Posts by 1XERO1

    I'm having an issue where the mod will almost exclusively spawn scavs on Interchange. So far I've only done scav runs there, but every time it's absolutely desolate bar the occasional scav.

    Using Tarky Menu, I've tried TPing all Scavs and then all PMCs to me in multiple raids. In 4/5 only scavs TP'd to me, with no PMCs, with the 1/5 times giving me just 2 lonely PMCs.

    It doesn't seem to change based off the raid time either, as I've waited up to 20 minutes in a single raid, occasionally pressing the TP key for PMCs with no results.

    I'm running on SPT version 3.7.6, with the latest versions of SWAG+Donuts, SAIN, BigBrain and Waypoints.

    Hello, I'm currently using the S.L.U.Ts stim mod alongside the Realism Mod. However I've run into a bit of an incompatibility - according to the author, one of the stims that removes all bleeds and fractures in essentially a Surv12 with modified values. I was wondering if there is a way for me to add this stim into the Realism Mod files so it functions as intended?

    Hmm.. S.L.I.T is basically a Surv12 with changed values.

    so this should not happen. try moving my mod closer to the end of the load order list.

    or try disabling other mods and turn them back on in small groups until you find the compatibility issue.

    also the list of mods looks weird. some of the mods in your list aren't compatible with 3.7.1

    Hmm, okay. Moving it down to the very bottom fixed it. If it's a Surv12 with edited values, it's most likely a Realism mod incompatibility. Thanks for the help.

    Check your stash within the profile editor to see if any item has been marked with a red triangle in the list. If you find any, delete those items and it will let you add items/money again after that.

    There are no items marked with a triangle. I'm 100% sure there are no modded items in my stash. It keeps throwing an Error, stating that I need to use the Cleaning from mods section in the editor, but I can't access my stash from there (only options are PMC/Scav inventory, Quests & Merchants) to remove whatever the editor considers a modded item.

    Edit: It appears that this is an issue with SPT itself.

    Hi, I've noticed a strange issue with the latest version of the Realism Mod (v. 11.2). I'm not sure if this is a compatibility issue, or if it's caused by the mod itself.

    After updating to v 11.2 (fresh update, deleted all old files), I've began experiencing lag spikes, and even crashes, when in-raid. At the moment, I've ran both the Shoreline and Factory, and the lagging begins after about a minute or two in both, with increases in intensity the longer I'm in-raid. At the moment, the game only crashed on Shoreline after entering Resort. It was such a hard crash that I had to manually restart my PC. I've posted an image of my mods folder below.

    So I'm no longer sure it is an SPT error. My in-game console is filled with the following error:

    Error|Default|MissingFieldException: Field 'RealismMod.Plugin.StartingAimSens' not found.

    I'm not able to figure out what I'm missing and where. I don't see any other requirements in the install instructions, and made sure to follow the mod update instructions to the T.

    Your log file is filled with the error:

    Error|Default|MissingFieldException: Field 'RealismMod.Plugin.StartingAimSens' not found.

    Make sure you've read the install instructions for installing Realism mod. It looks like you missed a step.

    I don't see any requirements in the Installation instructions for the Realism mod, and I've made sure to drop all files included in the mod into the correct folders. I'll inquire about the error in the Realism mod support thread and I'll give you an update if I find a resolve for this error and if it fixes the issue.

    I launched SPT, went into a raid like I have dozens of times already, only to be greeted with lag spikes a few minutes into the raid on Shoreline. The longer I stayed, the more frequent and intense the lag got, until I eventually crashed upon reaching the Resort. I had to manually restart my PC because that's how hard my game crashed.

    I've tried doing several runs after on Factory, Streets and Woods, same result. I've added no new mods, nor removed any since yesterday, when the game ran perfectly fine. So far, I've tried enabling the automatic RAM cleaner in-game, deleting all mods and updating my GPU drivers. No luck. Any help is appreciated.

    Edit: It appears that this is an issue with SPT itself.

    Hi, I've noticed a strange issue with the latest version of the Realism Mod (v. 11.2). I'm not sure if this is a compatibility issue, or if it's caused by the mod itself.

    After updating to v 11.2 (fresh update, deleted all old files), I've began experiencing lag spikes, and even crashes, when in-raid. At the moment, I've ran both the Shoreline and Factory, and the lagging begins after about a minute or two in both, with increases in intensity the longer I'm in-raid. At the moment, the game only crashed on Shoreline after entering Resort. It was such a hard crash that I had to manually restart my PC. I've posted an image of my mods folder below.

    The editor keeps telling me I have modded items in my inventory, preventing me from adding items/money, even though no modded items are present in the stash (not sure why modded items would prevent adding money in the first place)

    In the config, under bot Health, the description for the "Realistic X Health" options states that, "if enabled, these bots will have the same health as the player".

    Does this mean that they will have vanilla player HP (440 total), or whatever the player HP is set to? Since I have mine set to 880, so would theirs also be 880?

    I'm getting the same error as the one above:

    It started occurring after updating to the latest version of the mod. I dropped and replaced all files.

    My mod folder is:

    My load order has all punisher files loading after the USEC Commander Boss, and before custom trader and BSP:

    I've also placed it at the very start of the load order, the error persisted.

    Edit: It also seems that this error prevents the server from finishing the setup, preventing the "Server running" message. Launcher also states the server is not available. Strange.

    I'm having a minor issue. Every time I load the game, my health gets reset to the standard 440, instead of keeping me at full health, which I've set to 880. So every time I launch the game, I have to wait for my PMC to heal from 440/880 to full health. Is there a way for me to fix this, so it keeps me at the health I left off at, or is it just Tarkov being Tarkov?