Math is hard and my brain hurts.
- Hopefully fixed errors that would happen occasionally upon loading a raid. These were caused by item spawn weights being set to 0, I made their minimum = 1.
- Fixed math error causing empty categories to still receive point allotments. Now if a category is empty, it's weight setting is set to 0, meaning the other categories will receive more points to compensate for the empty one. See the end of this changelog for a math example if you care (I have to write this garbage somewhere or I'll forget).
- Removed ammo box disable feature as it really isn't needed.
Dumb math example:
Total allotted points for all tiers = 100
Tier 1 weight = 1
Tier 2 weight = 1
Tier 1 has 2 ammos in it.
Tier 2 has 0 ammos in it.
Tier 1 receives 50 points.
Tier 2 receives 50 points.
Both tier 1 ammos would receive 25 points.
Tier 2 would has no ammos to apply its 50 points to, so they are lost.
Because Tier 2 doesn't have any ammos in it, the total of all the ammos in the tier is only 50 instead of the total 100 points we gave it.
Tier 2's weight is adjusted dynamically to 0 because it was detected that it contained 0 ammos.
Tier 1 receives 100 points.
Tier 2 receives 0 points.
Both tier 1 ammos would receive 50 points.
All ammos correctly add up to 100.