SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points

  • Nice change separating boss config to its own file cause i've also been having problem with boss spawns and hopefully this update has resolved that!
    Could you explain the minus one (-1) flag in bossConfig.json? Is that supposed to represent a positive like 1 normally is? does -1 mean true, or false, or zero?

  • Could you give more details about the presets? Like how is live different from old live, and crazyraids vs impossible raids?

    I will say "morescavs" lived up to the name.

  • Could you give more details about the presets? Like how is live different from old live, and crazyraids vs impossible raids?

    I will say "morescavs" lived up to the name.

    sure, I have some details on the front mod page, under the title "Donuts - Presets Explained". it should be up to date but let me know if anything is incorrect, I'll gladly update as needed.

  • Posting here because I think it's an important issue many are experiencing: It seems like Cool Down Timer in the Donuts F12 setting is broken.

    I observed bot spawns at a couple locations to find one that's very concentrated and found Shoreline Pier to be perfect (Lab around the right staircase to the basement in main and Reserve on the bottom floor of black pawn as well but less controllable without bots in test mode from realism mod).

    This was with live-like presets chosen at random until I hit one that concentrated spawns around that area.

    Bots spawned consistently within the timeframe given in the pattern config file, but did so while I was on the pier, in one case less than 20 meters away from me. Furthermore cooldown from the F12 menu had absolutely no effect, even setting it to 600 bots spawned in waves that were only ~2:30 to 3 minutes apart. This is 100% where the feeling of overspawning bots comes from, clearing one wave there's barely enough time to loot before the next one spawns right on top of you if you're in a spawn zone, ignoring the MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer config option. The bots then beeline it straight to the player if currently looting a body, or say repacking ammo from mags a bot carried due to how far they can hear that sound from, leading to an endless loop until the player moves away far enough for the spawns to stop.

    As an aside, BotTriggerDistance seems to work as expected, bots spawn in consistently once the spawn point is approached to the given distance in meters.

  • I did a quick cooldown test on Factory

    2 different points, 2 different groups. SCAVs. 60s trigger timer, 180s cooldown (default)

    point #1:

    1 bot

    2 bot cooldown

    triggered twice, cooldown started (time passed 60s, shows cooldown is working)

    point #2:

    2 bots

    4 bot cooldown

    triggered 3 times, 1/1/2, cooldown started. etc.

    i'd like to do more definitive tests on different maps, but it seems like cooldown is working as intended. can you do a test case similar to this one in areas where you're experiencing issues? if we assume it's a balancing issue instead then my initial guess is more scav points should be grouped and i'll likely decrease the max bots before cooldown down from 4 for all

  • Oh I see, taking into account the group number it functions as expected, iirc my initial tests all had large groups spawn right when the cooldown triggered so it looked like more bots spawned than they should.

    Reducing max bots before cooldown on your side would be nice, I did one preset and already wanna die from all the manual editing. The min distance is still kinda iffy and I have a hard time testing for that since I can't tell exactly where the bots spawn.

    Do any of the two mods change boss spawn timing btw? When I did runs on woods earlier Shturman and his guards would spawn around me when I was in the Sawmill after clearing it beforehand.

  • Something in the bot spawns aint right because without using donuts my game runs fine but with it on and choosing scenarios to spice stuff up all default btw no changes from the extracted D/L and it spawns bot to the extent on labs and streets it crashes the game and shuts it down ive even had my whole pc whack out and flash at me for like 25 seconds b4 the program shuts down lol does anyone know why this may be as is annoying af :D

  • hey yo. i think at shoreline there is something wrong with bot spawn amount. it happend few times now and just now i got the worst experience: after 5 min when sanitar was on map i had like 15 fps and it even fell to <5 fps later when i was chased by 5+ scavs (i must have missed the changelog about scavs chasing you now?).

    i played on live-like scenario. i will try live-like-alts now, hope it will be better. didn't tried most other maps with this update now

    edit: is there a possibility i can see live bot amount?

  • Make liberal use of the despawn option or use a mod to disable bots once a limit is reached to help with the fps issues

    I have only 8 bots active at one time and any more than 12 are despawned, made ~20 fps difference from having 12-16 active.

  • nooky added a new version:

  • I just installed the latest version of SWAG + Donuts, and the server began giving the following error:

    It causes an infinite load time into the game. Seems like an issue in the src folder.

    i had the same error. for me it was a bad implementation of custom bosses in the config. once i fixed that it was fixed.

  • I just installed the latest version of SWAG + Donuts, and the server began giving the following error:

    It causes an infinite load time into the game. Seems like an issue in the src folder.

    can you double check your SWAG config files? try a full re-install, delete SWAG first then install the latest again.

  • Is there a way I can set it where PMCs only spawn at the start of a raid (like in Live) and then all future Scav Spawns only include their "normal" spawn points like in live Tarkov?

    I.E. Spawn PMCs randomly / at spawn points all throughout the map, not just close to me at the start of the raid and then only spawn Scavs at their static normal spawns.

    I'm trying to emulate online spawn experience as closely as possible.


  • Is there a way I can set it where PMCs only spawn at the start of a raid (like in Live) and then all future Scav Spawns only include their "normal" spawn points like in live Tarkov?

    I.E. Spawn PMCs randomly / at spawn points all throughout the map, not just close to me at the start of the raid and then only spawn Scavs at their static normal spawns.

    I'm trying to emulate online spawn experience as closely as possible.


    starting pmcs only live like or the alt probably gets you pretty close to what you are looking for

  • Follow-up Question: I'm using the Starting PMCs Only Like Live / Alt and Starting PMCs Only Quiet Raids, but there are raids where Scav waves keep spawning seemingly endlessly.

    Last night I was using "Starting PMCs Only Quiet Raids" and spawned at Big Red. Had a spawn fight with a PMC and then came across 2 scavs in the parking lot. By the time I killed them, 3 more had spawned across in the Golden Zibbo lot and attacked. I killed 2, ducked back to heal, and I heard three more spawn in Storage Wars and started to rush me. Killed one of them, took his gun and ammo, ran to the train area to heal and doubled back from the other side of big red (bridge side).

    There were then 2 scavs on the edge of storage wars at the crack in the big red wall and I engaged them. Killing both. I went to go loot and heard more scavs voiceline/spawn around Big Red. I tried to fall back but started getting shot from the bushes to storage wars.

    I ran to the other side and killed one more in the street between Big Red and Golden Zibbo, but was still getting shot from Storage Wars...

    This went on for like 20+ minutes until I eventually ran out of ammo and meds, and got killed by buckshot to the face trying to melee one.

    On the end raid screen, I had one PMC kill and 19 scav kills, without leaving the Big Red parking lot area, and there were at least 2 more scavs alive behind the one I was meleeing.

    I also have had this happen in other Customs raids in 2-story dorms, where I can sit in one room and scav after scav after scav will rush the room and die in the doorway, like I was on Factory Horde Mode. Also on Interchange, when I was in the Emercom Medical unit, same thing - wave after wave of 10-15+ scavs spawning and rushing my position, piling bodies up in a doorway over the course of 10 minutes.

    Is this normal for "quiet raids"? Why did it feel like horde mode and how can I make spawns a bit less... overwhelming?

  • scavs are still a bit overtuned, i'm working on them for 3.7.0, all my time currently is dedicated to 3.7.0. if you want you can try swag scavs instead, just delete any scav files from the preset(s) of your choice and use the SWAG SCAV options in the SWAG config, see the mod page for details on this.

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