Changes in 1.4.0 from 1.3.1
All credits go to: Lone_Simon, kikirio, wei
As always, all changes are turned off by default and has to be changed explicitly in config to add their effect.
### Added:
* R7Fixer - fixes for different issue in AKI R7.
** FixBsAmmoPack - when enabled, fixed issue that '120 pack of BS ammo' unloads into BP rounds (all credits goes to wei for reporting this issue and proposing fix)
** FixShurmanKey - when enabled, Shturman key (KHS) will be added to Shturman's backpack as the only possible item to spawn (all credits go to Lone_Simon for initial implementation)
** AddVPO215ToBoltActionRifleQuests - when enabled, adds missing VPO-215 bolt-action rifle as option for all quests that require to use bolt-action rifles (all credits go to Lone_Simon for initial implementation)
** RemoveTextilePart1Duplicate - then enabled, remove duplicated "Textile - Part 1" quest which is not required for further progression (all credits go to Lone_Simon for initial implementation)
** GrenadierCounter" - change to any positive value except 12 to change how many PMCs you have to kill with grenades for "Grenadier" quest. Change to 0 or negative value to insta-complete quest. (credits go to Lone_Simon for initial implementation of insta-complete version)
** TheStylishOneCounter - change to any positive value except 100 to change how many time you have to kill Killa for "The Stylish One" quest. Change to 0 or negative value to insta-complete quest. (credits go to Lone_Simon for initial implementation of insta-complete version)
** AShooterBornInHeavenCounter" - change to any positive value except 100 to change required distance for "A Shooter Born In Heaven" quest. Change to 0 or negative value to insta-complete quest.
(All credits go to kikirio and Lone_Simon for initial implementation, I've just added insta-complete option and support for condition's texts in all locales and not just EN locale )
** FixWetJobOmittedSilencer - when enabled, adds omitted "Surefire SOCOM556-RC2 5.56x45 silencer" as option for 'Wet Job - Part 1' quest (all credits go to Lone_Simon for initial implementation)
** FixHuntingTrip - when enables, changes "Hunting Trip" quest to have up-to-date condition "Get a Shturman kill with a Remington M700 with a scope" instead of "Give the Jaeger 2x M700 sniper rifles of a certain configuration" (all credits go to Lone_Simon for initial implementation)
** FixHuntsmanPathSadist - when enabled, changes "Huntsman path - Sadist" quest starting conditions to be the same as for "Colleagues. Pt.3" as it should be
** FixSearchMission - when enabled, fixes "Search Mission" reward money to be 22k Roubles as it should be (instead of 22k Dollars) and added missing quest image
** FixTradersAssorts - when enabled, adds a large assortment of trades added in 12.9. Maybe nor very up-to-date, but still an addition those who want more trades available (all credits go to Lone_Simon for initial implementation)