SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points

  • Yesterday and today I was testing 'Late to the Party' and I was thinking that it was causing some spawning issues. I was doing some testing and when I disabled the LttP mod I noticed that I was still seeing spawning issues. Thinking that it must have been a mod compatibility issue, I went to my "vanilla" SPT build and added just the necessities. I was still seeing the spawn issues.

    **Spawning issues: I am on woods, and I have Shtruman, goons, and bloodhounds all set to 0. Out of 10 raids I had one of those 3 if not 2 of the 3, spawning 7 times out of the 10. Only 3 raids, did I have no boss type spawn.

    I attached my "vanilla" mod list as well as my SWAG config. I did very minimal changes to the config. so I don't think that is the issue.

    If there is something that I am missing/doing wrong please let me know! I am still sorta new to SPT so I am sure I did something fucked up...Thank you for all of your time!

    **EDIT: yea so I am a fuckin dumb ass, I was doing more testing and just couldn't figure it out...After going through every setting in the config I found what was fucking with my bosses, it was the last config...

    "UseDefaultSpawns": {
        "Waves": false,
        "Bosses": false, <-- I had this one set to true because I thought this was "spawn location" and I wanted the bosses spawning in their 'default' locations. It finally hit me that this is not "spawn location" but "default percentages"...I set it back to false and ran 5 raids in a row with no bosses.
        "TriggeredWaves": false

  • nooky

    Changed the title of the thread from “SWAG (Simple Wave AI Generator)” to “SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points”.
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  • Hello.

    I've stumbled onto some strange AI behavior, despite reinstalling SAIN, replacing the config and have removed Betterspawnsplus (wasn't sure if it'd conflict or not, I assumed it would), I've also disabled the SPT Realism's Spawn tweaks and the other requirements. The AI will occasionally spin/walk around the same spot and shoot at the floor, or ceiling whilst trying to Engage against other bots, they seem to behave normally and engage myself without issue. I'm still investigating in game on the consistency of the behavior, but this problem didn't exist before installing SWAG + Donuts.

  • Hello.

    I've stumbled onto some strange AI behavior, despite reinstalling SAIN, replacing the config and have removed Betterspawnsplus (wasn't sure if it'd conflict or not, I assumed it would), I've also disabled the SPT Realism's Spawn tweaks and the other requirements. The AI will occasionally spin/walk around the same spot and shoot at the floor, or ceiling whilst trying to Engage against other bots, they seem to behave normally and engage myself without issue. I'm still investigating in game on the consistency of the behavior, but this problem didn't exist before installing SWAG + Donuts.

    I've seen reports of this, usually a re-install of SWAG + Donuts and all required mods should fix the issue. Be sure to get SAIN Beta 3.4.3 and delete this file beforehand, just in case: BepinEx/config/me.sol.sain.cfg

    re-install all required mods, then SWAG + Donuts and see if you are still experiencing bizarre AI.

  • I've seen reports of this, usually a re-install of SWAG + Donuts and all required mods should fix the issue. Be sure to get SAIN Beta 3.4.3 and delete this file beforehand, just in case: BepinEx/config/me.sol.sain.cfg

    re-install all required mods, then SWAG + Donuts and see if you are still experiencing bizarre AI.

    I reinstalled SWAG + Donuts and I had already deleted the me.sol.sain.cfg. SAIN is already 3.4.3 - I always make sure everything is latest version. Thanks for responding.

  • I reinstalled SWAG + Donuts and I had already deleted the me.sol.sain.cfg. SAIN is already 3.4.3 - I always make sure everything is latest version. Thanks for responding.

    i assume you're still experiencing issues then - do you see any console errors either in your server or BepInEx console when you see that behavior? do you use any bot debugging tools? Install this mod: BotDebug , next time you see strange AI turn on this tool and take some screenshots please, it should help troubleshoot.

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