Posts by Jehree

    Duc Boi added a new version:



    1. Labs infiltrations now spawn you at the correct locations
    2. Various infiltration and exfiltration errors corrected
    3. Various tool tip errors corrected
    4. Skier moved to Pier Boat on Shoreline
      • There is a current issue with scav extracts on Shoreline. I am hoping for a fix for that, but in the meantime I have moved Skier so that he is accessible.

    This is still for only up to version 3.5.4 of SPT. A 3.5.5 update will hopefully be coming soon, but I currently have no ETA on that.

    Duc Boi added a new version:


    I am silly and named the folders incorrectly.. this version just fixes that. Sorry guys.

    Jehree added a new file:

    Jehree added a new file: