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Botmonitor overlay

There is also a version by Drakia that might be better suited.


I'll eventually be making more features for this but atm its just botmonitor,

There are no customisability right now,

How to use this:

Type BotMonitor into EFT's console,

0: turns botmonitor off

1: shows Total amount of bots

2: 1 + Total Bots per Zone

3: 2 + Each bot

HOW TO INSTALL: (this is how to install for AKI 2.3.0 onwards)

1. Open the Zip

2. inside you will see, a BepInEx folder and a user folder.


3. copy these and paste them to your AKI install folder.


4. Done! there is nothing else for you to do.


  • SPT Install / BepInEx / plugins / CWX_DebuggingTool.dll (this dll file)

Any issues or bushes you found that you can't run through, use the support thread to the right >>>>

and let me know.

  • Just letting people know who check this that it does indeed work with 3.9.0, at least botmonitor 1 does. The rest probably do as well.

    • Can confirm. Worked with my 3.9 as well.

    • how did you get it to work. dont seem to work fo meh :(

    • I don't know.. I still have it and it works wonders. Did you install it correctly?

  • I think this doesn't work well with donuts as it despawns bots. Botmonitor 2 doesn't decrease and 3 just disappears when despawn occurs.

  • It does not work with botmonitor 1. everything else works. can this be fixed? i only want to know how many bots are in the match, not where they are. Also because the window takes up some room on the screen so i just like keeping count of how many and not where.

  • Great mod, couple suggestions I was thinking of, wondering if there could be a mode added to check just amount of bots per type, for example

    usec: 5

    bear: 5

    assault: 10

    and also if there could be a way to make new spawns be green text and then turn to white after 10 seconds or so, to help track where new spawns are coming in. Thanks and I appreciate the mod.

  • is there away to change the names of the locations?

    for example on custom instead of saying ZoneBrige it would say Bridge

    • Its a debugging tool... Those are the actual zone names in the game files.

  • Any chance for 3.5.0 version?

  • Exactly what I needed for debugging other WIP mods. Thank you for this!

  • Is there a way to decrease the size of the window? Thanks!

    • I'd love to have a setting in between 2 and 3, just without the names that fill the screen.

    • In an older version of SPT the names were literally on screen and moving per bot....which was better but at the same time they can cluster together and become confusing in terms of knowing exactly where they are. But I feel like that's an appropriate disadvantage to using the debug options.

  • mate, can you do something besides your pfp for your mod files? I get the e-girl eye meme but your uploads are hard to distinguish

    ? 1
    • No meme, just aesthetic. Either way a compromise would be to just add text to the existing pfp.

  • I keep getting this error message whenever I enable BotMonitor:

    [Exception] : MissingFieldException: Field 'InfoClass.Settings' not found.

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class309:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    and this keeps repeating constantly in the console. I am using 3.5.0 if that makes a difference.

    • Same here, also using 3.5.0. Some mods I use that may be related are SWAG, Nooky's SWAG presets, POOP, and POOP variety. Not sure if those have anything to do with it.

    • SAME


      poop + spt realism

      [Exception] : MissingFieldException: Field 'InfoClass.Settings' not found.

      UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

      Class309:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

      UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    • Although this happens to me, I do not see it crashing my game or stopping the mod from functioning.

  • In my downloaded zip there is only the DLL, no "user/mods" directory. Game loads, but console says "can not find sub command/group with name "botmon"

    Only me having this problem?

    • it goes into the bepinex folder not user/mods, if you follow the how to install, it will be fine

    • I think I'm just dumb, bc I was used to use the old "botmon".

      "botmonitor" is the command - but I just used "botmon" instead... Here we go, the most dumb mod user of the world xD

  • Grats on official release :D

    Heart 1
  • sus

    Happy 1
  • wow thanks for the mod :thumbup:

    does it run with 3.5.0?

  • pog


  • Thank you for doing this!

    Heart 1
  • This is an incredible tool, thank you very much.

    Heart 1