Backdoor Bandit (BB) 1.9.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Thought breaching a locked door was impossible? Now you can shoot it open and you don't need the key. This will break game balance but i don't care.

I made this because i hated that there was a breach option and it never worked. All you did was stub your toe on 90% of doors.


1. Unzip it into your spt directory. it should install the pieces in the right place.


  1. Added PlebMode toggle in Bepinex Config. Turn on PlebMode if you want all weapons to affect door breaching.
  2. Added weapon restriction and ammo restrictions when PlebMode is off:

On non-metal doors:

  • You can only use shotguns with slugs
  • or melee weapons that are : DeadBlowHammer, FierceBlowSledgeHammer(if you guys can make it equippable), Crash Axe, Crowbar
  • I think regular hand grenades work

On metal doors.

  • You can only use grenade launchers with HE rounds

Thanks DrakiaXYZ for the door code.. I used his as a base and built on it.

If you guys enjoy my work and feel like buying me caffeine, here's my kofi.

  • Version 1.9.0

    Update for SPT 3.9.0

    • Fix for the MTs-255-12ga cylinder to take breach rounds

    unzip to your spt install directory and it will install into the correct places for bepinex plugins and user/mods.

  • Version 1.8.8

    SPT 3.8.0 - 3.8.1

    1. Fix issue with deleting game doors on shoreline and causing y our game to freeze. I had a superficial patch on the last one. This one should work cleanly. Thanks to Nick! He's really good at breaking stuff.
  • Version 1.8.7

    SPT 3.8.0 - 3.8.1

    1. Fixed the hand animations playing when using explosives even though you've stepped away from the door. (Thanks to RaiRaiTheRaichu!)
    2. Added explosive timer sounds that gradually get faster until the final tone (depends how long you set c4 timer for). Its also spatial audio so it will get quieter if you walk distance from it.

    For 312 before who downloaded, i updated zip so it has the check again that you can pickup the c4 and it still explodes and it fixes an error caused with perfect culling that crashed the game.

  • Version 1.8.6

    SPT 3.8.0 - 3.8.1

    1. Fixed not being able to plant C4 with Keypad Lock doors (Labs). Apparently these doors do not have 'locks'. (Thanks Nick!)
    2. Added more null ref checks for people who plant more than one C4 on a door.. highly regarded (Thanks Nick!)

    I have updated this zip with a fix so everyone before 199 downloads, please download again.

  • Version 1.8.5

    SPT 3.8.0 - 3.8.1

    1. Fixed explosive placement to be based on vector from player to lock because bsg has shit standards for door placement. If you look at door at wierd angle and place explosive, it will place it angled. best i could do.
    2. Explosions now destroy the door because fk doors.
    3. Added ability for explosives to cause damage (configurable radius and damage in Bepinex Config. Disabled by default). If you take cover behind an object like a wall, you will not take damage even if you are in radius of explosion.
  • Version 1.8.3

    SPT 3.8.0

    1. Replaced using the TNT explosive with the C4 Charge modeled by Moxopixel. It looks so good now. Thanks Moxo!
    2. Tried to redo logic for placement of explosive so its always on the side facing the player.
    3. C4 takes up 2x1 space so you can't carry crazy amounts of it
  • Version 1.8.2

    SPT 3.8.0

    1. Fixed picking up a shotgun with ammo causing the player to slide
    2. Added ability to customize fuse timer on tnt explosive.
    3. re-enabled breeching boxes as items that can be picked up or bought on flea. Did not add to trader assort because it doesn't seem to work.
  • Version 1.8.1

    SPT 3.8.0

    • Added ability to use breaching rounds on metal doors as an option
    • Added more configuration jsons in the folder so you can use your own custom weapons (and not just melee weapons or grenade launcher item ids)
    • Disabled the assort for the Breach Rounds Box since i can't be bothered to figure out why it sells with 0/5 rounds. now you can only buy individual rounds.
    • Refactor.


    • added MP-43 12ga sawed-off double-barrel shotgun that i forgot to shotgunweapons.json so stubby should now work with breaching rounds.
  • Version 1.8.0

    Updated for SPT 3.8.0

    • Added ability to use TNT-2000 as explosive charges to open any type of material door. Just select plant explosive from your action menu on a door. There is a 10 second delay and no the explosion will not damage you.
  • Version 1.7.2

    Updated for SPT 3.7.4

    New Features:


    If you enable this, you can use any weapon on regular doors, but thin and thick metal doors still need grenade launcher

    Define the random hit points assigned to doors

    You can customize the door hit point range. This determines how many shots it takes to blast open a door. This is randomly assigned between the min and max values you set.

    Set your own weapons you want for grenade and melee

    You can now define what is a valid grenade launcher or melee weapon using the hash id by editing the json files in the folder with it.

  • good evening sorry I am new in the world of modded tarkov and I play with a friend and we have a small problem the mod in 1.8.8 does not appear in the f12 while our version of games is 3.8.3, does anyone have a solution?

  • So I tried using the crowbar to open a wooden door on shoreline (The one with the cabin next to sanitar's table) and it didn't work. I aimed for the lock (Does it make wood or metal? Because each time I hit the lock it pinged like a gunshot). Stood there for awhile wacking it but nothing happened.

  • well, it does not work for me. im using shotgun with slugs and i cant open door on ground zero for the first quest. I installed it how u tell me to do but it just wont work. some help?

    • if you don't set the correct option, by default you need to use the breacher rounds. if you want to use slugs, use the semi-pleb mode in the F12 options. Also, you need to aim for the door lock

    • yeah, apparently im a little dumb i didn't saw that breaching rounds and was using just slugs. Everything works good

    • Same thing happened to me, even after reading the description.

      Total brain fart.

  • Hey, maybe this is a dumb question, is crafting C4 available in 1.9.0?

  • hello author!
    how can players obtain lockpicks set?
    previously lockpicks set can be crafted on 1st level workbench, but how to get it now? (bad english, excuse me)

    • Wrong mod. you are looking for CJ's mod

    • i am idiot
      excuse me please...

  • Just a heads up this seems to conflict with the WTT Auto-5. If you fire, it locks your gun and hands up so you can't fire, switch weapons, or use items.

    • Did you add this to the list of custom weapons in the dvize.BackdoorBandit folder? needs to match the type of weapon in which json you put the tpl id in

    • I did. I have forgot to put BBB higher on my list than Realism so now it fires with no issue but now after trying to breach my first door I realized that I can't breach any doors either. Using breaching rounds didn't work and setting it to allow all weapons didn't work.

    • If the rounds don't work, maybe its detecting wrong type of weapon. what kind of weapon is it actually classified as? BBB does distinguish between types of weapon so what json file you put that tpl id in matters

    • I think shotgun from the ID's I found in it's JSON.

  • Hey there, i love this mod!

    But i'm a bit of a noob. How do i know which rounds are breaching rounds and how do i open locked doors like that, apart from C4?

    • the rounds say breach on them. you can also buy on flea

    • Thank you!

    • Maybe I'm blind but when I click on a round, I don't see anything that says "Breach" on them anywhere in the description or anywhere else.

      Where should this breach on the round be exactly?

  • Hello, I love your mod. Is there a way to implement that only basic doors can be opened and that those that require a key cannot be opened?

  • Weirdly enough I went into the items.jsonc to change the pricing of the breacher rounds, breacher box, and c4 but the pricing has not changed even with a new profile. Do you happen to know how to address this? Thank you :)

    • c4 can be bought? from who?

    • No it can't be from what I am aware of, there is pricing for it in there though so I just changed it :shrug:

  • is there a way to add modded shotguns to this mod? I have the striker revolver shotgun and even with the door breacher rounds it does not open doors

    • there is a shotguns file that you need to add your custom mods tpl id to use inside of there.

      Heart 1
  • Could you enable option for melee only breaching? As in disabled breaching for all bullets/explosives. And is there any chance to get the normal breaching option to work on any door?

  • how about kicking like in Ready or Not? requires one or multiple kicks and can't kick with blacked out legs

  • Hey does the mod work with fika, because my friend cant breach doors only i can, and when i do he is still unable to enter because the door is still closed for him

    • He will also need to download the mod so that he can breach. If you close the door he should be able to open it. There is a Fika version available on the discord but it's just now getting updated.

  • Hi quick and maybe dumb question but do the doors in dorms with the metal grating count as metal doors or are they regular doors?

    • i believe they are still regular doors.

  • So, I know monopixel mentioned making the C4 craftable, but I haven't found his version of that, I don't think he's done it yet. I think you should just add the craft to the base mod when you get the chance.
    I think a good craft would be:
    Workbench Level 2
    Elite pliers and a Toolset as auxiliary tools.
    2 TNT bricks, 2 grenade fuses, 2 AA batteries, 2 wires, 1 PCB, 1 duct tape.
    3 hour crafting time.

    What do you think about that?

    Thinking 1 Heart 1
  • using HULTAFORS DEAD BLOW HAMMER and tried to knock down a door but it didn't work tried several doors with all levels of config switched on and off. just reporting as the mod description states it as a feature thanks

    • You have to aim for the lock on the door with melee weapons

  • Is it intentional that C4 isn't sold at any trader?

    • It is intentional. If anything i would have made it so you could create it but i think moxopixel said he was going to make a mod of this for that.

  • How would one go about uninstalling this? Just remove the files?

    • yes from the bepinex/plugins folder and the /user/mods folder (doorbreecher)

    • Thanks. I actually realised afterwards that I could've removed it. I got error messages but it was related to something else. Great mod!

  • Would be cool if the shotgun shells have only a % chance (15?) to open a door and c4 has a 100% chance.
    Same goes for doors maybe you can not use the shotgun shells on any door and c4 works on those (kiba, marked rooms, f.e.) that would be so sick
    Also a added craft for the hideout would be nice.

    otherwise 8/10 would install

    • You can change the health of doors in the f12 menu. Breaching rounds do around 190-200 damage, so just change the minimum and maximum door health to something else

    • ohhh thats a neat workaround. tyvm

  • Is it ok for me to release a small additional mod that increase the price of C4s to 70k and adds a hideout craft for them?

    • Sure, no issue from me.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • "Plant Explosive" is always greyed out for me. Do I need to find or purchase the actual explosive before it becomes available?

    • I believe that is a feature not currently implemented and I don't think its from this mod either its just a beta EFT option with no function. UI Fixes basically gets rid of that menu option being shown because it serves no purpose.

    • Its a real feature. You need c4 in your inventory though. Buy from flea if you can't find it.

  • This is a really great mod. For a little extra realism, could you make it so the "claw" muzzle attachment is required for all shotgun breaches and the ksg23 "barrikada" round can knock down any door?

    IRL, my team uses a 12g tungsten round to take out metal door/frames on project houses. We have the claw to grip the metal when we press the shotgun up to it.

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Hi,

    the rounds are incompatible with the MTs-255-12ga, it does not help to add the weapon to ShotgunWeapons.json or OtherWeapons.json for the matter.

    As you can see in the server log it loads the cartridge just fine:
    DoorBreacher added to: mag_mc255_ckib_mc255_cylinder_std_12g_5 in weaponPropName: Cartridges

    but it does not add the round to the weapon, and in stash you cannot load the rounds like normal slugs because "incompatible".
    This has probably something to do with your chambers logic as the ammo for the weapon itself, aside from the cartridge, is never loaded (it has no chamber).
    Would be nice to get feedback to this, thanks!

  • Hello again, is there a way to synchronize the breaching between MPT host/clients? Currently everyone has to breach the doors :)

    • That would be nice, but a good workaround is when you breach a door, close it and re open it. It should then be open for everyone now :)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • On the Project Fika Discord there's a channel called "mod-releases". There you'll find a Fika compatible version of this mod. F12 options looking a bit different but everything incl. sync is working for me and my buddy.

      Other than that as Rocketman001 already said, if the person who breached the door close and reopen it, everyone else will have a open door.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hey there ! Could you please tell me how to add the C4 to mechanic ? I tried to look through the code to find it on my own, but I dont see where the functions are called together. Would appreciate it if you could tell me, cause I am lost and my last time programming is a long time ago xD

    Thanks !

    • edit the mod.ts file in the src folder of the doorbreecher mod in mods folder.

    • Thanks ! One more question. I was able to increase the stack size of the C4 to 2, but every time I use a door breach it uses my entire stack of 2. Any way to get around that and only use 1 ?

    • its not supposed to be able to stack from the client code side (stuff you can't modify). you should unstack it before use

    • What program or trick do you use to edit the Mod.ts file? my pc is trying to open it in a media player and refuses to open with notepad or CodeWriter?

    • I use Notepad++

  • Shouldn't be the RSh-12 be also capable of breaching doors as well? IIRC, it was specifically made as an Anti-Material weapon for Russian Special Forces.

    • You can easily add that to the OtherWeapons.json file in the backdoor bandit folder:

      You will want to put the item code 633ec8e4025b096d320a3b1e like the following:
    • Good to know. Thanks!

  • I wonder, if the author can make the toggle option for opening doors after breach only with kick?
    I feel like it will be more spectacular. And(sorry) more realistic.

    but to be honest, I just want to kick down doors)

  • I wonder if it would be possible to have the C4 explosive be a craftable item?

    My recommendation: level 3 workbench. 2 TNT blocks +1 bundles of wires + 1 fuze + 1 MCB.

    Just a random musing, since I don't like buying too much stuff off the fleamarket.

  • I know this says its 3.8.1, but has anyone confirmed this is stable on 3.8.3? I know some 3.8.1 seem to work just fine. Thanks in advance, and thanks for the mod!

    • This is stable on 3.8.3

    • Thank you for the info!
      I downloaded 1.8.8, and I dont happen to have a config in the BepInEx folder for the pleb mode.

    • The pleb mode is in the bepinex configuration menu. If you first install the mod, it creates it automatically. You can access this menu in-game by pressing your F12 key.

  • Any way to configure so that I can use found TP-200's to breach doors, but not enable the breaching rounds / C4? Doing a hardcore playthrough, and would love to have an option to use the TP-200 to offset lack of quest keys, and not allow the shotgun rounds / C4.

    Amazing mod, tons of fun. Switching to a sawed off to blast open a locked door midraid is immediate BDE vibes. :D Thanks!

    • I suppose it would also be viable to remove breaching rounds from vendors, that way you could use them if you found them... newer to SPT, playing with FIKA, so any suggestions here appreciated!

    • well, you could use version 1.8.2 which used to use the tp-200. If you don't want breaching rounds from vendors, you can remove it from the mod.ts file in the src folder of doorbreecher in user/mods. Just comment or delete the assortHelpers blocks

    • My goal is making is so that having the rounds and the C4 available solely in raid supplements keys, so rather than hardcore playthrough making me grind to find a quest key, I can save a few rounds or C4 charges when I get them and use them for the quest doors.

      I bumped the price up on the breaching round to like 400k and removed the barter (I figured out how to edit the TS from your other posts! You rock!). If both rounds and C4 spawn in-world at random, I could even remove them from vendors completely.

      Tons of options here. Loving it. Thanks for the quick response!