear? In the testing I did in the general support thread I said I tested if the issue is caused by that setting because I remember in an older version it caused spawns and AI to break, I believe that was when SPT was first made available for 12.12. Either way, the airdrop bug was still there with progressive gear on or not.

    Fin did reply it has something to do with the breakup waves settings, which is strange because I don't use that setting and is set to false. Maybe it just broke in general.

    As for the error, I tested your theory, you are right. If the only mod in the folder is FAIT then there is no error.

    So I tried adding one mod at a time and noticed there are no errors until I added Mighty_Condor's AXMC mod.

    I also checked the description of the mod, seems like they are aware of incompatibilities with FAIT and suggest to add the gun to the loadout blacklist. Now I'm not sure if this is something Fin can fix or not, but I'll try their suggestion to add it to the blacklist.

    I however did not have this conflict on the previous version of FAIT.

    Ah screw it, I'll just remove the mod until the conflict with FAIT is resolved.

    no errors, but it does not save my progress in the game

    And why do you think its FAIT? Debug hash is only for Fait issuies. You didnt give your mod list and nothing to help you)

    He's probably talking about the same error I am getting that I posted about here (under Edit 1) RE: Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

    It's a big issue and yeah my testing made sure it was caused by FAIT, the error even says that it's related to FAIT multiple times.

    I've identified the source of the issue to be the breakUpSpawnWaves setting. I have no idea why, yet, but if that is set to true it kills air drops. Working on a fix. I'm glad you were able to get a working debug hash, as without that it would have taken much longer to track down ^^

    Strange, I don't even use that setting but it still broke, but I hope you can fix it as well as the error I get in the console that prevents progress being saved properly.

    I am using ServerValueModifier (25% chance to drop on every possible map for it) and FAIT, i had a lot of airdrops. You tested it with Airdrops 100 value on any map? But i dont use progressive gear at all, so....) Who knows.
    Technically Progressive Gear have no parameters, that can change something into airdrops

    Yes I set the values to 100% for testing purposes.

    I also just realized that I was apparently using an outdated version of FAIT so I downloaded the new one and installed it.

    Airdrops seem to still not work.

    But at least updating fixed the hash not being properly logged in the logs:

    Edit 1:

    Now I wish I hadn't downloaded the latest version and deleted the previous, because alongside with Airdrops not spawning I also get an error in the console now that if I ignore it it will fuck with my save's progress and not properly save it. I can't find the error in the logs but I got a screenshot yet again.

    The error hints towards this being a problem caused by FAIT and if I remove FAIT the error is gone. This is without modifying the config at all.

    The debug hash for this one in particular is:

    I also did a full clean install of SPT using the installer and patcher.

    I will probably have to play without FAIT until this is fixed or my progress won't be saved.

    Hello! It appears that this mod causes Aidrops to not spawn. I did some testing I posted about in this support thread airdrops not working

    I would add the debug hash, but I seem unable to copy it from the console and I can't find it in the server logs either, as if the server log starts logging AFTER the hash was printed in the console.

    Best I can do is this screenshot for the hash:

    But in short summary of my testing:

    1. Cleared all mods and reset server values to see if Airdrops work in general: They do.

    2. I had a suspicion that it was caused by KMC's Server Value Modifier. Installed, changed values, tested: Airdrops still worked.

    3. I installed FAIT, used the config I usually play on with progressive gear on: Airdrops STOPPED working.

    4. I tested turning off progressive gear as I remember it caused issues in the past: Still not working.

    So this is a bug generally caused by FAIT it seems.

    Huh okay this is odd then, I modified the values and it still works.

    (Note the 4 hour raid timer is the extended raid timer option in KMC's Server Value Modifier)

    So I will test if FAIT causes it then.

    UPDATE 1

    Okay I installed FAIT and waited 10 minutes. The max an airdrop should spawn according to the config is 5 minutes and nothing spawned.

    This issue is caused by FAIT then.

    I will try one more thing before I report this bug. I remember in the past that the progressive gear option caused some issues in other areas of spawning, so maybe the plane counts as a bot as well and therefor doesn't spawn with that setting enabled.

    So I will try turning that setting off and see if it still doesn't work.

    UPDATE 2

    Still doesn't work regardless of the progressive gear option enabled or disabled. It is just caused by FAIT itself.

    Going to report this bug in the FAIT support thread.

    Any moderator here should feel free to mark this thread as resolved as it is a mod issue.

    I get the same issue and have the sneaking suspicion that it may be caused by KMC's Sever Value Modifier.

    I'll do some testing without mods and unmodified server values (except for airdop chance 100) and see if that works.

    If it works then we may want to report this to KMC.

    Update 1:

    Airdrops work without mods and unmodified values.

    I will now test modifying values using KMC's Server Value Modifier and try again.

    Oh and I don't know if you are aware of this either, but I had a few times that some scav bots would spawn without any guns and just stand there, guess BSG never programmed the bots to use melee weapons.

    I am not sure if this is caused by the loadout changes of FAIT, but I honestly don't want to test without FAIT for a while just to see if it happens in vanilla as well, so I can't be quite sure if it's caused by it or not but I'd say it's very likely.

    To address this further, I just had the worst case scenario. None of the bots spawned with weapons now. I am pretty sure it is caused by FAIT. I do like using the progressive gear setting so I don't get too good gear too early, maybe something broke with that one? Either way I get a lot of "Bots spawned without a valid weapon" in the server. Heck even Shturman spawned without a weapon in this Woods raid just now.

    I will test a few raids with progressive gear disabled and see if it still happens.

    Update 1:

    Upon disabling progressive gear, bots seem to spawn with weapons again. Testing enabling it again after this raid to see if they consistently spawn without weapons again.

    Update 2:

    After enablding it again, the error messages appeared again and most bots spawned without guns again, heck I even stumbled upon Killa with just a TT pistol and no helmet, vest and armor on Interchange.

    I then disabled it again and played 3 raids, all bots seem to spawn with gear without problem.

    Conclusion: The Progressive Gear option is currently broken and needs fixing.

    Oh and I don't know if you are aware of this either, but I had a few times that some scav bots would spawn without any guns and just stand there, guess BSG never programmed the bots to use melee weapons.

    I am not sure if this is caused by the loadout changes of FAIT, but I honestly don't want to test without FAIT for a while just to see if it happens in vanilla as well, so I can't be quite sure if it's caused by it or not but I'd say it's very likely.

    Hi, there appears to be an issue with PMC Bots being friendly towards the player when playing as Scav.

    PMC Bots appear to be friendly towards the Scav Player while this mod is enabled. This seems to be the case with both behavior changes enabled and disabled.

    Once I removed the mod, PMCs became hostile again. So something about this mod breaks their hostility towards Scav Players, but not against Scav Bots as they will still fight those.

    While playing as a Scav, PMC Bots are acting friendly towards me instead of Hostile. The behavior is strange, they will look at me and then slowly approach me, in some cases crouch and look to the ground. No shots fired, no voice lines. I don't like this behavior as it makes it way too easy to farm their gear.

    I do have Fin's AI Tweaks, but I disabled behavior changes which the config editor says "can interfere with USEC and BEAR bots fighting each other and may occasionally make them friendly towards Scavs". There shouldn't be any other settings in that mod that could cause PMCs to become friendly.

    I used Fin's AI Tweaks with my preferred config during 12.11 as well and PMCs were always hostile, so something about this update broke that I believe.

    I am not smart enough to get that to work right. I'll remove the AI tweak and spawn mods as I liked how they were before and now they just seem completely broken. Yeah Raiders won't spawn in the Reserve bunker then, but screw it, I'll just use the profile editor to complete that quest instead of breaking the spawns just to fix one spawn.

    you may want to try zicoman's AI Configuration, i haven't tried it myself but they have a raider option in there

    Okay I did that and

    Success! I had raiders spawning in the Reserve Bunker. Killed 2 in that raid.

    However, I am in another raid now and only 2 PMC bots spawned in the bunker so far, still waiting for a bit to see if any more spawn. I would not call this fully resolved just yet, need a little more testing, maybe a few more raids to confirm they spawn frequently.


    I tried 2 more Reserve runs. In both cases no Raiders spawned, so I am not sure what that first time was all about. I also notice that spawns are kinda broken now.

    To take a break from the Reserve quest, I decided to try the quest where you have to use a shotgun, scav vest and ushanka to kill PMCs. I noticed that no PMCs spawned on Customs and that there were way too many sniper scavs (3 on silos, 3 on roof to Warehouse 17 scav extract).

    I need to dive into the configs of those mods, see what broke.

    All I really need would be Raiders spawning in the Reserve bunker, because they simply don't. The way Labs works is fine to me, because it seems to me that once you interact with stuff, the spawn rate increases drastically. Which kind of makes sense since you open gates for raiders to get into the labs.

    I had tried Fin's AI Tweaks once, I didn't like it because AI would just laserbeam shoot and rush me which made it pretty unfair, compared without it. I know there is a config editor, gotta look into disabling all the behavior that changes how AI aims and behaves.

    I tested 4 more Lab raids now. It looks like Raiders do spawn now, however pretty consistently in waves of only 2 every 5-10 minutes if you keep it on "As Online" when it comes to the amount. This is without pushing any buttons like the ones opening the gates. Seems a bit awfully low to me still, is this normal?

    I also tested Reserve 3 times, every time no Raiders spawned in the bunker, even after turning on the power in the bunker which is supposed to have a chance of Raiders spawning.

    Conclusion: My issue is partially fixed. Raiders spawn on Lab, although in very low numbers. The spawnrate seems to increase when I interact with buttons to open gates and such.

    Raiders still don't spawn in the Reserve bunker, which makes the quest for killing 5 Raiders in there impossible. Scavs and PMC spawn as normal inside the bunker.

    I did try waiting a full raid's time and pressed stuff to do the various things you can do in labs, they never spawned.

    Same with how starting the power on Reserve has a chance to spawn them.

    I will attempt a fresh install of SPT. I am pretty sure I never updated the game to anything higher than the version posted in the original post.


    So I reinstalled SPT and used that test account I made earlier. Pressing the garage gate button actually made Raiders spawn. But that was before waiting about 5 minutes for them to spawn so I did another test going into Lab again and waiting.

    I had a whole 2 bots spawn, of which one turned into a PMC. After I killed them I waited some longer until close to the end of the timer and none more spawned. Well they seem to be spawning, but in awfully low numbers if you don't use any buttons.

    I will test another Lab raid and then check if they spawn in the Reserve Bunker as well.

    I will test that tomorrow as I should go to bed.

    try no mods and a new profile, see if the issue still comes up

    Okay so I tried this just now. Moved the mods into a backup folder as well as my profile into a backup folder. Created a new profile.

    In order to test if raiders spawn using that new profile I edited it using the profile editor to make it the max level I could set it to and made all traders level 4 so I can buy access keycards from Therapist.

    I bought one, got into Lab....

    Still nothing.

    I don't know what causes this, I have not altered any other files than configs in the mods.


    for some reason, raiders don't spawn at all in my game. At first I thought I just got unlucky with spawns in the Reserve bunker. But trying out lab today I noticed no bots at all spawn there, which should all be raiders as well. I started a couple lab raids to see if it was just a fluke, but no they really don't spawn at all.

    Scavs, Bosses and PMC Bots spawn perfectly fine, it's just raiders that don't spawn for some reason and I don't know why.

    I checked the configs of Clodans Stuff and AKI Configurator, which are the only two mods I have that modify bot spawns and the settings seem fine to me. I also tried removing those mods completely, but raiders still don't spawn.

    Did anyone else run into this issue and knows how to fix it? I couldn't find any other posts of someone having that issue.

    I am making a new post to say this is pretty much resolved.


    Enable the Ram Cleaner ingame and press ESC every now and then while playing to clean the memory. This can cause stutters for a minute or two but runs fine otherwise. Doing this I haven't had any freezes and crash to desktops in a while.

    The crash with error in the post above also has not appeared again so I am shrugging that off as a one time thing.