Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Regarding SPT 3.9.X or higher
If you're a user:
I do not plan on actively playing SPT 3.9.X or higher, therefore I do not plan on updating my less-used mods.
If you're a modder:
Do not reupload my old mods, thank you. If you want to fix compatibility, please ping MusicManiac on SPT discord and I can add you to authors so you can update the mod if it requires an update.
Version 2.1.2
- MusicManiac
Stuff was broken, yo
For existing users: All configs are unchanged, make sure to save them somewhere before overwriting folder or just extract everything EXCEPT config folder in existing mod folder.
For new users: Extract into your mod folder (yes it's a tool, but it need to be in mod folder so it can find all the files needed, aka your save and SPT data)
Version 2.1.1
- MusicManiac
Added pkm and svt mastery
Also added txt with default mastering values, because mine is slightly adjusted. If you want to use default tarkov mastery replace appropriate stuff in /config/weaponLevelsAdjusterConfig.json with stuff in /config/defaultWeaponMasteryLevels_3.7.4.txt
Files that you can save somewhere and then drop back to save your progress/configs:
Files that you have to overwrite:
/config/weaponLevelsAdjusterConfig.json -> added pkm and svt mastery here
Extract into your mod folder (yes it's a tool, but it need to be in mod folder so it can find all the files needed, aka your save and SPT data)
Version 2.0.0
- MusicManiac
This does things now, read description on mod page.
Old mod is completely gone, saved data will not be transferred.
Nothing is compatible, just start anew.
Extract into your mod folder (uyes it's a tool, but it need to be in mod folder so it can find all the files needed, aka your save and SPT data)
Version 1.0.0
- MusicManiac
Initial release
Download MusicManiac-PrestigeSystemHelper.rar and extract it into /user/mods
Hello! I really like the idea of this mod but I have a question. It keeps telling me I forgot to prestige mentioned weapons. How may I do so?
MusicManiac Author
Open savedData.json and increase "Times Prestiged" counters where needed. Check suggested usage for ideas what to do with those.
Well I don't know what I am doing wrong. I extracted it to my mods folder, copied my profile ID into the config.json and then ran the executable with the server running, without it running, with the game running and without. However ever time I do it just opens and then instantly closes.
MusicManiac Author
Ye, my bad, update
Error: "main" file does not exists; but the file does exist
MusicManiac Author
ignore it and read mod description, it's not a mod, it's a tool
This has a really interesting potential