ALP - Algorithmic Level Progression 5.4.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

The one and only randomized loadout/progression mod. Makes bots level with the player, experience the wipe! 100% randomly generated kits. Bots will use gear and ammo they have with map appropriate weapons.



  • Version 5.4.3

    Small feature update

    • Reduce overall nonPmcBot gear pool size (increased performance).
    • Increase nonPmcBot equipment randomization a bit (should help with Toz/3m/quest related gear later on).
    • Prevent nonPmcBots using boss gear (or bosses using other bosses' gear)
    • Significantly update sniper equipment and weightings.
    • Update backpack weightings (should help with scavs over preference with certain very heavy large raid bags).

    That's all for now!

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 5.4.2

    Small Update

    • Fix bug with pmc loot not being removed when looting bots installed
    • Add per level weapon weighting to all nonPmcBots
      Bots will use appropriate weapons for appropriate maps.

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 5.4.1

    Small Update

    • Remove zombie magazines
    • Remove broken mxc magazine
    • Remove scabbard weightings

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 5.2.2

    3.10 UPDATE

    • Rewrote nonPmcBot equipment distribution
    • Added expanded equipment [pool to all bot types in the game, including bosses, guards, zombies (if using MOAR), configure or delete entries via the nonPmcBotConfig.json, or just turn off nonPmcBotChanges in the config if you only want pmcs to have tiered gear as you level.

      This has the following effects to gameplay:
      • This adds gear to bosses like Rashala whom in normally has nothing, meaning it makes Rashala a bit harder.
      • This adds worse gear at lower levels to other bosses too, so you a bit of an easier time with the harder bosses at lower levels.

    • A whole bunch of small bug fixes.

    Still to do:

    1. Make all bots prefer certain weapontype for appropriate maps (done for pmcs long ago, working on it for the rest).
    2. Find and remove the zombie 9999 magazine pistol.. (happy hunting).

    That's all for now.

    Have fun! :sleeping: :thumbup:

  • Version 5.2.1

    Bug fix

    • Should fix armor vest usage
    • added some support for blacklist

    That's all for now. 8) :thumbup:

  • Version 5.2.0

    The "REVERT!" update

    • Reverted a few changes to pmc types that was likely causing errors for those using any modded weapons/ammo.
    • Removed a LOT of items from PMCS secure containers to reduce data bloat.

    That's all for now, HIGHLY recommend update if on versions 5.1.X, previous versions contained a bug.

    ?( :thumbdown:

  • Version 5.1.1

    Minor update

    • Fixes a bug with high level Ground Zero being broken
    • Removes the new dogtags from scavs loot pool.
    • Fixed issue with magazine bullet association on certain magazines.
      This might fix an issue with some mod introduced extended mags not having ammo.

    That's all for now!

    Have fun 8) :thumbup:

  • Version 5.1.0

    Update to version 3.9.4!

    • Added "Ammo" randomness option in the "randomness" config.
    • Updated a few cursed scopes, should see far less scope mounts without primary scopes now.
    • Added new values for scav loot in the NonPmcBotConfig:
      • percentageOfKeysInSpawnPool

        This is the size of the key pool that Scavs have access to (randomized on game start)

        I'd recommend leaving this alone

      • scavLootBlacklist

        Add ids of items you'd like scavs NOT to have, does not effect weapons

    • A few other minor changes, and a few small bugs (one around night/daytime introduced in the new patch).

    That's all for now, this is a bit experimental so do let me know if you find any weirdness.

    Have fun!

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 5.0.0

    Major release - Alp Recombobulated

      ALP now runs after DB Load, like most server mods; this means you can now use the load order.json to resolve many issues previously seen.
      Simply place mods you suspect are conflicting AFTER ALP in the load order.json.
      This includes custom traders that may have previously been incompatible with ALP!

      To test newly added mod compatibility one can now simply move custom weapon/equipment mods BEFORE ALP And test.**

      ** I do not guarantee compatibility with any custom weapon/equipment mods, it's up to you debug issues yourself!
    • The quest to rid ALP of cursed guns continues...
      - Fixed a number of issues with scopes not spawning on higher tier 30/34mm scope mounts
      - Removed a few strange/ugly scope mounts (Hydra Mounts)
    • Scav loot is now configurable
      - Added all useful keys to loot pool (nonPmcBotConfig > addRandomizedKeysToScavs to disable)
      - Added method to increase the weighting difference between good/bad loot (nonPmcBotConfig >
      - Added the ability to add item ids to the scav loot pool (nonPmcBotConfig >
      Any added items will be automatically weighted for balance.

    • Boring stuff
      - Massive code refactor
      - Added Error handling
      - Added automated use of "forceCached" if ALP detects bad items or other errors.
      - A ton of small balance changes
    • ALP now uses the standard USER > MODS > AlgorithmicLevelProgression folder structure.
      Old folder name: DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression
      New folder name: AlgorithmicLevelProgression

    That's all for now!

    Have fun!
    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 4.3.0

    Minor Release

    • Significant refactor
    • One very large bug, and 2 small ones fixed
    • ALP now completely overhauls Scav loot, feels much closer to live. <<< FEEDBACK NEEDED HERE.
      Can be turned off in the config file.


    :/ :thumbup:

  • Version 5.4.3

    Small feature update

    • Reduce overall nonPmcBot gear pool size (increased performance).
    • Increase nonPmcBot equipment randomization a bit (should help with Toz/3m/quest related gear later on).
    • Prevent nonPmcBots using boss gear (or bosses using other bosses' gear)
    • Significantly update sniper equipment and weightings.
    • Update backpack weightings (should help with scavs over preference with certain very heavy large raid bags).

    That's all for now!

    8) :thumbup:

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Loving this mod. It made the early game a lot less painful, and it's keeping things interesting late game. Only thing that bugs me is that PMCs never carry a realistic amount of meds in their pockets. I get the excuse that some would carry their meds in their prison pocket, but anyone not absolutely scraping by would keep at least their light and heavy bleed stoppers hotkeyed.

  • Will adding modded clothes ID to blacklist work to prevent PMCs from spawning with them? I'd like to keep the clothing feature on, but only have PMCs to use vanilla clothes.
    p.s. putting the mod with new clothes in load order after ALP, or even before it, doesn't have any affect

    • Likely the mod in question is adding the clothes using something other than the standard afterDbLoad hook. (or whatever).
      Maybe ping the owner.
      Not a lot I can do from my end.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • “enableLootChanges": true, what is this config item modifying the drop? I don't see it explained in Overview's Configuration Options. scav's armor is too good and I often see level 5-6 armor inserts, so I turned off scav's gear!

    • The inserts are spt, I can't do too much there.
      You can reduce the armor or rig quality by changing the number in the reference.
      [0,1] << all the armor
      [0, 0.3] << only bad armor

      enableLootChanges << rewrites scav loot pool

    • Thanks for the reply, this mod is great!

      Heart 1
  • Hi! Thank you for your work!
    I performed all the steps from the installation and modified the order.json


    "order": [





    "gear/trader mods",







    "gear/trader mods",



    And I got the following error. Maybe I'm not too knowledgeable in json syntax, or I had to modify something additionally, but I just copied your example as you pointed out, and in response to this, as I understood it, the compilation was not very successful.


    unable to parse json file: user/mods/order.json message: Unexpected token ']', ..." mods",


    }" is not valid JSON, stack: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ']', ..." mods",


    }" is not valid JSON

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at JsonUtil.deserialize (C:\snapshot\src\utils\JsonUtil.ts:94:25)

    at PreSptModLoader.importModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PreSptModLoader.ts:128:53)

    at PreSptModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PreSptModLoader.ts:54:24)

    at Program.start (C:\snapshot\src\Program.ts:26:35)

    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\src\ide\ReleaseEntry.ts:19:9)

    at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1930:22)

    at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1435:10)

    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1207:32)

    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1023:12) Mod loader: In the order file.json errors found, STANDARD LOADING ORDER WILL BE USED

    Could someone tell me what I did wrong and where I went wrong? :)

    • The load order example I gave was just that. I suggest using a load order mod.

      Like this

  • Has anyone tested this with Fika? Wondering if it works for multiplayer.

    • It works great.

      I play all of my mods on fika

    • Awesome! Thanks!

  • Just wanted to voice some totally subjective frustration here. In theory this was so cool to me. But I cannot tell you how many scav runs I've died in because I hesitate my first shot thinking the PMC in front of me is a scav because of their clothes. Skill issue, I know, but sooo frustrating. Thank you for your hard work on this mod.

    • You can turn off scav changes. Just delete assaults ref in nonpmcbotconfig

    • Thank you for your response! Could you give me a brief rundown of what exactly turning off scav changes would do? I want to make it so that PMCs look more like PMCs.

    • Oh that? Yeah kind hard to do.

      You can reduce all of the randomness configs.

      Turning off Scav changes or just making there gear changes all read [0,0], in the non PMC bot config, will make it so they keep the alp weighting (understanding what is good from bad) but don't get new gear.

      Heart 1
    • I was able to find an override in SVM that diabled low gear leveled PMCs. This allowed me to keep all the other awesome features of your mod but make PMCs more distinguishable. Thank you for the explanation. Cheers.

  • The modification (AlgorithmicLevelProgression-5.4.3) is missing the package.json file.

    i get this error in the server console

  • I'm having an issue where I'm running into a lot of Class 5/6 plates and multiple thermals and I'm only level 5. I can also confirm (on Factory at least) that lots of the bots carry impact nades. Seems to be working apart from that, everyone is using shit ammo at least.

    • The plates should be randomly weighted lower in general. (That's largely spt/tarkov I've done my best there).

      There may be a new thermal I need to blacklist...

    • I'll look at removing impact nades in next release.

  • i want pistols in factory only so i change the map specific setting and change all other weapons to 0 but still im getting shotguns and everything else? im pretty sure this used to work????

    • This works for pmcs, likely not completely with nonPmcBots.

      You also likely want to turn down randomness settings.

  • can you make it so bosses are not effected

  • is it recommended to fresh reinstall mod rather than to just update with every new update?

    • Generally, with alp it shouldn't matter though.

  • > This makes certain bosses harder (Rashala) in the beginning, and others easier (goons).

    Yeah I'm not too sure about that xP (this is Birdeye with a Tagilla mask) :P

    Cool mod though, disabling the boss part of it now I know it can do that though :(

    • Lol..
      He has bad armor though.
      The idea is bosses should be a little easier earlier game.

      And with Sain, the quality of gear affects their AI.

    • I am going to fix this in latest.

    • See update.

  • I'm lvl 21, I still haven't finished skier's "Supplier", do scavs spawn with a toz 106 anymore when I am this level? I can't seem to find any.

    • They can. Go places like GZ and factory. You'll see more shotguns.

      Also weapons crates.

  • Is there any way I can remove the bots ability to have any RGN and RGO impact grenades with 3.10? They all seem to have them even though you can't buy them off the flea or by traders. And when I say all of them I really do mean all.

    Thinking 1
    • It's definitely not all, sounds like you died and are frustrated.

      They get the better grenades at higher levels.
      I can tweak it so they don't.
      But nothing you can do at the moment.

      Thinking 1
    • @DewardianDev - I'm having the same thing happen to me like it has for NinjaKid. Majority of the AI have impact nades or flash grenades. I made a new profile the other day and died 27 times to impact nades and I am only level 8. As soon as I get within close proximity to scavs or pmcs they lob an impact nade right where I'm at which can be annoying at times but I keep my gear if I die so it's not too impactful on gameplay.

  • So I have a question, do pmcs mods their guns ?

    If so are there presets or also random ?

  • Hi. Im back but from other side lel. I noticed one interesting thing. After installing this mod bots stopped to loot. Feels like "Looting bots" was retired. Is there any chance the loading order makes sense?

    • I checked the last update in case of u will say about it. For example, I play a lot of Labzzz and bots doesn't want to loot there even they got enough "free" loot around'em

    • Make sure the server mod for looting bots is before this if you have removed loot from bot via the looting bots server config.

      You should see this in the console if done correctly:

      [AlgorithmicLevelProgression] Looting bots detected, removing pmc loot

      [AlgorithmicLevelProgression] Looting bots detected, removing scav loot

      If you don't have those configs enabled, the order doesn't so much matter.

      ALP changes nothing with behaviour.

      Heart 1
    • Should I set to false "enableLootChanges" at config file at urs mod?

    • Only if you dont want alp to make scavs loot better.

      Heart 1
  • Version 5.4.2

    Small Update

    • Fix bug with pmc loot not being removed when looting bots installed
    • Add per level weapon weighting to all nonPmcBots
      Bots will use appropriate weapons for appropriate maps.

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

    Thinking 1
    • It seems like some files are missing? I encountered some errors when starting the game:

      Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\EFT310\Client.\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\refDBS\assault.json'

      Thinking 1
    • I created a folder named refDBS at the error location, and the error disappeared.

    • oh dear.

      one sec

      Will reupload.

    • Re-uploaded, anyone else getting that please just download the file again. It has been replaced.

  • Bosses are spawning with random gear close to my level. Killed the goons and they didn't have any of their normal gear.

    • And?

      Thinking 1
    • How do I change it, so they spawn with their gear instead?

    • Delete their entries in nonPmcBotConfig,


      Disable nonPmcBotChanges in the config.

      Thinking 1
    • Thank you for your help. Hope it wasn't a bother.

      Happy 1
  • Weapon 5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3 weapon_sig_mcx_gen1_762x35 was generated incorrectly, falling back to weapon preset see error above

    Errors like these SPAM my console and I believe they lag my game, how should I fix this?

  • Really love this mod. I didn't even noticed there is a config before. After I leveled up I found some of scav have 5 tier armor and I sprayed whole magazine M855A1 to kill a scav, and then I realized it xd.

  • PMCs come out with helmet-mounted COMTAC VI in their ears.

    • Yeah, existing bug, need to look at that.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Additionally, PMCs were coming out with Liberator headsets even though they were wearing helmets that Liberator headsets don't fit.

  • Version 5.4.1

    Small Update

    • Remove zombie magazines
    • Remove broken mxc magazine
    • Remove scabbard weightings

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • I have "addCustomTraderItems" set to false, and notice that bots still use clothing from custom traders. I'm hoping to disable that, because while I like the leveled clothing feature, I don't so much like a lot of the attire from the custom traders I use. Has anyone ran into this, or know of a solution? Thanks!

    • A. Turn off levelClothing in the config.

      B. Use order.json to place the mods that you don't want ALP bots to use, after it.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you, I'll see if I can play around with load order

  • idk if this is your mod but I will post anyways

    Willson 999 mags on raiders


    • lol, i got same large mag for makarov, idk wich mod create this artefact, also u cant search by item this mag, and it's why i call it artefact

    • well, we just need to wait until mod update, btw just remowe them or not take it, nothing hard

    • That's the zombie stuff, I have fixed this in the latest release (coming soon).

      Thumbs Up 1
  • PMC bots tend to spawn with Cigarettes in their vests for some reason, like almost every time. I'm assuming that isn't intended?B9E04501-CFFA-4637-BBDD-D6DB1A593A8B.png?ex=675b13b8&is=6759c238&hm=80f71344714b5682758b24e98524b9f71798660fe2292c62544a86eedc03cbe4&B44FFB85-746A-4EAD-B07A-A9DDA28F89F6.png?ex=675b13ce&is=6759c24e&hm=2605a944fe4258a33dc457c863f822c69efb5d128fde517ef946a29b07c454cc&4E2F911F-3F8E-4529-B879-3C0798CEC0C0.png?ex=675b141e&is=6759c29e&hm=996179647f915c2e661bce1e1bbb7cbc457f90d165e45b75de01c33c9a158401&

  • I have a problem, such errors in the console, when bots are generated at the beginning of the raid and sometimes appear during the raid. This problem, as I understand it, is related to sniper bots, while completing the Gamekeeper's quest, I realized that there are ordinary wild ones on the roofs of the Customs and in sniper positions, not snipers. Initially, I thought that the problem was with conflicting mods, as a result, the "order" file was changed many times, but it did not help, I removed the mods one at a time and even with one ALP mod the problem persisted. . How can I fix this?

    • What exactly is the problem you are seeing?
      The above warnings are fine, (yellow = fine), it just means I am missing some data for a weapon or helmet mod slot.

    • It seemed to me that because of these yellow mistakes, I would not have wild snipers on the roofs, but instead ordinary wild ones with automatic weapons. Could it be related?

    • No, just turn off modded weapons for marksman in the nonPmcBotConfig if you don't like the color yellow in the console.

    • Also delete the above error spam or edit it.

  • I keep getting this error and get stuck at the loading screen when loading in to a map I have reinstalled the mod 3-4 times and tried changing the load order nothing seems to work

    SyntaxError: "undefined" is not valid JSON

    SyntaxError: "undefined" is not valid JSON

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at cloneDeep (C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\utils.ts:225:8)

    at setPlateWeightings (C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\NonPmcBotChanges\NonPmcUtils.ts:444:42)

    at C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\GlobalValues.ts:104:27

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at Function.updateInventory (C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\GlobalValues.ts:53:14)

    at Object.action (C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\LocationUpdater.ts:41:26)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:41:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:61:68)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

    SyntaxError: "undefined" is not valid JSON

    SyntaxError: "undefined" is not valid JSON

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at cloneDeep (C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\utils.ts:225:8)

    at setPlateWeightings (C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\NonPmcBotChanges\NonPmcUtils.ts:444:42)

    at C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\GlobalValues.ts:104:27

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at Function.updateInventory (C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\GlobalValues.ts:53:14)

    at Object.action (C:\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\LocationUpdater.ts:41:26)

    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:41:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:61:68)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

    • Do you have any custom traders or equipment installed?

    • I'll add a fix for the above error, but it is likely caused by a mod that is messing with bot randomization values, either SVM or others.

      For now, undo whatever bot changes you have on in SVM or uninstall the offending mod.

    • Hi! Do you have acidphantasm’s Acids Progressive Bot System installed? I had the same error, deleted the aforementioned mod and didn’t get the error and loaded into a game without problems. After I reinstalled ACPBS again it gave me the error(s) again!

    • ALP and APBS do the same thing, try both but choose one! They will anger eachothers files, and cause errors.

    • had apbs installed and had missed it, everything works fine now

  • Return of the king.

    Heart 1
  • Hi I have some wtt weapons installed and was wondering if this mod will also add those weapons to the bots loadout?

    • Try using the order.json to set WTT before ALP.

      If it runs, it works!

      If not.. load it afterward.