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Version 1.5.0
- Jiro
- Removed hardcoded types and unused classes. In practise this means that the mod should work for multiple SPT-AKI versions!
- Fixed batteries not spawning on bots
- Other small code refactoring
Version 1.4.1
- Jiro
Only works on SPT-AKI 3.6.0 and up!
Remove user/mods/Jiro-BatterySystem before updating!
Reupload because something broke, bad
Quick bugfix:
- Batteries in tactical devices now only drain when turned on.
- Tactical devices now use more realistic batteries.
- You can now see through a HHS-1 (tan) magnififier when the sight has no battery installed.
- Sights that don't use batteries no longer turn off with no battery installed.
Thank you Matinez for the battery list for tactical devices and JowM for finding the HHS-1 bug!
Version 1.4.0
- Jiro
Only works on SPT-AKI 3.6.0 and up!
New stuff:
- Added tactical devices! Now they require CR2032 batteries, a single battery lasts for ~2.5hrs.
- Added a config option in F12-menu to disable BatterySystem for headsets. Use this if headsets sound bad with other mods.
- High level PMCs now spawn batteries with higher durability.
- Added a new barter on Prapor: 3x CR2032 (of any durability) => 1x CR2032 (100% durability)
- Thermal/NV Sights on weapons should now work properly.
- Batteries don't leak in the Hideout anymore
- Small drain logic fixes.
Version 1.3.0
- Jiro
Only works on SPT-AKI 3.6.0 and up!
New stuff:
- Added support for all headsets! Headsets use AA Batteries and a fully charged battery lasts ~2.5 hrs.
- Modding Screen and Weapon preview window no longer break when equipping a sight, thanks Fontaine for the idea!
- Slightly increased the spawn rate of batteries on bots.
- Cleaned up logging.
Version 1.2.1
- Jiro
New stuff:
- Bots can spawn with batteries installed in their sights. The durability of these batteries can be adjusted in the F12 game menu
- All Collimators now use either CR123 or CR2032 batteries that have replaced Rechargeable Battery and D Size Battery, respectively.
- Reap-ir now requires a CR123 battery to use.
- AAA Batteries have been removed for having no use.
- A typo that caused reticles to still show with no battery installed
- Batteries are now only drained on equipped weapon
- Probably something else I forgot
Thank you Fontaine, Drakia, Traveler, Slum_K1ng and Jehree with all the help with this version!
Version 1.1.0
- Jiro
Remove/Sell all existing AAA batteries from your inventory if you are updating from v1.0.0.
Collimators now require batteries! These use the same AAA Batteries, but drain them half as fast (>2.5h battery life).
T-7 Thermal goggles now function on batteries aswell, draining them three times faster than a PNV-10T.
Currently there is no way to turn off the collimator sights on slotted weapons. So if you want to save your batteries, you better keep them in your pocket.
Version 1.0.0
- Jiro
I have published an updated version of this mod for SPT 3.9 and fixed some of the major bugs
Updated package: BatterySystem
I doubt this is possible but what if you made the flashlight get dimmer when really low battery?
This mod is goated, IF BOTs had batteries in the electronics they used. That is really the only thing that makes this mod not really worth it.
They do now in my updated version!
I have two request.
1) A way to add batteries through the Preset menu so you can have the batteries on the weapons when put together. That way we don't forget to put the batteries in before using. Which leads to #2.
2) A way to know when a part that needs battery doesn't have one before entering a raid or if the battery is below , say, 15% or maybe 10%. Like a warning the same way you get one before entering raid and your character is till wounded or like when a gun turns red because the wrong ammo is in the magazine.
Otherwise this is a great mod.
One other thing. It seems that some NVGs don't use up the battery. I have one that's been 99 since I've been using it. It may be because these are from Artem's mod and I saw that Borkel's Realistic Night Vision Goggles mod was updated to work with Artem's mod as well so perhaps this one has to be too.
did you add Artem's NVG's to the JSON file yourself? they are not compatible by default.
I posted my config down below that includes Artem's items
Nope. I am not versed enough in the coding of these mods to know how to do that without breaking the mods.
any items added by mods won't be covered by this mod. But you can add them by editing the JSON file. I've posted the majority of what I've encountered down below.
I uploaded a config.json below with all the changes I've made.
All you have to do is download it, drag and drop it into your SPT folder, just as any other mod. There is a short demonstration gif if you need
Does anyone know of a fix or workaround for batteries not spawning on AI gear?I see a fix was included in the last patch, but there is also a mention of incompatibility with mods that alter bot equipment presets.I'm experiencing conflicts with SPT-Realism Bot Loadouts and wondering what the solution is.Does anyone know how I could fix this?Any help is appreciated
Solution: use Algorithmic Level Progression and disable Realism bot changes.
This mod seems to work with fine ALP bot loadouts, but has conflicts with Realism.
I hope this can help someone
I've added some missing devices:
Follow this link, click Download All in the top right.
Then copy and paste user folder into your SPT-AKI Installation Folder.
*This example is from SAIN. BepInEx not included in this download
Updated Battery List
- VirusTotal
If anyone finds any other missing devices, please let me know and I can add them
My game input stops working whenever I hop on a mounted gun with this mod enabled forcing me to alt f4. If this mod is disabled, the guns work fine again
This mod is amazing the transition of old boring and hardly ever used assets into something so highly diverse and utilizable/essential for every raid even adding a greater incentive for the use of iron sights due to battery dependency of digital optics and compacts
I really like the mod however I see a couple problems. If an Ai has an electronic in raid that requires a battery, you should be able to loot the electronic, and it should already have a battery inside of it. That's assuming that you want the Ai to actually be utilizing the electronic such as a red dot, flashlight etc. IF NOT, then the Ai needs to have either have iron sights also on their gun, or you need to greatly reduce the accuracy of Ai using a red dot with no battery and no back up iron sights because at that point they're just aiming down the tube of their optic lol. It might also be nice to add the ability to at least buy AA batteries from a trader on fresh wipes. I would like to power my headset if possible. Also, I think there are some corrections for the amount of batteries required in some electronics. I think most ring mounted large rifle lights have 2x cr123 batteries, some red dots/holos run off a one or two AA batteries ex. holosunHS401/ eotech 553, and most headsets run off of 2 AAA batteries. But thats just me refering my irl setups, streamlight tlr rm2 and razor electronic headphones, so I could be mistaken. Other than that I love the 3d modeling of the CR batteries, would like to see a AAA model for those headsets. Thank you and keep up the great work!

I've encountered an odd issue I think may be a battery leak. As I played with the mod for a few hours I got random frame drops and over a few hours, the drops just became more frequent until it my game was a consistent single digit frame rate. I'm like 90% sure it's some memory leak. Great mod and a must need more realism profiles
Hi Jiro, Thanks for the work on the mod - As some folks have called out the Monstrum Tactical Compact does not have a battery slot. I looked in the config file, and added the item id to the CR2032 section, but it still does not add the battery. not sure if there is something else I am missing?
awesome mod! it just seems that when used together with the realism mod, the bots all load without the batteries in their gear. dont know if there is anything that can be done about it, just wanted to let you know as these two mods would otherwise harmonize quite a lot^^
love the mod! you should make an item that recharges the battery's like a repair kit, I know you can use crafts but it be faster!
Is it possible to have an on/off button for all the game items that use the batteries apart from the headgear flashlights ? If my weapon is not in aim/ads/ should be off. BTW headgear flashlights are just vanilla still, they work without any batteries.
This is AMAZING ! I had 2 helmets with flashlights attached, before using this mod, and they work without batteries. Nvgs and sights are working. Any ideas ? I'm yet to buy/find a flashlight and testing on a separate helmet.
Is this compatible with Realism or Algorithmic Level Progression? If so, is there a certain order they should be loaded in? None of my bots were spawning with batteries on them and I'm hoping it's an easy fix. Thanks!
have you had any luck trying to make this work?
I don't have them spawning on Realism, and I'm contemplating trying ALP to get them to spawn.
I noticed the latest ALP update lets you update Scav loadouts. I might just add batteries to that whitelist as a workaround.
Can't get it to reliably work with Realism, so i've been using ALP. The bots have batteries sometimes, not all the times, with varying amounts of charge, which is good enough for me!
I'd like to make it possible for bots to load batteries with a high probability as well, otherwise it doesn't feel very real to me.Any bright ideas?
Mod conflict with SPT Realism. Self loading weapons will sometimes not fire along with shotguns/ bolt actions not firing at all. Taking out batteries from attachments, firing a round, and reinsert batteries into peripherals is a temporary workaround, however was hoping you'd take a look into it if you're willing. Thanks!
I can confirm this, using both causes the described issue along with another one where any attachment that requires batteries will be permanently off when you switch from the gun and until you switch a couple of times back to it.
This mod is fantastic man, great work!
Looking forward to the update with the low battery warning beep/blinking.
Found a couple of optics that don't have batteries that probably should(?);
Monstrum Prism 2x (5d2dc3e548f035404a1a4798)
Trihawk 3x (626bb8532c923541184624b4)
Thanks again.
I added them to the config, still need to check if that's all that's required.
Monstrum Prism 2x (5d2dc3e548f035404a1a4798) under CR2032
Trihawk 3x (626bb8532c923541184624b4) under CR123
edit: so far they seem to be working as expected.
I also added the TAC30 (5b2388675acfc4771e1be0be) under CR2032
There is unnecessary amount of logging in the BepInEx log.
Otherwise great mod!
Edit: This is the kind of line that gets spammed
[Info :BatterySystem] Draining item: item headphones (id: 2e8a82523c3580d2cc299273)EFT.InventoryLogic.ResourceComponent
When using the mod, when you stand up for AGS or NSV, the game gets bogged down. It is impossible to shoot, move away from them too, and inventory and Esc stop working, only Alt F4 helps. There is also a bug with weapons from a Sealed Airdrop weapon Case, a bug occurs when placed in the slot. If you do not use them, then the mod works fine, what is the possible reason?
Jiro Author
Thanks for the report, I'll start looking for a fix.
Thanks for reporting this. It is caused by this mod. Waiting for this fix so I Can start using this mod again.
Jiro Author
I'll post a compatible version of BatterySystem for SPT-AKI 3.8.0 when it releases.
wondering if this mod will ever be updated, game cant open with it currently retried twice uninstalled and game opens fine.
Jiro Author
Give me a week or two
Hi there,
Thank alot for doing this great job Jiro, i love this mod very much !
I found a bug, and i don't know if is already reported...
first things first, you have to be on raid for reproduce the bug, i try into hideout and it's not a thing.
when you instal a scope onto a weapon with an 45° NcStar equiped on that same weapon and you put the little thermal sight onto the 45°, your scope came to have thermal visor, and on a bad way...
Obviously, when i uninstall your mod, it's work again...
idk if it's clear enought, if you need screen, mod list and others things like that let me know
Jiro Author
Yeaah I ran into this problem earlier, but couldn't figure it out, I marked it up in Known Bugs tab. It only happens in raid when sights' batteries are drained and checked. Busy with life, I'll give this another shot at some point, but probably won't be able to fix this. As a workaround you can go to your server side config and change the id of Torrey Pines to under NoBattery. This problem only happens when using it as a canted sight. Thanks for reporting!
Thank you very much to you, and for this solution, I had already thought of this but I did not test it
Hello Jiro, I have an idea('s)
1. Is it possible to make 3 separate Battery Drain Multipliers (editable in config) for:
1. Devices with laser and flashlight
2. Collimators
3. Thermo and NV
Because X400 flashlight IRL drain in 1,75 hours but collimator PK-06 IRL drain in 70 (seventy) hours. So separate that 3 multipliers would be great especially for people who go for long 2-3 hours raids with no time acceleration (like me) and, of course it would be closer to reality. Also everyone will be able to change the Battery Drain Multipliers in every category according to their own needs.
2. Is it possible to create the possibility of turning on/off the collimators with hotkey or maybe with Custom Interactions? It would be really great
What do you think?
Jiro Author
These are not bad ideas but I'm increasingly busy with uni. The drain multipliers will be pretty straight-forward to change, but no promises when I will, sorry.
Ok, thank You
, I don't know what is uni but I will wait patiently with hope 
soo what level of what trader actually sells the new batteries? Rockin a lot of irons earlygame.
Jiro Author
There's only one barter on lvl1 Prapor. However there's multiple easy recharge crafts in hideout, but if you run out of batteries you have to find some on scavs and pmcs. Of course you can add your own offers to traders, there's probably a mod for that?
I wanted people to actually worry about batteries (especially in the early game) because that is the whole point of this mod
Fair enough, was hoping for at least AA's but its no worries, just figured Skier or Mechanic would make sense thematically.
Hi, So I downloaded this mod to use with my SPT-AKI installation of Tarkov of course. But when I switched back to the live server tarkov installation to play that, my battery textures were changed. I just dont know if I should be worried about my account being banned because of file tampering or something of that sort.
Jiro Author
Item icons are stored in your temp files, so you can return the old icons in the launcher >> clear temp files. You would have to do this every time you change from spt to live or back. I doubt you'll be banned for that, but better be safe than sorry.
Gotcha, ty for the help. I was quite worried cause Ive had my account for a very long time and itd be sad to lose my Alpha Armband haha. preciate it
For those who thougt: "Dude, I have a generator, but I have no way to recharge my batteries directly from it"
"Generic-Co Universal Battery Charger (TM)"
Simply Paste The following code below hideoutProduction.push(
Simple craft added to the generator in the hideout to recharge the batteries slowly but pasivelly. Edit to your heart content.
Hello, can You make the battery drain only when the flashlight or laser is on? Is it possible?
Jiro Author
This was a fast fix, I added a check for LightMod.isActive so now batteries don't drain on devices turned off. Included in the next release.
Wow, Thank You, You are The BEST
I think it's not working
no draining at all, I don't know if it's only me or not
Jiro Author
Can you try deleting the server mod folder instead of replacing it?
I deleted both folders in mods and plugins and I copied clean folders and files from Your zip
Hello, thank You for this mod, really great idea
I have question: how can I change battery from CR2032 to CR123 for ex. for "Glock GTL 21 tactical flashlight with laser" because this is more close to reality. I tried adding "5a800961159bd4315e3a1657" to CR123 section in config.json but it's not working.
Thank You for answer
I'm sorry it's working, my bad, THANK YOU
Jiro Author
Great that you got it working, but if there are any other batteries I got wrong then post their id and battery type here so I can fix them asap with the next release!
Ok, I checked few devices IRL and I changed from CR2032 to CR123 by adding ID's to "CR123" section in config.json.
To "AA" section I added SureFire XC1 tactical flashlight. IRL should be in "AAA" section but well...
If I find any other incompatibilities with the device manufacturers' websites, I'll write here
Inside code is entire config.json. I corrected as best I could, FLIR RS-32 2.25-9x 35mm 60Hz thermal riflescope is in "NoBattery" section because IRL there is internal battery only.
Jiro Author
Thank you so much! These are definetly closer to realistic than current ones. Although FLIR does have a built-in battery, I wasn't able to implement that yet (battery doesn't drain correctly) so for now Í will put it under CR123. You can of course change this back to NoBattery if you'd like.
I'll include this in the next release