Amands' Sense 1.1.0

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Interactable icons for items, containers, bodies.

Experimental Amands' Sense

This mod shows interactable icons in range such as Loot, Containers, and Dead Bodies with additional icons for Kappa Items or Wishlist Items.


Activate Sense key is Double Click F by default.

Colors, Audio, Keybind, Cooldown, Speed, Duration and Radius can be changed by pressing F12

(click somewhere else to leave).



SPT-AKI 3.6.X (25206) ONLY

0.0.9 for 3.5.8 can be found on Github

Planned Features

Icons for Unlockable Doors, Quest Items, Extract Location.

Final Icons design.

Known Issues

Thanks to CWX, SamSWAT for their mods helping me on modding in general.

KMYUHKYUK's Grenade Sprite for the sprite loading used on this mod.

thanks pin for beta testing.

  • Version 1.1.0

    SPT-AKI 3.7.1 (26535), 3.7.0 (26282)

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.


    NEW! Smol things

    Experimental Sense Always On, Disabled by Default.

    Quest items Ex. Jaeger's encrypted message

    Deadbody separate Radius

    FIXED! Smol problems

    BepInEx Console Errors

    In raid Console Errors

  • Version 1.0.0

    SPT-AKI 3.6.X (25206) ONLY

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.


    NOTES! SPT-AKI 3.5.8

    0.0.9 for 3.5.8 can be found on Github

  • AmandsSense 2.0.0 Pre-release GitHub

    SPT 3.10 (33420)

    Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip recommended.


    1.1.0 Config file is NOT compatible with this version delete BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Sense.cfg.

    2.0.0 Pre-release in case of any bugs/problems, write a comment or open an issue on Github

    Heart 11 Thumbs Up 5
    • Thanks for the update and for bringing this back! though the previous version somewhat worked with 3.8, nevertheless I'm glad that the proper version arrived.

      Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • This is so damn clean now. Everything looks mad great.

    • How come this pre-release update is in the comments and not in the versions?

    • the pre-release for 2.0 is not feature complete, the hub page was only enabled back so people have a place to report bugs/request features

    • @Amands2Mello, Since it isn't feature complete, should i open an issue on github for what i noticed?

      I noticed that in so little height difference, the plugin is not able to detect the entity, as i killed a PMC on South Stairs between 3rd floor and 2nd floor, and standing on 3rd floor the dead body is not highlighted due to the height difference.

      Are you planning to add a parameter for increase the height search?

      In Unity's term: Increase the Y axis search range.

  • Awesome mod !

    I'm using the github version for 3.10, the client crashes consistently every 3-4 raids. I tried looking in my log files but couldn't find anything.

    I tried using only this mod and it still crashes.

    By default, does this mod have a logger ? Do I need to activate it ?


    • I have tried using this mod however the sounds folder is empty so its not allowing me to start any raids, any ideas?

  • Any Insight on how to get this mod to work. I have Download and Reinstalled multiple times. File has gone to plugins and looks to download properly. But just wont load when the game is launched. All help to rectify would greatly be appreciated. Im talking about the file off github mind you.

  • anybody else having this installed and sometimes the client randomly crashes without any error in any log files ?

    I'm trying to figure out if it's this mod crashing my client.

    2.0 pre-release on latest SPT version

  • Is an updated version ever going to come out?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • This mod is absolutely fantastic, I consider it an essential one now - beautifully made.

    Would you consider updating this to 3.10?

    Thanks for your hard work! <3

  • huge thanks for this mod, i hate watching and memorizing looting videos, just so i can forget most of the places a few months after a break

    labs, here i come for those hideout items!

    Heart 1
  • Possible small bug, sense seems unable to detect the chemical container for urban medicine when its on the second shelf on the left on the top shelf. Found it myself and sense would not detect it no matter how close or what side of it I was on.

  • Hello, mod is great and all but why are all containers white? shouldnt they have same color as the items inside of them? Also is it just me + is there somethin i can do w it?

  • I stupidly updated to the latest EFT and now get an infinite loading screen :( Gutted!!! Fingers crossed there's an update for this on the hub soon <3

  • I soooo hope this comes back to 3.9x!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Does this have a feature to add a faction marker above bots? Like, a usec marker above usec bots, etc. for easy identification? :saint:

    • only dead bots but a ping feature is planned

  • I am curious why this hasn't been posted officially in ages.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • in short, I am not an active modder anymore but every little free time I have I'm still updating the mods slowly instead of just leaving them outdated.

    • Well, the issue with that is because it is unofficial the guys in the support SPT discord don't want to help.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Playing with the 2.0.0 pre-release version. I absolutely love this mod.

    I use the background color option with customized backgrounds by Item info and it's great.

    Is there a way to make loot containers of the same type have just 1 color, instead of displaying the rarity/color of the item inside? I feel like it's too OP to activate the sense and immediately know which drawers/PC blocks has a high tier item.

    Thanks Amand!

  • How do you set it to be a double-tap of the key? seems like it's triggering on single-tap of "F"

    • press F12, enable Advanced Settings on the top of the menu and search for DoubleClick

      by default it is double-tap

    • awesome, thanks!!

  • Hi! This is a great mod! Thanks a lot for creating it, I can finally see small objects in a dark room. Please tell me, how do I enable icons to be displayed above the objects (as in the screenshot), and not text? Or is it my problem because of the localization of the client

    • if you can't see icons at all then the mod wasn't properly installed, and it can't find the icon images.

      you can choose what the mod should display on top of items by pressing F12 search for EnableSense and choose On or OnText, by default it is OnText which is Icon + Text

      Heart 1
  • i cant get mine to work doesn't show anything

    • for 3.8.3 you need the latest pre-release version AmandsSense 2.0.0 Pre-release GitHub

      by default, you need to double tap F to activate sense you can change it on F12

    • yeah thats the version im using and i double tap f but nothing happens

    • would any other mods be messing with it

    • Incompatible with ACCURATE CIRCULAR RADAR mod if you're running that.

  • Absolutely AMAZING mod. Configured how I like with sense spotting things from miles away. For me though the Exfil Popups don't work, I've enabled them in F12 and have the sense to always on.

    Running the newest GitHub release with SPT 3.8.3 - any ideas?

    Thanks Again

    • Exfils aren't included in "always on" as it would be a bit intrusive, but I can include a toggle for it for the next versions

    • Oh wow yeah that would be amazing thanks!

      Ah ok, so if I turn "Always on" to off I'd see them?

      They're just a really nice UI touch and save pressing "O" all the time on maps I'm not familiar with xD

      Thank you for your amazing work!

    • the bind to activate sense still works when you have "Always On", by default is Double-tap F

      Heart 1
  • has the mod been updated to 3.8.3?

  • Is there a way to set priority list for boxes / containers? Meaning... I tend to want to search for Hideout material and quest materials, but too often the box just shows up purple "lootable container". I like how the Wishlist will override Lootable Container color. Would like specific items to override General items. Which is why I think a priority system is a cool idea.

    • there is a list for high priority items at SPT/BepInEx/plugins/Sense/Items.json

      but I can do improvements to the idea

  • does anyone have an updated item list? it's showing greenbats as common grey loot when they sell on flea for over 100k

    • Check Dronin's comment a few lines below.

    • thank you so much, don't know how i missed it!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Is there a way to make the sense effects work better with night vision active? Like maintaining the colors and not making the text blur.

  • Just to report for anyone whom had problems like mine.

    Amand's sense for 3.8 will conflict (loose loot/item on the ground won't show anymore) with the mod Visceral Bodies for 3.8 as it introduce a new function;item physics.

    Turning off item physics somewhat fixes the problem and loot icons shows up again.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Amands mods never cease to amaze me, the exfil sense is amazing, thank you

    Heart 1
  • This was one of my favorite mods when it came out and I'm very happy to see it getting worked on again.

    Heart 1
  • update the mod please, I've been waiting for the 3rd week

  • This is one of those essential mods for me. Even though 2.0.0 is just being pre-released 1.1.0 worked fine for me. Is there, by any chance, plans for making loot color presets? Cause the first thing I do with config is set all of items to be flat white. It keeps you guessing whether or not you should loot the thing. Thanks regardless of your thoughts on the matter. It's an amazing mod

  • Thank you for updating your mod! Love your work! :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • When Raycasts are coming. I have maxed out attention and can already see how much stupid loot spawns under the floor. Would be nice to be able to loot it..

    • the fix is already being added to spt-aki itself, raycasts aren't meant to allow you to loot, just won't show the sense icon

  • How can I make the icons bigger ?

    • press F12 to open the configuration manager (click somewhere else to leave)

      on Sense you can change Size, NewSize and AlwaysOnSize