Test Map 1.0.0

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for debug or something idk



  • Any chance you c ould fix the download, its no longer available on google drive.


  • I get a page that says "URL Not found" when I try to download.

  • How about a shooting range that goes up to 1 km?

  • i think this is all i need to develop my game and test it big tanks <3

  • hey, where could i contact you on how to start making those maps, not really "how" to build a map, but more what and how to use those tools would be great even just a what would be awesome thanks !

  • can you make a map with multi rooms for CQB that would be SICK

  • Silly question, if you use a red flare does an airdrop get called? Mostly asking out of curiosity!

  • would be great to see this be the beginning of custom maps in tarkov.

  • LOVE IT!

    With spawn, tarkys menu and dad mode debugging bots is finally a breeze!

  • How do you spawn in AI?

    ? 1 Thinking 1
    • I reinstalled 3.5.7 and it must have been one of the bot spawn or bot behavior mods conflicting, as it is working now. Previously, no bot would spawn for me.

  • Add turn-off lights plz

  • @SamSWAT. Just another fabulous mod sir. This works PERFECTLY in SPT-AKI 3.5.7. It does spawn both Scav's as well as PMC's (both USEC and Bear). For those who want MORE/ADDITIONAL AI spawned in, the S.P.A.W.N. [ S.P.A.W.N ] mod works flawlessly generating a random AI. And with SERVPH's Tarky Menu [ SERVPH's Tarky Menu ] you can then move/collect all the spawned AI to a particular location (based on where your weapon's aimed at). I made piles and piles and piles of dead bodies, so satisfying! This mod has awesome potential.

    Thinking 1
  • Return of the king

  • This is exciting sam! I look forward to seeing what bangers you can putout with more testing your mods are fucking great <3

  • id love an area where all the bosses spawn like the scav spawn area

  • Add some boxes bots can take cover behind. Maybe some outer walls around the big plane. If you want to take it further, do some tron-style styling so it looks like you're in a (more stylized) virtual simulation.

    • Tron-style styling sounds good to me. 8)^^

    • that is a cool idea! a map that loads in seconds where you can just hop right into the action sounds extremely cool

  • Сэм, отличная работа, теперь можно нормально выходить тестить оружие.

  • FINALLY lmao.

    now i can use the alpha map i was making in actual tarkov

  • Is this SPTs first ever custom map???(thats been released)

    • i think there used to be a map on here called factory test spawn or something, it was the out of bounds area of factory on top of the office.