SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points

  • nooky added a new file:

  • Props added a new version:

    1. Fix the config to include bossChance : use an extemely low value here like 2 percent.. lower than 5 percent. i had like 3 killas in factory at 5 percent.
    2. Fix logic so that bossChance is actually at wave level (not at a level above that).
    3. Fixed readme for incorrect instructions about how to use multiple botCount.
    4. Tried to balance the ai amount config setting. Horde mode multiplied generated bots by 6... was way too lit.
  • Props added a new version:

    1. Added ability so that if patterns have the same name (doesn't matter what case - lower or upper just same name), they will spawn at the same wave_min and wave_max time.
    2. Added debug option in config so you can turn off the console log text.

    Keep in mind that if you do this feature with bosses, you might be fcked with a lot of bosses since it will now spawn a boss wave for each match in scav or pmc. You should have a large variety of patterns before you try this.

    Thanks to adudewithbadaim who requested and tested the feature for me...he might be working on something.

  • Props added a new version:

    1. Update so that it doesn't matter where if you mix and match types in different files (pmc, scav, boss).

    Some of you guys are unorganized deviants and want to put pmcs in the bossconfig.. ok.

    So if you put a pmc type in boss, it will still read it correctly so it be like fool proof.. except for my shit coding.

  • Props added a new version:

    1. Fixed count as it it was counting the number of bot types you had in the pattern instead of the botCount # for the max num of bots. Shitty copy pasta
    2. Added config option to use a single pattern file on a map (randomsolo whatever in config).. that means if you put only bosses in bosspattern then that's all the waves would be in the raid if it was selected. next raid it could be only whatever in pmcspattern.
    3. Use the sptbear or sptusec for pmcs. this will also assign the random AI. I forgot pmcbot was not used anymore.
  • Props added a new version:

    1. Simplified the pattern config for coding purposes so its one giant array of objects instead of curly braces first. Sorry boys you will have to re-update if you had any patterns before.
    2. Added the ability set specific times by setting a time_min and time_max and setting the SpecificTime flag in the config.
    3. Added the ability to spawn bosses with actual escorts. It has a separate format so please follow the example given in bosses. - note thats one pattern.
    4. Updated for 3.4.0 SPT-AKI. do not use pmcbot anymore now that you have sptusec and sptbear.
  • Props added a new version:

    1. Fixed issue with bosses not assigned a zone. only used open zones... i will go back and look at using other zones again later. i had removed that feature because it was driving me mad finding a bug.
    2. Fixed issue with difficulty not assigned correctly to bosses.
    3. Fixed issue with supports. You can mix and match these i think, just follow the format given in the example.
    4. DO NOT USE ASSAULTGROUP. it causes an error for some reason.
    5. Fixed the wave timing. For example waves used to just be multiples so a wave could start in the middle of the wave before it. No longer. The wavemaxtime you set is added to the wavemintime for the next wave


    wave 1: wavemintime of 60 seconds and wavemaxtime of 300 seconds.

    wave 2: auto generated wavemintime of 360 seconds to 600 seconds.

    wave 3 auto generated wavemintime of 660 seconds to 960 seconds.

  • Props added a new version:


    SPT 3.5.0 Release

    (should also contain pmcbot fix) thanks ms elle

  • Props added a new version:

    1. Added support to skip other waves (PMC & SCAV) if a boss wave is generated. Use the skipOtherWavesIfBossWaveSelected in the config.
    2. Reordered so Boss Waves are generated first to support 1.

    Remember, booleans (true , false) should be the word directly and not in ""

  • Props added a new version:

  • Props added a new version:

    1. Fixed README for all openzones.
    2. Fixed openzones to grab from all spawn points in a location file.
    3. Fixed wavetimer for not resetting each new map. Fix the iterative time span logic as well.
  • Props added a new version:

    1. Fixed an issue with the maps being read wrong if the value 'all' was used for mapName (it was working before dammit).
    2. Added additional safety checks in case no openzones were ever found.
  • Props added a new version:

    1. Updated to fix bug where 1st raid didn't really have extra spawn changes
    2. Before it did not fill in wave spots if it failed for some reason (not enough random bots to pick from.. etc).. now it does unless you do not have enough bots.
    3. Updated to grab all groups from all pattern files before making random selections.. that means more random choices per map. Before it grabbed per file per map and then incremented the timer which i think is not truly random.
    4. Allow multiple botzones or bosszones to be defined for a group.. just use commas inbetween the names like "ZoneFactory, Botzone, ZoneBridge". Just remember it still needs to match the map.

    Note: Also if you choose all as an option and specify a wrong botzone, it probably won't spawn. so if you use the all map option, just leave the botzone empty and SWAG will pick a random one for you in the map.

  • Props added a new version:


    Fix for the first raid issue (thanks DrakiaXYZ for the fix).

    I overlooked the easiest thing lol.

  • Is this where we write support questions?

    I changed the settings to this


    "aiDifficulty": "normal",

    "aiAmount": "asonline",

    "RandomWaveCount": 7,

    "BossWaveCount": 1,

    "BossChance": 0,

    "SkipOtherBossWavesIfBossWaveSelected": false,

    "GlobalRandomWaveTimer": {

    "WaveTimerMinSec": 200,

    "WaveTimerMaxSec": 360


    "MaxBotCap": {

    "factory": 30,

    "customs": 30,

    "woods": 30,

    "shoreline": 30,

    "lighthouse": 30,

    "reservebase": 30,

    "interchange": 30,

    "laboratory": 30,

    "tarkovstreets": 30


    "MaxBotPerZone": 8,

    "UseDefaultSpawns": {

    "Waves": true,

    "Bosses": true,

    "TriggeredWaves": true


    "DebugOutput": true


    I also deleted all patterns accept for Example Pattern, and set all the
    "MaxBotCount": 5
    "OnlySpawnOnce": false,

    and in ClassDef.ts I changed the amount to this.

    export const aiAmountProper = {

    low: 4,

    asonline: 4,

    medium: 4,

    high: 4,

    horde: 4,


    But it does not feel like I am getting multiple waves of 5 bots every wave.
    The first wave is massive but then it tapers off and I just have like 1 or 2 bots per wave.
    And by that time the friendly bots outnumber the hostile bots so even when a hostile spawns, by the time I get there, the firefight is finished.

    This was mainly tested on Factory Day.

  • it will pick a random number between one - five for the botcount.. if you want a guaranteed 5 bots, then yo u have to list the bot 5r times in the group.

    Like this?

    "MapName": "all",

    "MapGroups": [


    "Name": "Group1",

    "Bots": [


    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "Time_min": 10,

    "Time_max": 20,

    "RandomTimeSpawn": true,

    "OnlySpawnOnce": false,

    "BotZone": null


  • chomp

    Changed the title of the thread from “Simple Wave AI Generator (SWAG)” to “SWAG (Simple Wave AI Generator )”.
  • nooky

    Changed the title of the thread from “SWAG (Simple Wave AI Generator )” to “SWAG (Simple Wave AI Generator)”.
  • nooky added a new version:

  • nooky added a new version:



    - Fixed a bit of logic that was preventing starting PMCs from spawning properly when pmcWaves: false

    Also - moved folders around so now you can unzip directly to your SPT folder.

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