
  • Male
  • from Yourrope
  • Member since Apr 24th 2022
  • Last Activity:
Reactions Received
Profile Hits
  • Wishlist:

    - Dedicated "Open Map" Key

    - Remove Flea Market Blacklist Thank you Chomp! Chomp-DisableFleaBlacklist

    - Change Raid Time KMC Server Value Modifier

    - Old weapon light cones Flashlight Reclamation Project

    - Select Spawn Location Select Entry Point by SamSWAT

  • Best Cookies since the Scottish made ShortbreadTeashop-Maamoul-Dates-Cookies-KSA-6x12x40g.jpg

  • Dog wants to know what happend to "Tarky-Menu" retardadothinking

  • Game Version 2.3.1

    "Local Game Launching" screen 2 to 5 Minutes and multiple getLocalloot?retry

    Spawning Local Loot "HK416A5" = ID: 5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3 and "???" = ID: 5ac66d015acfc400180ae6e4

    [Client Request] /client/match/offline/start

    [Client Request] /client/location/getLocalloot

    [WARNING] PresetItems could not be found for 5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3

    [WARNING] defaultPreset: [object Object]

    [WARNING] parentId: 62906dff5e8949774d0005c2

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property '_items' of undefined

    at Function.getPresetItems (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\servers\RagfairServer.js:598:91)

    at Function.createItem (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\generators\LocationGenerator.js:192:46)

    at Function.generateContainerLoot (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\generators\LocationGenerator.js:55:47)

    at Function.generate (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\controllers\LocationController.js:43:49)

    at Function.get (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\controllers\LocationController.js:68:35)

    at Object.getLocation [as aki-loot] (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.js:14:56)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\routers\HttpRouter.js:42:30)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:149:33)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:195:32)

    at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)


    After some time:

    [Client Request] /client/location/getLocalloot?retry=1

    [WARNING] PresetItems could not be found for 5ac66d015acfc400180ae6e4

    [WARNING] defaultPreset: [object Object]

    [WARNING] parentId: 62906e965e8949774d000210

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property '_items' of undefined

    at Function.getPresetItems (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\servers\RagfairServer.js:598:91)

    at Function.createItem (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\generators\LocationGenerator.js:192:46)

    at Function.generateContainerLoot (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\generators\LocationGenerator.js:55:47)

    at Function.generate (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\controllers\LocationController.js:43:49)

    at Function.get (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\controllers\LocationController.js:68:35)

    at Object.getLocation [as aki-loot] (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.js:14:56)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\routers\HttpRouter.js:42:30)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:149:33)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:195:32)

    at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)


    [Client Request] /client/location/getLocalloot?retry=2

    [WARNING] PresetItems could not be found for 5ac66d015acfc400180ae6e4

    [WARNING] defaultPreset: [object Object]

    [WARNING] parentId: 62906f385e8949774d0000e8

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property '_items' of undefined

    at Function.getPresetItems (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\servers\RagfairServer.js:598:91)

    at Function.createItem (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\generators\LocationGenerator.js:192:46)

    at Function.generateContainerLoot (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\generators\LocationGenerator.js:55:47)

    at Function.generate (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\controllers\LocationController.js:43:49)

    at Function.get (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\controllers\LocationController.js:68:35)

    at Object.getLocation [as aki-loot] (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\callbacks\LocationCallbacks.js:14:56)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\routers\HttpRouter.js:42:30)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:149:33)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\Spiele\EFT - Copy\obj\src\servers\HttpServer.js:195:32)

    at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)

    Workaround: ALT+F4 and restart the game after 7 or so minutes

    • Problem:
      Quest "Make ULTRA Great Again" Ready to complete

      > upon clicking complete

      > game loads files and gets stuck (small loading circle)

      > ALT+F4

      > Restart game

      > New Message from Ragman with rewards

      > If click on Message Tab of Ragman game freezes

      > ALT+F4

      Attempted solutions:
      1. Reset Quest

      Did not work, since the message is still displayed

      2. Delete Message from Player Profile and Mark quest as Completed

      Find Message in Quests.json

      Quest ID

      "5ae448bf86f7744d733e55ee": {

      Locale en.json

      Message ID

      "successMessageText": "5ae44dd386f7744f1a7eb65d",

      Message in Player Profile file:

      "templateId": "5ae44dd386f7744f1a7eb65d",

      "hasRewards": true,

      "rewardCollected": false,

      From user:


      Then I found 2 Messages with the same Message

      Both amounted to over 700.000 lines of code, somehow the game made the same object over and over again


      "_id": "1e1e8d42c80ba43534f49b3c",

      "uid": "5ac3b934156ae10c4430e83c",

      "type": 12,

      "dt": 1659257245.774,

      "text": "",

      "localDateTime": 1659257245.774,

      "templateId": "5ae44dd386f7744f1a7eb65d",

      "hasRewards": true,

      "rewardCollected": false,

      "items": {

      "stash": "5fb038ce8a483ee9b475b91f",

      "data": [


      "_id": "e331b6c515eb9c57dc01595c",

      "_tpl": "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f",

      "upd": {

      "StackObjectsCount": 1,

      "SpawnedInSession": true


      "parentId": "5fb038ce8a483ee9b475b91f",

      "slotId": "main"



      "_id": "918492e01d46698e91dd51ac",

      "_tpl": "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f",

      "upd": {

      "StackObjectsCount": 1,

      "SpawnedInSession": true


      "parentId": "5fb038ce8a483ee9b475b91f",

      "slotId": "main"



      "_id": "f76334166bf5953adc64f201",

      "_tpl": "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f",

      "upd": {

      "StackObjectsCount": 1,

      "SpawnedInSession": true


      "parentId": "5fb038ce8a483ee9b475b91f",

      "slotId": "main"


      This repeats over and over again

      I will delete one of the messages and attempt to repair it to the original text and rewards