This is no longer being updated, see my Traveler mod for an up to date version of this experience.
I overhauled Traps' map for his Path to Tarkov mod to be more to my liking. Gone are the magical overpowered devices called "car" and "boat" in favor of more balanced pathing, more hardcore trader and stash access, and more!
there is an existing issue where certain types of daily quests can cause profile corruptions if PTT is installed. For that reason I HIGHLY suggest using something like Lua's Auto Profile Backup mod so you can recover your profile if needed.
If this sounds too hardcore or tedious to you, check out my Standard Edition of this overhaul! (updates on the Standard Edition are currently suspended)
NOTE: Please review installation tab, especially if you are updating from v1.0.3 or prior
Summary of Features:
- Hotfixed PTT files and updated plugin for 3.5.5 (if you only want the hotfixes and not my modifications, check the comments on the PTT page for my download link).
- Incorporated Car and Boat extracts to be part of the routing, rather than be unanimous extracts that could lead you to almost all the maps.
- The maximum number of maps you will have access to at a time is 2. This is to encourage traveling instead of only using Car, Boat, and three-way extracts to get around.
- One way extracts are now forced. No more back tracking after taking a one way extract.
- Normal extracts that allow you to travel to other maps give no access to stashes or traders.
- Trader Extracts (circled in yellow on the map):
- Give access to Fence + the trader associated with that map.
- Give access to the stash associated with that map.
- Home is now at a specific place, Warehouse 17 on Customs.
- Fence's Home Access Services (circled in pink on the map):
- Fence has decided your effort is worth reward. Take these extracts and they will give you remote access to your home stash and hideout:
- Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov will allow you to access home (but not travel there)
- Car extract on Lighthouse is a 1 way to home, but it isn't free!
- In game tool tips to help guide you to where you want to go without constantly having to review a map.
- Compatibility with Goblin King and Broker!
In Game Extraction Tooltips:
I included a small mod I created to update the extract names to indicate where they lead in the map pathing 
Note: I renamed a couple of the extracts slightly for thematic purposes, or just to shorten them a bit (i.e. Interchange Scav Camp is now Survival Camp. Why would Ragman hang out at a Scav Camp? loool).

Fontaine - for updating his plugin that enables Scav extracts (seriously thank you bro).
Trap - for making THE COOLEST MOD EVER Path To Tarkov.
Trader Locations:
Traders are located at specific places, one per map. You can access them by taking the extract that leads to their location.
Factory, Camera Bunker Door: Prapor
Customs, Warehouse 17: Therapist
Woods, Mountain Stash: Jaeger
Streets, Ruined House: Mechanic
Interchange, Survial Camp (Scav Camp): Ragman
Shoreline, Admin Basement: Skier
Reserve, Depot Hermetic: Peace Keeper
Any extraction that has access to any stash: Fence
Modded Traders:
Goblin King, Interchange, Saferoom
Broker, Customs, ZB-1013
Stashes are much more limited than default Path to Tarkov. Any extract that is a simple path to another map will give no access to any trader or stash. This forces you to travel to specific Trader Extractions, typically located near to the center of the map, to access that maps' stash and trader.
Fence's Remote Home Access:
- Fence has decided your effort is worth reward. And also money. He likes when you pay him. Take these extracts to alleviate some of the pain of having to go all the way to Warehouse 17 every time you want to access home:
- Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov - Gives access to your Home Stash but does not travel you there. You will have to infil back onto Streets.
- Car extract on Lighthouse - Takes you home in one direction, costs a decent chunk of roubles though. You cannot infil back onto Lighthouse.
Extra Storage:
- Interchange Saferoom and Customs ZB-1013 have much bigger stashes than standard trader stashes, use them if you need to store extra stuff!
Map Pathing:
These map paths are designed to be balanced around traveling through maps to get to your traders and stashes. I recommend leaving Trader Access Restriction and Multistash enabled to achieve the full experience. You will only ever have access to TWO maps at a time, and all one ways force you to infil on the map they lead to.
Green lines: Two Way Path
- Extracting from either end of this path allows access to both maps' infil locations the path is connected to.
Red lines: One Way Path
- Extracting into a One Way Path ONLY allows infil at the map's infil location the red arrow is pointing to.
Orange lines: Alternative to Two Way Path
- Extracting into an Alternative to Two Way Path gives access to the Two Way Path the orange arrow is pointing to.
- Infilling to the location of the Alternative to Two Way Path can ONLY occur if you just extracted from that same location. Taking a Two Way Path extract won't ever lead to an Alternative to Two Way Path's location, but will lead to where the green path is pointing to instead.
- Example: If you extract from Power Station on Interchange, and then re-enter Interchange, you will spawn at Power Station. However, if you extract from Underpass on Streets and then enter Interchange, you will always spawn at Emercom.
Yellow circled extracts: Trader Extractions
- These indicate that they are Trader Extractions that give access to that map's trader and stash.
Pink circled extracts: Fence's Remote Home Access
- These extractions give access to your Home Stash, your Hideout, and Fence. (thanks Fence, you my main home dawg for offering such a neato service)
Purple circled extracts: Extra storage/ Modded Traders
Map image:
- If you are updating from v1.0.3 or prior:
- Before updating, move anything you have stored at the old Therapist Warehouse 17 stash and the Hideout at the Grotto stash to your home stash. If you do not, your items in those locations will not be accessible.
- In your mods folder, delete both the Trap-PathToTarkov folder as well as my old Duc Boi Locale Changer folder BEFORE doing the installation steps below.
- Extract the contents of my overhaul into the root directory of your SPT-AKI install and click Replace All if prompted.
- Note that the map image is also included. You can put that wherever you want and use it as you like!
If you have issues with your install make sure both zPTT Jehree's Overhaul mod and zPTT Jehree's Extraction Tooltips are in your user/mods folder, and the PTTExtracts.dll plugin is in your BepInEx/plugins folder.
If you have any issues with any of the exfils, infils, or extraction tool tips please comment or DM me so that I can fix them!
If you an error pop-up occurs when attempting to load into a raid, that may mean that I screwed up an infil spawn location. Please let me know so I can fix it. You can do these steps to get un-stuck in the meantime:
- Close both Tarkov and your SPT server.
- Go to your users/profiles folder and find your profile. Open it with a text editor.
- CTRL + F and search for "offraid". Set your position to be equal to: "Customs.Warehouse17". This will reset your position to home.
Known Issues:
- None currently!