I am focusing on other projects for the foreseeable future, and Traveler's unfixed bugs are growing, so it's time to discontinue. I may come back in the future, but for now updates will cease. The last officially supported SPT version was 3.7.1.
You may fork version 1.1.1 or earlier under just one condition:
- Rename it. I'd like to keep the name "Traveler" in case I come back in the future, and I don't need your support requests coming back to me haha.
Give it any license you like, crediting me would be appreciated but is not mandatory!
Hoah, Traveler!
Traveler aims to give an open world adjacent experience. Traders, flea market, stashes, hideouts, etc. are all locked behind different locations.
Currently, this mod basically breaks scav runs. Sometimes you won't have any exfils at all. I recommend not doing scav runs while using this mod.
(I use this mod to disable them entirely)
Many of the systems below are configurable, if you don't like something check the config.
I highly suggest creating a new profile before using this mod.
A profile backup system is included! Your profile.json file and also your Traveler profile folder will be saved to user/mods/Traveler/profiles/.profile backups/YourProfileNameAndIDHere/[time, date, etc here]. Up to 100 backups will be saved, happening at game start, raid start, and raid end (all configurable).
How it works:
Offraid Positions:
Your Offraid Position is essentially "where you are" when you are not in raid. When you take an extract, your Offraid Position will update based on where that exfil leads to. It is saved in a profile folder the mod creates for you in user/mods/Traveler/profiles/YourProfileNameAndIDHere/statuses.json.
Note that your profile names MUST have only characters that are allowed to exist in folder names, i.e. no ":" or "/". Your in game name does not matter, however.
Raid Infiltrations and Exfiltrations:
When you load into a raid, you will always spawn where you are supposed to be. For example, if you are at Customs Warehouse 17, and load into Customs, you will spawn right outside Warehouse 17.
All Exfiltrations that are currently used in the map (via the config) will always be available. No more random infils and exfils, plan routes through the different maps to accomplish whatever goals you have!
Home can be accessed via Customs Warehouse 17. You can also take the car extract on Lighthouse for as a 1 way ticket home (it is not free though), or head to Klimov Street on Streets as a remote home stash access point (does not give access to home traders or hideout).
Checkpoint System:
If at any time you die in raid, you will respawn back at home (Customs Warehouse 17 by default). However, if you buy a Marked Letter from Therapist, you can utilize checkpoints. All traders by default are at checkpoint locations.
Your last visited checkpoint will be stored in your profile's statuses.json file. If, at the time of death, you have a Marked Letter equipped in one of your special slots (it HAS to be in a special slot) then you will respawn at your last visited checkpoint location instead and your Marked Letter. Carrying the letter in your secured container, or in any inventory space that isn't a special slot, will cause it to be inactive. This allows you to decide whether you want to respawn at home on death, or at the last trader you visited on the fly while in raid.
Note: If your checkpoint is Home, the Marked Letter won't lose any durability upon death (since you'd respawn there anyway).
Marked Letter in a special slot:
(this entire system can be disabled in the config)
Traders will be locked unless the location you are at gives access to them (can be disabled in config). This includes any services they provide like post raid healing and weapon/ armor repair. Get access to the traders from these locations:
Trader locations:
- Customs, S.E. Mil Base CP: Prapor
- Customs, Warehouse 17: Therapist
- Woods, Northern Bunker (Scav Bunker): Jaeger
- Streets, Ruined House: Mechanic
- Interchange, Survival Camp (Scav Camp): Ragman
- Shoreline, Admin Basement: Skier
- Reserve, Depot Hermetic: Peacekeeper
- Everywhere: Fence
- All base game trader locations (except Home): Flea
- Fence is the ONLY trader that is accessible everywhere.
- You need to also be level 10 for the flea to be unlocked (configurable). If the unlock level shows as 420, the location you are at has no flea access.
All of these trader locations are dead end locations, meaning they don't lead anywhere. You will only be able to infil back into the same map they are on.
(this entire system can be disabled in the config)
Only traders and a select couple other locations have permanent stashes, you will have to carry your things through multiple extracts in most cases before you have the opportunity to store them. Each stash is unique, meaning you can only access the items in the stash that you are currently at. If the stash has an 8x8 size, it is NOT permanent. It is only there to allow you to trade with Fence, any items left in it will be deleted if you enter a raid or close your game.
Stash locations:
You can configure which stashes are upgradable or static/ their sizes in the Stashes section of the config file.
- Home Stash: Customs Warehouse 17
- At each base game trader (these stashes are upgradable separately via the hideout at each location)
- ZB-013 on Customs (this stash's size will be a static 50 rows that can't be upgraded)
- Saferoom on Interchange (this stash's size will be a static 50 rows that can't be upgraded)
Temporary stashes look like this, don't leave valuables in these stashes:
(this entire system can be disabled in the config)
Similar to stashes, you now have multiple of them! Each station's level, any existing crafts or productions, etc. are ALL independent from eachother. This means you can have multiple crafts running at once, multiple bitcoin farms, etc. You will just have to travel to access them all.
By default, each hideout has all hideout stations. This could be rebalanced later.
Locations with hideouts:
- Home Hideout: Customs Warehouse 17
- At each base game trader
- ZB-013 on Customs
- This location does not have a stash station
- Saferoom on Interchange
- This location does not have a stash station
Other Supportive Features:
- Exiting a raid will give all the items you are carrying Found In Raid status. This happens even if you die.
- Items bought from flea or traders will also be FIR
- Out of raid regen
- Health: Only available at home
- Hydration and Energy: Only at locations with a base game trader
- Exfil tool tips
- When in raid, checking your available exfils will show where they lead, if any traders are there, etc. in parenthesis.
Modded Traders:
If you want to add a modded trader that you don't see here, it is fairly simple to do so. Just take a look at the trader section in the config.
Broker: Customs, ZB-013
Goblin King: Interchange, Saferoom
Tupitsa: (DRIP trader): Streets, Ruined Apartment
let me know if you have any clever ideas on where to add some more modded traders!
Source code for version agnostic PTTExtracts.dll plugin by DrakiaXYZ
Source code for original PTTExtracts.dll plugin by Fontaine
If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee!
Map Pathing:
These map paths are designed to be balanced around traveling through maps to get to your traders and stashes. You will only ever have access to TWO maps at a time, and all one ways force you to infil on the map they lead to.
Green lines: Two Way Path
- Extracting from either end of this path allows access to both maps' infil locations the path is connected to.
Red lines: One Way Path
- Extracting into a One Way Path ONLY allows infil at the map's infil location the red arrow is pointing to.
Orange lines: Alternative to Two Way Path
- Extracting into an Alternative to Two Way Path gives access to the Two Way Path the orange arrow is pointing to.
- Infilling to the location of the Alternative to Two Way Path can ONLY occur if you just extracted from that same location. Taking a Two Way Path extract won't ever lead to an Alternative to Two Way Path's location, but will lead to where the green path is pointing to instead.
- Example: If you extract from Power Station on Interchange, and then re-enter Interchange, you will spawn at Power Station. However, if you extract from Underpass on Streets and then enter Interchange, you will always spawn at Emercom.
Yellow circled extracts: Trader Extractions
- These indicate that they are Trader Extractions that give access to that map's trader, stash and hideout.
Pink circled extracts: Fence's Remote Home Access
- These extractions give access to your Home Stash, or travel you there. (thanks Fence, you my main home dawg for offering such a neato service)
Purple circled extracts: Extra storage/ Modded Traders
- These extractions give to stashes that's size syncs with your home stash's size, Goblin King and Broker!
Franch Dressing's open world map (a MUCH higher res version is included in the mod download):
MAP (a higher res version of this map is included in the mod download):
This map is pre Streets expansion, the download includes an updated map. File size is too big to upload here.
- Download the zip file.
- Double click it to open, and drag the contents to the root folder of your SPT install.
- You should end up with PTTExtracts.dll in your BepInEx/plugins folder, and the Traveler mod folder in user/mods.
- Set "uninstall" to true in the Traveler/config/config.json file.
- Load the game once, all the way to the menu. Check and make sure your main stash is loaded and all traders are unlocked.
- Close the game via the Exit button (don't force close it).
- Delete both the Traveler folder in user/mods and also the PTTExtracts.dll in BepInEx/plugins.
- NOTE: Only your HOME stash and hideout will be saved after uninstall.
At its core, this mod is a rewrite of Path To Tarkov by trap. MOST of the credit should go to him for the original idea. Without his mod as inspiration and a piece of study material for me, this mod likely wouldn't exist at all.
More thanks:
Fontaine, for creating the PTTExtracts.dll plugin being utilized in this mod, and also helping me test this mod pre-release
DrakiaXYZ, for taking that plugin and making it version agnostic!
kiki for letting me incorporate his MarkFIR mod into Traveler
Slum_King, for doing loads of testing for me and giving great feedback
The MILF modding group, for being a super friendly sounding board as I developed this mod and annoyed them all with the progress!
Ari, Collete, Raccoon, Svbtext, Mx3, Tyrian, and the rest of those peeps!