Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
REQUIRES: Waypoints (1.6.2 or later)
If you use Fika, an additional plugin is required: LateToThePartyFikaSync
Partially compatible with: Lockable Doors (loot may despawn behind doors you lock during the raid)
If you use both Questing Bots and Looting Bots, setting only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.enabled=true in config.json is highly recommended.
This mod makes the the following changes to your SPT experience:
- Loot (including on dead bots) will be gradually removed throughout the raid to simulate other players taking it.
- Doors will randomly open and close throughout the raid to simulate players moving through the map (thanks to help from DrakiaXYZ!). If you're lucky, locked doors may be opened for you...
- Switches will be toggled throughout the raid to simulate players turning on power switches, using extracts, etc.
- The car extract may leave at some point during the raid
- If you spawn into the map late as a Scav, bosses are less likely to spawn.
This mod is highly customizable by modifying the config.json file. Here are the settings you can change:
If you're using this mod along with Kobrakon's Immersive Raids mod, please change the following in config.json:
- destroy_loot_during_raid.max_time_without_destroying_any_loot to any value you want. This is the frequency (in seconds) at which an item is removed from the map. If this value is small and you stay in the raid for a long time, you'll eventually have no more loot on the map.
Known issues:
- Any locked door on the map is equally likely to be opened, including those locked with rare keys and those nobody ever really opens/closes in live Tarkov.
- Some items have no price defined in handbook.json or prices.json, which makes the mod rank them as being extremely undesirable (i.e. the AXMC .338 rifle). This will hopefully be fixed as the data dumps available to the SPT developers improve.
- If destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.enabled=false, loot can be despawned behind locked doors or in locked containers. If destroy_loot_during_raid.check_loot_accessibility.enabled=true, some loot is falsely considered inaccessible and will never be despawned.
- If you approach the car extract without taking it and this mod instructs it to leave later in the raid, you'll see the countdown timer when you check your extracts.
Version 2.8.3
- DanW
- Bug fix for being unable to open doors in the hideout
config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.8.2 releases are compatible, but several options no longer do anything and toggle_switches_during_raid.exclusion_radius will be too high.
Version 2.8.2
- DanW
- Bug fix for errors when transferring items in your stash after loading the Hideout
config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.8.1 releases are compatible, but several options no longer do anything and toggle_switches_during_raid.exclusion_radius will be too high.
Version 2.8.1
- DanW
This version includes a new version of the LateToThePartyFikaSync plugin, available here
- Improved the robustness of the code used to destroy loot
- Ensure the position of the main player is tracked immediately after spawning (instead of having a 100ms delay)
- Changed the logging level for initial door messages from Info to Debug
- Refactored LateToThePartyFikaSync plugin code
- Bug fix for incomplete loot destruction (loot that's unable to be picked up) when using Fika
- Bug fix for exception when airdrops land for Fika client machines
config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.8.0 releases are compatible, but several options no longer do anything and toggle_switches_during_raid.exclusion_radius will be too high.
Version 2.8.0
- DanW
Loot destruction does not work with Fika in this version. A new release will be created in the next few days to address this.
- Increased required version of Waypoints from 1.6.0 to 1.6.2
- Restored Fika compatibility:
- Requires the newly included LateToThePartyFikaSync plugin, available here. Thanks to Lacyway for creating the plugin code!
- If Fika is detected without the LateToThePartyFikaSync plugin installed, show an error message in the main menu, game console, and server console when the game first loads
- If the LateToThePartyFikaSync plugin installed, show an error message in the main menu, game console, and server console if it's not a compatible version
- Significantly reduced the time needed to destroy loot when setting up the initial state for Scav runs
- Rewrote code so all components attach to GameWorld instead of being static
- If destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.enabled=false, do not retrieve any loot-ranking data from the server
- Show an error message if a weapon with undefined properties is found when generating loot-ranking data
- Removed some debugging messages
- Removed outdated server code
- Lots of refactoring, but much more is still needed
- Bug fix for trying to make the VEX leave when it isn't present
- Bug fix for allowing the VEX departure to be aborted after the animation begins
config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.7.1 releases are compatible, but several options no longer do anything and toggle_switches_during_raid.exclusion_radius will be too high.
Version 2.7.0
- DanW
- Updated for SPT 3.10
- Added requirement for Waypoints 1.6.0 and removed redundant features that perform similar functions
- Made Fika incompatible. There is currently no way to synchronize door, switch, etc. states between clients.
- If Lockable Doors is loaded, show a warning message in the main menu, game console, and server console when the game first loads about known limitations
- Added SPT version check (currently set to allow all SPT 3.10.x versions)
- Reduced toggle_switches_during_raid.exclusion_radius from
or many switches on Labs would never be activated - Removed trader-stock-adjustment feature because it doesn't look like BSG will be restoring trader stock limits
- Removed the bot-conversion-chance adjustment feature because there are now plenty of spawn mods that do a better job
- Removed logging buffer and crash detection because this hasn't been needed in a long time
- Removed most debug options and transferred them into a separate mod
- Do not try to directly despawn items that are locked in their parent items (i.e. soft armor inserts)
- Do not force doors near loot to open if something is already interacting with it
- Do not force doors near loot to open if open_doors_during_raid.enabled=false
- Ignore and show warning messages for items with invalid templates
- Removed warning message when checking for VEX's if there are no alive players in the map
- Made all Unity methods protected instead of private because the recent Visual Studio update is dumb and forces them to be faded out
- Began refactoring (but much more is still needed)
- Removed manifest from WinForms app (LootRankingDataReader) to reduce VirusTotal false positives
config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.6.1 releases are compatible, but several options no longer do anything and toggle_switches_during_raid.exclusion_radius will be too high.
Version 2.6.1
- DanW
- Fixed incompatibility with the loot-destruction system and Fika
config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.6.0 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.
Version 2.6.0
- DanW
- Updated to SPT 3.9.0
config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.5.1 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.
Version 2.5.1
- DanW
Because the file structure has changed with this release, files from all previous versions of this mod must be removed before installing this version!
- Allow the server and client to run on different machines. To accomplish this, the following changes were made:
- Moved the client DLL into its own folder ("DanW-LateToTheParty")
- Log files will now be stored within the new client directory for this mod
- Added server and client checks for an older client DLL still remaining in the "BepInEx\plugins" directory. If so, show an error when the server or game starts and disable this mod.
- If a "log" directory from older versions of the server files still exist, write warning messages in the server console, but still allow the mod to function
- Removed the LateToTheParty endpoint for writing error messages to the server console and will now use the SPT one
- If the map cannot be determined when loot is ready to be destroyed (namely when using Fika), write error messages to the game console and server console and then disable the loot-destruction system
- Bug fix for not being able to disable the loot-ranking system
- Bug fix for allowing SPT 3.9.0
config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.5.0 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.
Version 2.5.0
- DanW
- Added support for having multiple non-AI players
- Bug fix for opening doors requiring power (before it's turned on) when other mods are used that add context-menu actions
- Bug fix for opening the inner KIBA door before the outer door
config.json files from the 2.3.1, 2.4.0, and 2.4.1 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.
Version 2.4.1
- DanW
- Log error instead of allowing exception when trying to register a picked-up item that wasn't discovered in the loot pool
- Track player movement instead of camera movement for determining when to check for loot
config.json files from the 2.3.1 and 2.4.0 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.
Hello, what could cause to this error while server loading: "[Late to the Party] Cannot read loot ranking data from the server. Falling back to using random loot ranking.". FYI I changed SWAG to MOAR.
DanW Author
That would happen if the client was unable to receive the ranking data (generated by LTTP) from the server or if the data was invalid for some reason. To troubleshoot, I would need all of the following, collected after you next experience this problem:
DanW Author
It looks like this might be caused by another mod that's adding a item with an invalid template ID, but I'll need a little more data to confirm this. Please do the following:
json_invalidLootRankingData -
DanW Author
It looks like there is an item with an invalid number for its weight: "Remington Multi-Caliber Adaptive Combat Rifle (FDE)"
It looks like this mod is adding it: WTT - Remington Adaptive Combat Rifle
Please try removing that mod (which is in a folder named "SianydeAndACRness").
Hello, I'm really enjoying the Questing bot and Late to the Party mods you made. Thanks for your hard work. I have a question: If I add a specific boss's name to the "excluded_bosses" section in "adjust_bot_spawn_chances," does that mean the boss will be excluded from the effect of that setting? For example, "arenafighterevent"(bloodhound)?
DanW Author
Yes, that's correct.
Glad you're enjoying the mods!
Got it. thanks
Edit -
I tested it in a custom area as pscav, and for some reason, it seems that only "marksman" is affected, while the other bosses are not properly applied. When boss_spawn_chance_multipliers was set to [0.75, 0], bosses like Goons(bossknight) and Bloodhounds(arenafighterevent) didn’t spawn even though their spawn chance was set to 100%
My main issue was that sniper Scavs weren’t spawning, so that part doesn’t really matter though
DanW Author
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but based on your setting, you're making the bosses never spawn. The right column is the multiplier that will be applied to the boss's normal spawn chance. Also, "marksman" bots aren't bosses, so the setting doesn't apply to them.
gave up due to various issues, but my original intention was to make only the bosses added to "excluded_bosses" spawn while preventing other bosses from appearing when I play as a Scav. During testing, I found that this setting also affects marksman, preventing them from spawning. However, when I added "marksman" to excluded_bosses, they started spawning again.
I suspect that this might be due to using SWAG RC6, which could make my environment somewhat different from the standard setup.
- Sorry if this is a bit hard to understand, I'm using GPT to communicate
DanW Author
LTTP simply multiplies the BossChance value in each BossLocationSpawn section for the map by a factor determined by boss_spawn_chance_multipliers and the fraction of time left in the raid. "marksman" never appears in those sections, so it's impossible for LTTP to affect their spawn rates.
Does this mod change time of day in anyway? Installing this mod breaks the ImmersiveDaylightCycle mod. Running Fika dedicated with sync plugin.
DanW Author
Nope. I'm not sure why they're not compatible. Are you seeing any errors?
No errors or anything. I even removed all other mods apart from Fika and these two mods with their dependencies and it still starts at the wrong time of day when loaded in.
DanW Author
Sorry, I have no idea and don't have much time to look into it. I'd see if the other mod author has any ideas in the meantime.
Hi! For some reason, this mod breaks down the doors of the shelter, I can't open the door to access the sports chair, and the circle of sectarians(
P.S. The text may not be accurate, please forgive me, I use a translator.
DanW Author
I confirmed this was a bug, and I fixed it in the 2.8.3 release. Please download the new version, and it should work correctly now.
When I move the loot to the stash after ending a raid with a scav, the following error code is listed and the loot disappears
[Client Request] /client/game/profile/items/moving
Unable to find item to move: 6796f7164f7bea979c171b40
Unable to find item to move: 6796f7164f7bea979c171ba0
DanW Author
What version of this mod are you using? Are you using Fika?
I using the latest version 3.10.5 without Fika
DanW Author
Please share a ZIP of the following after reproducing the issue:
Additionally, please list what items were having this problem just before exiting the game.
I love this mod!
Maybe it's a dumb question but ; does the fact that loot is progressively disappearing from the raid helps improving performance ? Or does the event of it happening takes away some performance ? I'd like to know
Thanks in advance
DanW Author
Unfortunately, the algorithm used to find, sort, and destroy loot is pretty taxing, so you'll definitely see a performance loss. Basically, you'll see small FPS dips every 5-10 seconds when that system is running.
Thanks for your answer
Is this normal of items that are was found in raid? This is printed when we move an item in the stash after a raid. Happens even when we move item that was not found during the raid. During moving, there are small freeze after each moved item - clearly visible when moving items using multiselect from UIFixes.
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3f057be0357000067 (5.56x45mm M855A1) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3f057be0357000070 (5.56x45mm M855A1) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b030576ba6000304 (40x46mm M406 (HE) grenade) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f3b2 (Locked case) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b030576ba60002f3 (UZRGM grenade fuze) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f3db (Bottle of water (0.6L)) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f444 (Pack of sugar) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f40d (Pack of sugar) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f3b9 (Pack of sugar) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3f057be0357000045 (9x39mm SP-6 gs) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3f057be0357000067 (5.56x45mm M855A1) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3f057be0357000070 (5.56x45mm M855A1) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b030576ba6000304 (40x46mm M406 (HE) grenade) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f3b2 (Locked case) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b030576ba60002f3 (UZRGM grenade fuze) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f3db (Bottle of water (0.6L)) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f444 (Pack of sugar) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f40d (Pack of sugar) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3b5366d0a9400f3b9 (Pack of sugar) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
[Error :LateToThePartyPlugin] Item 679221b3f057be0357000045 (9x39mm SP-6 gs) is not a discovered loot item. Cannot prevent it from despawning in your inventory!
DanW Author
I'm not able to reproduce this. Can you please send a full log file? Also, are you using Fika?
Without Fika.
I tested again and need to interact with hideout.
I can reproduce this error with even if have only these mods: `LootingBots`, `SPTQuestingBots`, `LateToTheParty`, `BigBrain`, `Waypoints`, `SAIN`, `Freecam`.
Everything on new account SPT Dev.
1. Take raid (can be without bots).
2. Find some items.
3. Extract.
4. Open hideout (only open).
5. Move items to stash - any move of the item will print [Error :LateToThePartyPlugin]... .
DanW Author
Sorry, I forgot about this. I'm not sure why I wasn't able to reproduce it at first, but I was today. I just posted a new version that should fix this.
Thanks for your help with the detailed report!
I have this error in the console :
"[Late to the Party] Could not find valid part to put in mod_barrel for MCX Rattler upper receiver (FDE)"
and i can't get to the main menu the game loads bundles and then i'm stuck on the wallpaper of the menu but without any prompt
DanW Author
This could happen when using a mod that modifies weapon parts (adds, removes, or changes properties). There are two options to resolve it:
Ok I'll try it, I already know which mod is doing this it's Epic All in One for anybody having the same issue
Restored Fika compatibility: YAY
DanW Author
Um... might have jumped the gun. Sorry. Hopefully it'll work in 2.8.1.
ahhh pain
very time I type in true it keeps giving me a syntax error and no matter how I do it it never enables or works. I don't even know what im doing wrong whatsoever and im doing exactly what the fucking json file says to do
DanW Author
Can you please share what changes you made and what you're trying to do?
I tried to enable true for only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.enabled=true and it gave me this and I kept getting this
ModLoader: loading: 10 server mods...
Mod: LateToTheParty version: 2.8.0 by: DanW loaded
Mod: useful-food-and-drinks version: 3.10.3 by: DeadW0Lf loaded
Mod: RealPlayerSpawn version: 1.0.0 by: BALIST0N loaded
Mod: ExtractionPointIntel version: 2.0.0 by: redlaser42 loaded
Mod: ReflexSightsRework version: 1.0.0 by: SamSwat loaded
Mod: LootingBots-ServerMod version: 1.4.1 by: Skwizzy loaded
Mod: uifixes version: 3.1.1 by: Tyfon loaded
Mod: makeShotgunsGreatAgain version: 1.5.2 by: viniHNS loaded
Mod: SAIN version: 3.2.1 by: zSolarint loaded
Mod: LiveFleaPrices version: 1.4.0 by: DrakiaXYZ loaded
The application had a critical error and failed to run
Exception produced: SyntaxError
SyntaxError: D:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\config\config.json: Expected ',' or '}' after property value in JSON at position 1078
at parse (<anonymous>)
at Object.Module._extensions..json (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1453:39)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1207:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1023:12)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1235:19)
at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1851:31)
at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:176:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:2:1)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1376:14)
at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1894:32)
DanW Author
Did you accidentally remove the comma at the end of the line? Can you please share your config file?
"enabled": true,
"debug": {
"enabled": false,
"loot_path_visualization": {
"enabled": false,
"points_per_circle": 10,
"outline_loot": true,
"loot_outline_radius": 0.1,
"only_outline_loot_with_pathing": false,
"draw_incomplete_paths": false,
"draw_complete_paths": true,
"outline_obstacles": false,
"only_outline_filtered_obstacles": true,
"show_obstacle_collision_points": true,
"collision_point_radius": 0.05,
"show_door_obstacles": true,
"door_obstacle_min_radius": 0.3
"scav_raid_adjustments": {
"always_spawn_late": true
"car_extract_departures" : {
"enabled": true,
"countdown_time": 60,
"delay_after_countdown_reset": 120,
"exclusion_radius": 150,
"exclusion_radius_hysteresis": 0.9,
"chance_of_leaving": 50,
"raid_fraction_when_leaving": {
"min": 0.3,
"max": 0.8
"adjust_bot_spawn_chances": {
"enabled": true,
"adjust_bosses": true,
"excluded_bosses": [ "sptBear", "sptUsec" ]
"only_make_changes_just_after_spawning": {true}
"enabled": false,
"time_limit": 5,
"affected_systems" : {
"loot_destruction": true,
"opening_unlocked_doors": true,
"opening_locked_doors": true,
"closing_doors": true,
"car_departures": true,
"toggling_switches": true
"destroy_loot_during_raid" : {
"enabled": true,
"exclusion_radius": 40,
"exclusion_radius_bots": 25,
"nearby_interactive_object_search_distance": 0.75,
"only_search_for_nearby_trunks": true,
"avg_slots_per_player": 60,
"players_with_loot_factor_for_maps_without_pscavs": 0.3,
"min_loot_age": 120,
"destruction_event_limits": {
"rate": 1,
"items": 30,
"slots": 50
"map_traversal_speed_mps": 2,
"min_distance_traveled_for_update": 1,
"min_time_before_update_ms": 30,
"max_time_before_update_ms": 5000,
"max_calc_time_per_frame_ms": 5,
"max_time_without_destroying_any_loot": 60,
"ignore_items_dropped_by_player": {
"enabled": true,
"only_items_brought_into_raid": false
"ignore_items_on_dead_bots" : {
"enabled": true,
"only_if_you_killed_them": true
"excluded_parents": [ "55d7217a4bdc2d86028b456d", "557596e64bdc2dc2118b4571", "566965d44bdc2d814c8b4571" ],
"check_loot_accessibility": {
"enabled": true,
"exclusion_radius": 25,
"max_path_search_distance": 300,
"navmesh_search_max_distance_player": 10,
"navmesh_search_max_distance_loot": 2,
"navmesh_height_offset_complete": 1.25,
"navmesh_height_offset_incomplete": 1,
"navmesh_obstacle_min_height": 0.9,
"navmesh_obstacle_min_volume": 2,
"max_calc_time_per_frame_ms": 4,
"door_obstacle_update_time": 2
"loot_ranking": {
"enabled": true,
"randomness": 200,
"top_value_retain_count": 5,
"alwaysRegenerate": true,
"child_item_limits": {
"count": 5,
"total_weight": 8
"weighting": {
"default_inventory_id": "55d7217a4bdc2d86028b456d",
"cost_per_slot": 0.001,
"weight": -0.5,
"size": -1,
"gridSize": 1.3,
"max_dim": -1,
"armor_class": 10,
"parents": {
"name": "FoodDrink",
"value": 5
"5422acb9af1c889c16000029": {
"name": "Weapon",
"value": 3
"5485a8684bdc2da71d8b4567": {
"name": "Ammo",
"value": 10
"543be6564bdc2df4348b4568": {
"name": "ThrowWeap",
"value": 10
"5447e1d04bdc2dff2f8b4567": {
"name": "Knife",
"value": 3
"543be5664bdc2dd4348b4569": {
"name": "Meds",
"value": 8
"5448e5284bdc2dcb718b4567": {
"name": "Vest",
"value": 1
"5448e53e4bdc2d60728b4567": {
"name": "Backpack",
"value": 2
"5645bcb74bdc2ded0b8b4578": {
"name": "Headphones",
"value": 5
"5448e5724bdc2ddf718b4568": {
"name": "Visors",
"value": 5
"5a341c4686f77469e155819e": {
"name": "FaceCover",
"value": 5
"5a341c4086f77401f2541505": {
"name": "Headwear",
"value": 5
"543be5e94bdc2df1348b4568" : {
"name": "Keys",
"value": 0
"open_doors_during_raid" : {
"enabled": true,
"can_open_locked_doors": true,
"can_breach_doors": true,
"exclusion_radius": 40,
"min_raid_ET": 180,
"min_raid_time_remaining": 300,
"time_between_door_events": 60,
"percentage_of_doors_per_event": 3,
"chance_of_unlocking_doors": 50,
"chance_of_closing_doors": 15,
"max_calc_time_per_frame_ms": 3
"toggle_switches_during_raid": {
"enabled": true,
"time_between_events_ms": 3000,
"exclusion_radius": 75,
"min_raid_ET_for_exfil_switches": 600,
"delay_after_pressing_prereq_switch_s_per_m": 1,
"raid_fraction_when_toggling": {
"min": 0.1,
"max": 0.95
"fraction_of_switches_to_toggle": {
"min": 0.2,
"max": 0.7
"max_calc_time_per_frame_ms": 3
"loot_multipliers": [
[0, 0.18],
[0.1, 0.2],
[0.3, 0.3],
[0.5, 0.5],
[0.85, 0.8],
[0.95, 0.98],
[1, 1]
"fraction_of_players_full_of_loot": [
[0, 1.8],
[0.1, 1.6],
[0.3, 1.3],
[0.5, 0.7],
[0.85, 0.4],
[0.95, 0.2],
[1, 0]
"boss_spawn_chance_multipliers": [
[0, 0.4],
[0.6, 0.5],
[0.75, 1],
[1, 1]
DanW Author
You surrounded "true" with brackets and removed the comma at the end of the line. It should be more like the first line in the file ("enabled"=true,)
EDIT: I looked again, and it looks like you added "true}" to that line. Instead, change "enabled" on the next line from "false" to "true".
[2025-01-05T14:35:46.677Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
at LootRankingGenerator.getWeaponProperties (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:550:71)
at LootRankingGenerator.weaponBaseValue (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:520:56)
at LootRankingGenerator.findBestWeaponMatchfromTraders (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:507:30)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLookRankingForItem (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:151:49)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLootRankingData (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:119:75)
at LateToTheParty.generateLootRankingData (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:269:35)
at Object.action (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:76:26)
at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:41:63)
at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:61:68)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
[2025-01-05T14:35:46.272Z] debug: Mods enabled: true
[2025-01-05T14:35:46.274Z] info: [Late to the Party] Creating loot ranking data...
[2025-01-05T14:35:46.678Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
[2025-01-05T14:35:46.678Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
at LootRankingGenerator.getWeaponProperties (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:550:71)
at LootRankingGenerator.weaponBaseValue (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:520:56)
at LootRankingGenerator.findBestWeaponMatchfromTraders (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:507:30)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLookRankingForItem (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:151:49)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLootRankingData (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:119:75)
at LateToTheParty.generateLootRankingData (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:269:35)
at Object.action (C:\Games\SPT 3.10.5\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:76:26)
at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:41:63)
at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:61:68)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
[2025-01-05T14:35:57.582Z] debug: Saved 1 profiles, took: 10.91ms
DanW Author
This is normally caused by a trader mod (or other mod that modifies or adds items) creating an invalid item. Please try removing mods like these to see which one is causing it.
"If you use both Questing Bots and Looting Bots, setting only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.enabled=true in config.json is highly recommended."
<- does this apply when running only Looting Bots ?
DanW Author
Yes, but I would only keep loot_destruction=true in only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems and change all other options in that section to false. You might want to consider keeping opening_locked_doors=true as well or doors may be unlocked without any loot inside the rooms being removed.
I kept receiving the following error message while in raid. Not sure if someone brought this to your attention yet.
DanW Author
Does this happen every raid? I haven't seen this one before.
Quick Question
Can i disable everything besides functions that i want to use?
For example the loot multi has no true or false setting available
DanW Author
Each system in this mod has its own enabled setting in config.json.
Weird issue I have. I'm running a docker fika server. With this mod enabled it's causing some items to show as pickup-able but you can spam try to pick them up and it never works. Any ideas? I'd really like this mod to work it's sick af
DanW Author
I've never heard of that happening, so probably there's a conflict with another mod. To help me troubleshoot, please share a ZIP of the following after reproducing the issue:
So it seems like I fixed it by turning on the only make changes after spawn. With fika am I supposed to have it running on the server, or the dedicated client? Slightly confused about that sorry
DanW Author
I'm guessing only the server, but I'm not sure.
After some testing, it needs to be installed on the server AND the client that is hosting the raids. In this case the dedicated client. Thanks! Love ur mods
Windows security is detecting Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml in the .ZIP
DanW Author
It's a false positive
Ummm Virus Total AND Bitdefender is picking up the latest file as a Trojan?…0ee4938cbc1cb3ebcc5eee455
DanW Author
Do you really think I would maintain this mod since March 2023 and suddenly release a virus? It's a false positive. You're free to look through the source code.
This wasn't an attempt to discredit you. I was only making you aware of the issue. As I have used this mod before in the past only for this issue to show up consistently now.
I see there is an option to make the mod not despawn loot on dead bots.
But is it possible to make it the other way around? So the mod only despawns loot on dead bots that you didn't kill?
DanW Author
There is no option to do that. Maybe I'm not following, but I'm not really understanding the purpose of doing that. If a bot is killed on the other side of the map, wouldn't its corpse be just as likely to be looted as nearby containers?
That's a shame.
Go into places like D2 after 10-15 minutes since the raid start, and you'll often find a bunch of unlooted pmc/raider corpses with good equipment.
It's somewhat abusable. So would be nice to have an option to despawn loot on corpses separately.
Thanks for your answer!
DanW Author
I might not be understanding you question. You can prevent loot in corpses from despawning entirely if destroy_loot_during_raid.ignore_items_on_dead_bots.enabled=false. Wouldn't that accomplish what you want? I'm not understanding the point of despwaning loot on bots that you kill but not despawning it for bots killed elsewhere.
Sorry, my english sucks sometimes.
I meant that I WANT loot on corpses that I DIDN'T kill to despawn. Because I often run into places where there was fighting, and can get a lot of free armor and guns. I'd like to avoid that if possible. Also I'd like if everything else wouldn't despawn.
Also, another question if you don't mind. You say it's not fully compatible with Fika? What exactly is not compatible? Stuff like doors, switches and such I assume?
DanW Author
If you're using Fika, that's probably why you're finding lots of good loot on corpses. Loot destruction doesn't work with Fika.
In SPT, loot despawns in corpses by default, and more desirable loot is prioritized.
does someone have a fix for this?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_id')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_id')
at C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:408:114
at Array.sort (<anonymous>)
at LootRankingGenerator.fillItemSlots (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:405:47)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateWeaponPreset (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:358:37)
at LootRankingGenerator.findBestWeaponInPresets (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:333:25)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLookRankingForItem (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:157:40)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLootRankingData (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:119:75)
at LateToTheParty.generateLootRankingData (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:523:35)
at Object.action (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:121:26)
at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:41:63)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_id')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_id')
at C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:408:114
at Array.sort (<anonymous>)
at LootRankingGenerator.fillItemSlots (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:405:47)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateWeaponPreset (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:358:37)
at LootRankingGenerator.findBestWeaponInPresets (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:333:25)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLookRankingForItem (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:157:40)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLootRankingData (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:119:75)
at LateToTheParty.generateLootRankingData (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:523:35)
at Object.action (C:\SPT\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:121:26)
at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:41:63)
DanW Author
That's caused by a mod that's adding/changing items in the game. It looks like one of the items has a formatting issue. You'll have to start removing mods like that to see when the error stops occurring.
Hi Dan, I've a problem with doors. I am the host and some doors are opened for me. But for my friends the doors are closed. We have same fika version, same plugins\mods folders ( i download these folders to google disk for them everyday). Any suggestions? Or such problems are okey for 2.5.1 version of the mod? (We still play 3.8.3 version of spt and use the latest (appropriate to 3.8.3 spt) versions of all mods including fika (appropriate to 3.8.3 spt))
DanW Author
I've heard of this happening with Fika in general, so I would ask for support there.
Also, please keep in mind that this mod is not fully compatible with Fika right now. In particular, the loot-destruction system will not work correctly.
hello dan, im a bit confused but what settings in the config json is for making the power switches turn on more frequently? the extract switches turn on most of the time but i seem to get power switches turned on much more rarely.
DanW Author
There is no distinction between power switches and other switches; they're all treated the same. You can adjust settings for all switches in the toggle_switches_during_raid section of config.json. If you want more switches to be toggled each raid, you can try increasing the fraction_of_switches_to_toggle values.
Hi Dan with the mod installed i get stuck on game loading with this in my console
[Late to the Party] Creating loot ranking data...
even with loot ranking disabled in the config i can't load the game.
If i uninstall your mod all works fine i have several custom traders installed.
DanW Author
I'm not sure why it's freezing, but not being able to disable loot ranking is a bug. I'll fix it in the next release.
DanW Author
The new 2.5.1 release should allow you to disable loot ranking to get around this problem.
For anyone trying to run this with the Sasha Himik trader, you have to disable Sashas custom weapons and magazines(not 100% on the mags)
i WAS getting this error before i disabled the guns/ammo, but that fixed it
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
at LootRankingGenerator.getWeaponProperties (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:530:71)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLookRankingForItem (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:147:82)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLootRankingData (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:99:75)
at LateToTheParty.generateLootRankingData (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:545:35)
at Object.action (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:149:26)
at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:61)
at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:78:62)
at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:43:30)
at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:75:43)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')
at LootRankingGenerator.getWeaponProperties (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:530:71)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLookRankingForItem (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:147:82)
at LootRankingGenerator.generateLootRankingData (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\LootRankingGenerator.ts:99:75)
at LateToTheParty.generateLootRankingData (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:545:35)
at Object.action (E:\spt\user\mods\DanW-LateToTheParty\src\mod.ts:149:26)
at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:61)
at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:78:62)
at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:43:30)
at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:75:43)
The symptom is that removing or putting headphones on the character does not change the sound in any way
Hi, yes, I understand that I have a lot of client mods, but still I FOUND an unambiguous, but very strange, reason that the active headset breaks down and does not moderate the sound.
If I install LateToTheParty.dll - The sound will be broken in the all active headphones (floating problem)
Using the poke method, I disabled various patches, only after commenting out the code and building a new version,
I stop getting this strange error and the active headset always works... and the problem stopped reproducing...but I lost the loot tracking patch in the inventory and it's not very good. Can it be cured?
also, if I just disable "destroy_loot_during_raid" in the settings, then the reproduction of the problem will stop, for example if I dressed\take off my headset in the shelter, the sound be changes
Ultimately, disabling loot destruction in the original version solves the problem in my case...but it's damn unclear to me how this could possibly be related... I spent about 80 hours solving this problem =(
DanW Author
I'm not able to reproduce this problem. Have you tried reproducing this with only LTTP and then adding your other mods until the problem starts happening?
I've narrowed down the suspects to 2 mods, which are installed together.
In the configuration Late to the Party, everything is disabled except
In the configuration Raid Overhaul, everything in configuration file disabled
Here is an archive where crashes are played (when transferring the headset to the head) and the lack of sound moderation effect in headphones. The logs are also there.
If set the parameter destroy_loot_during_raid "enabled": false, everything is working normally, but obviously the loot is not deleted, because it is disabled in the settings
DanW Author
Have you tried reproducing this with only LTTP and then adding your other mods until the problem starts happening? It seems like you're changing a lot of things, so it's hard for me to understand what exactly is causing the problem.
The only thing that patch does is change some values in arrays internally used in LTTP; it doesn't affect anything in EFT. The only reason it might break headphones is if there's an exception when the patch runs. However, the log file you attached is just from you loading into the game, not from a raid in which this is happening.
Without knowing how to reproduce the problem, there isn't much I can do. Sorry.
Yes! both mods are without code changes and are taken from the hub
Sent you an archive with a 100% probability of reproducing the error.. there are only 2 mods, everything is disabled in RO, and everything is disabled in LTP except the destruction of things
To reproduce the problem
1. Take a clean installation
2. Install mods from the archive above or the hub
3. create an account
4. Buy headphones
5. Go into the shelter and try to put it on your head
look my video plz…BzHIykT-/view?usp=sharing
Hi DanW, I'm receiving the following errors constantly in the console. How can I fix the problem? BTW this is also as a PMC so I'm not sure why LTP is doing things.
[Exception] : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
LateToTheParty.Controllers.LootDestroyerController.Update () (at <97ef2d56c16b413f969d6e4ddf5ba013>:0)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
Class358:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
DanW Author
Please send me your LogOutput.log file in your BepInEx directory after reproducing the issue.
DanW Author
Did you set only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.enabled=true in config.json?
I did.
DanW Author
Can you please check the following the next time this happens:
Hi. I see someone asked a similar question some months ago, but I'm not sure if I fully understand your response to it. If I want the changes to only affect scav raids, and I set the config to only apply changes to the beginning of the raid, does that ensure pmc raids aren't affected, or does it also make changes to pmc raids at the start?
DanW Author
Changes will still be allowed at the very beginning of PMC raids, but practically speaking this only means that maybe a couple of items will be despawned. There will be a negligible impact to the raid overall. By default, the code will only run for the first 5s of the raid.
I don't see any information pertaining to this question so i'm going to ask to be safe.
How does this mod interact when you extend the raid timer?
I like having larger raid times when I have to lug a heavy item. I never want to have to look at how much time i have left in raid. The mod config shows times on certain settings so if i set my raid time to lets say 6 hours. Will your mod even trigger?
DanW Author
This mod operates using the fraction of the original raid time remaining, so it will scale accordingly if you adjust the raid time.
great! Then it's going in my mod list!
edit: it broke the hell out of my game so it turns out I cannot use this
To be clear, this is in reference to FIKA?
DanW Author
You can interpret that however you'd like
Does LTTP hits performance? Really want to use it instead of Looting bots but I'm already struggling to keep locked 60 fps with Questing Bots and Sain.
DanW Author
It depends how it's used. If you just use it for initial Scav raid setup by setting only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.enabled=true, it will only affect performance for the first ~30 seconds of the raid. If you don't change that setting, it will definitely have a performance impact. You'll see dips of 10-15 fps (depending on your starting FPS) every couple seconds while the mod regularly searches for loot.
Thanks for the fast reply Dan, i'll enable changes just after spawning, want to save fps for QB since that's a must have for me. How much is the loot decrease in % compared to vanilla SPT? Is it random?
DanW Author
The algorithms are much different, but the loot decrease in general is similar. The big difference is that LTTP prioritizes high-value loot to despawn (with some randomness applied), whereas SPT just decreases the overall loot pool. LTTP also will only despawn accessible loot, so it won't touch anything behind a locked door.
Thank you so much!