ALP - Algorithmic Level Progression 5.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

The one and only randomized loadout/progression mod. Makes bots level with the player, experience the wipe! 100% randomly generated kits. Bots will use gear and ammo they have with map appropriate weapons.


  • Version 5.0.0

    Major release - Alp Recombobulated

      ALP now runs after DB Load, like most server mods; this means you can now use the load order.json to resolve many issues previously seen.
      Simply place mods you suspect are conflicting AFTER ALP in the load order.json.
      This includes custom traders that may have previously been incompatible with ALP!

      To test newly added mod compatibility one can now simply move custom weapon/equipment mods BEFORE ALP And test.**

      ** I do not guarantee compatibility with any custom weapon/equipment mods, it's up to you debug issues yourself!
    • The quest to rid ALP of cursed guns continues...
      - Fixed a number of issues with scopes not spawning on higher tier 30/34mm scope mounts
      - Removed a few strange/ugly scope mounts (Hydra Mounts)
    • Scav loot is now configurable
      - Added all useful keys to loot pool (nonPmcBotConfig > addRandomizedKeysToScavs to disable)
      - Added method to increase the weighting difference between good/bad loot (nonPmcBotConfig >
      - Added the ability to add item ids to the scav loot pool (nonPmcBotConfig >
      Any added items will be automatically weighted for balance.

    • Boring stuff
      - Massive code refactor
      - Added Error handling
      - Added automated use of "forceCached" if ALP detects bad items or other errors.
      - A ton of small balance changes
    • ALP now uses the standard USER > MODS > AlgorithmicLevelProgression folder structure.
      Old folder name: DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression
      New folder name: AlgorithmicLevelProgression

    That's all for now!

    Have fun!
    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 4.3.0

    Minor Release

    • Significant refactor
    • One very large bug, and 2 small ones fixed
    • ALP now completely overhauls Scav loot, feels much closer to live. <<< FEEDBACK NEEDED HERE.
      Can be turned off in the config file.


    :/ :thumbup:

  • Version 4.2.2

    Small Fix

    • Fixes a bug where custom trader items would appear on bots when disabled.

    That's all for now!

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 4.2.1

    Major Update (3.8.3)

    • Fixed med spawns, they were broken for 3.8.0
    • Automated Looting bots detection, no config option needed anymore.
    • Ammo tweaked heavily
    • Added "higherTierAmmoChance": 0.3, new config option to tweak how often a lower tier bot will receive the next tier ups ammo. (values are 0.1 - 0.99)
      This dramatically helps the game feel more live like.
    • Made guns more meta as pmcs level.
    • Set PMC loot to be largely determined by SPT, only quantity (not quality) scales with ALP.

    8) :thumbup:


  • Version 4.1.0

    Moderate Update

    • Fixed a few cyclic depth errors on server start for those 20+ mod pack enthusiasts.
      More weapon mods should now be compatible...

    • Updated a number of spawning issues around scav gear to more closely emulate live (CONFIRM 3M is finally fixed)
    • Fixed a few errors around pmc plate loading that would cause lag at the start of raids.
    • Made a few changes to around medkit spawning to make it more similar to live.

    That is all for now.

    Have fun 8) :thumbup:

  • Version 4.0.3

    Compatibility Update

    • Added new "forceCached" config option (set to false by default):
      This basically sets pmcs to use a hardcoded precached version of the mod to help compatibility for those non-technical folks that can't be bothered to cull their mod folder.
      TLDR: If you use a ton of weapon/mod/equipment mods, and you see errors after install set this to true. You won't get bots using custom items, but you can still use ALP.
    • Set "strictEquipmentTiering" to true by default, turn this off to see a larger variance of gear use.
    • Tweaked med spawning a bit.

    Have fun  8) :thumbup:

  • Version 4.0.1

    Minor Update

    • Fixed too many stims spawning on pmcs, also balanced their spawning so rare ones spawn less often.
    • Updated scav equipment balance a bit
    • Added new "strictEquipmentTiering" option to the config, this basically makes it so that bots will not spawn with items beyond their tier.
      In the past, ALP would have this on by default, meaning that a tier 1 bot would have no chance to have killa armor or an ash12.
      Turning this off now (by default) allows for such random occurrences to happen.
      Functionally you shouldn't see much change, but occasionally a lowby may use some gear they didn't previously have access to.

    That's all for now.

    Have fun 8) :thumbup:

  • Version 4.0.0

    MAJOR UPDATE 4.0.0

    • Rewrote all armor based balance
    • Rewrote nonPmcBots balance (should see more cowboy hats/3ms etc...)
    • Added armor plate integration for all bots.
      Bots' Plate armor usage levels with the player
    • Removed adding additional armor/rigs/helmets to nonPMCBots temporarily
    • Fixed silencer/muzzle usage issues
    • A lot of other things...

    8) :thumbup:


    I need sleep ;(

  • Version 3.0.4

    The "3m/toz Patch"

    • Fixed a minor issue with reduced 3m/TOZ spawn chances on scavs.


  • Version 3.0.3

    The "Bugfix Patch" :rolleyes:

    • Fixed a number of bugs causing errors with Swag/Looting bots
      Apparently removing the IDEA rig from PMCS is not allowed... X/
    • Fixed Scavs not spawning with TOZ shotguns/3m armor!

    That is all.


  • Version 5.0.0

    Major release - Alp Recombobulated


      ALP now runs after DB Load, like most server mods; this means you can now use the load order.json to resolve many issues previously seen.
      Simply place mods you suspect are conflicting AFTER ALP in the load order.json.
      This includes custom traders that may have previously been incompatible with ALP!

      To test newly added mod compatibility one can now simply move custom weapon/equipment mods BEFORE ALP And test.**

      ** I do not guarantee compatibility with any custom weapon/equipment mods, it's up to you debug issues yourself!

    • The quest to rid ALP of cursed guns continues...
      - Fixed a number of issues with scopes not spawning on higher tier 30/34mm scope mounts
      - Removed a few strange/ugly scope mounts (Hydra Mounts)

    • Scav loot is now configurable
      - Added all useful keys to loot pool (nonPmcBotConfig > addRandomizedKeysToScavs to disable)
      - Added method to increase the weighting difference between good/bad loot (nonPmcBotConfig >
      - Added the ability to add item ids to the scav loot pool (nonPmcBotConfig >
      Any added items will be automatically weighted for balance.

    • Boring stuff
      - Massive code refactor
      - Added Error handling
      - Added automated use of "forceCached" if ALP detects bad items or other errors.
      - A ton of small balance changes

    • ALP now uses the standard USER > MODS > AlgorithmicLevelProgression folder structure.
      Old folder name: DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression
      New folder name: AlgorithmicLevelProgression

    That's all for now!

    Have fun!

    8) :thumbup:

    • What are the most impacted "small balance changes"? Also, anyway to consolidate these updates more so I don't have to download new versions all the time?

    • This should be the last for a while.

      Crying 1
    • How long is a while? And what were the small balance changes?

    • Unknown, depends on bugs mostly.

      Balance mostly around weapon mods, default loot chance quantity..

      I said small balance change because they were numerous and I can't remember them all.

      Crying 1
    • You're more fun with eggnog.

  • how can i balance custom guns from not being overused by every PMC?

    i have the Scorpion CZ mod and the Heckler G3 mod installed

    i just want them to sometimes use these guns while also using Vanilla guns too

    i have to remove ALP to stop them from using the scorpion and g3 non stop every raid

  • Any known issues with DanW's Questing bots since the new version for anyone else?

    Did not get this with last version


    [Client Request] /QuestingBots/GenerateBot/0?retry=2

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')

    at BotLevelGenerator.generateBotLevel (C:\Bastard State Games\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LevelChanges\BotLevelChanges.ts:46:40)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:146:49)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:116:20)

    at BotController.returnSingleBotFromCache (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:339:54)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:191:21)

    at QuestingBots.generateBots (C:\Bastard State Games\SPT\user\mods\DanW-SPTQuestingBots\src\mod.ts:504:41)

    at Object.action (C:\Bastard State Games\SPT\user\mods\DanW-SPTQuestingBots\src\mod.ts:152:39)

    at DynamicRouterMod.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:65:59)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:74:63)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:46:18)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')

    at BotLevelGenerator.generateBotLevel (C:\Bastard State Games\SPT\user\mods\AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LevelChanges\BotLevelChanges.ts:46:40)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:146:49)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:116:20)

    at BotController.returnSingleBotFromCache (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:339:54)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:191:21)

    at QuestingBots.generateBots (C:\Bastard State Games\SPT\user\mods\DanW-SPTQuestingBots\src\mod.ts:504:41)

    at Object.action (C:\Bastard State Games\SPT\user\mods\DanW-SPTQuestingBots\src\mod.ts:152:39)

    at DynamicRouterMod.handleDynamic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:65:59)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:74:63)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:46:18)

    Error occurs on all maps

    Error occurs whether either mod is loaded first

    • Following up

      All I did was revert to the last version and this error is fixed

      The incompatibility is definitely with the newest update

  • is there a way to specify a specific piece of gear to go on a slot?

    With the latest realism update that adds gasmasks to gear loadouts even with realisms loadout section/bot settings off.

    getting this error from ALP:

    bot: sptusec lacks a mod slot pool for item: 60363c0c92ec1c31037959f5 item_equipment_facecover_gasmask_gp7

    bot: assault lacks a mod slot pool for item: 5b432c305acfc40019478128 item_equipment_facecover_gasmask_GP5

    bot: sptusec lacks a mod slot pool for item: CCG_GAS_MASK_GP9 CCG_GAS_MASK_GP9

    bot: sptbear lacks a mod slot pool for item: CCG_GAS_MASK_SGE400 CCG_GAS_MASK_SGE400

    These gasmasks are native/TCG

    **workaround atm to get them spawning more regular was to remove 'facecover' from weighting**

    • I'm also having the same issue. I believe we need to add the Gas Mask Air Filter to the mod slot pool, but IDK where that is located.

      We would also have to add a method to force Gas Masks on AI on Labs, otherwise they will get gassed out. Without this, compatibility will be compromised.

    • someone messaged on discord regarding that, we are still trying to work out where the slot should go, im unsure if the error correlates to gasmasks spawning or just the filter within the gas mask, pretty sure at this point it's the filter slot on the mask

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello,

    I've noticed that regular scavs seem to almost always have lvl 6 plates in their armor whenever they're wearing a compatible armor piece and this is occurring in the lvl 1-14 bracket. Is there a way to reduce the chances of them spawning with high tier plates?

    • I'll take a look, but I don't do anything with plates for them at the moment.

      That's default aki behaviour.

  • Would item mods like WTTPack&Strap mess up how this works? Ive had it for awhile but I never notice if its working because of my other mods maybe. For example altering the levels i think affects some of my SAIN settings and idk Im trying to figure out some of my errors hehe. Thanks for the mod!

  • Hi, how to write the order json? right now if i open its empty with just:

    "order": []

    thank you m8!

  • The randomness options in the config is a great feature, does it also affect what ammo comes with the guns?

    I saw there was the "higherTierAmmoChance" but from reading your patch notes I gather this is for the chance that lower tiered bots get the next tiers up ammo.

    Basically I'm trying to reduce the amount of the very top tier of ammo from being in use, I'm finding much more M993, M995, SSAP etc. than I would in live at any stage in the wipe. I imagine the use of Artem and Scorpion custom traders has given them more access to higher tier ammo that usually wouldn't be sold in vanilla though.

    • Also is there a way to reduce chance for food and drink items in pmc and scav inventories? Meds to a lesser extent too.

    • That is random. And balanced to be so.

      I'll likely be adding ammo itself to the randomness options soon here.

  • This mod has been working great for PMC loadouts. However I have a problem with boss (goons specifically) and boss guard loadouts where their guns either do not come with a muzzle or sight or both. It seems it's using the base game loadouts for these. Is there something I can change to fix this with this mod?

    • I don't touch the goons loadouts, thats likely an Aki bug.

      Having said that, I might add a patch with ALP. As I see how to easily fix that.

    • Thanks for the response! Does the mod also not touch the boss follower loadouts? Which would also explain their cursed guns. Otherwise, this is a great mod for PMC loadouts!

    • It doesn't touch weapon loadouts except for pmcs.

  • is this mod supose to make ai / bots use mod weapons? if it is its not doing that (apart form everything it does ovc)

    • Read the description, config, and install instructions before posting.

  • AS Val spawned on a PMC with rotor grip & buffer tube stock + folding stock equipped at the same time. This was on version 4.3.0 so if you already fixed then please ignore. Thanks

    Thinking 1
    Please if you can, make it that Scavs have more light/heavy bleeding stoppers
    They seems to have almost none compared to live, I could not find one in 30 of them.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • On version 5 I have scavs spawning with loot despite it being set to off in looting bots config. Do I also need to disable loot changes in ALP config now or is unintended?

    • I'm also noticing this

    • Scavs loot is off? In the server side mod for looting bots?

      Or the F12 menu?

      As the F12 menu change doesn't restart the server.

    • If you have scavSpawnWithLoot set in noDiscardLimit. Then let me know.

      Otherwise you need to read the looting bots mod page.

    • scavSpawnWithLoot is set to false in the server side looting bots config. In multiple previous versions it was working as intended, I saw no loot spawned on scavs with ALP enabled however on v5 I am. Also the only config change in ALP that I make is the one to enable custom trader item integration.

    • For now maybe try turning off loot changes as well.

      I'll look into it.

      If you have forceCached on, or an error is detected and it is automatically turned on, your bots may still have loot.

  • ah yes, my favorite mod now has configurable scav loot

  • Any fix for game freezing at the start of a raid?

    • I've not seen that.

      Likely a mod conflict.

    • The user @kptnstabbin mentioned it below.

      @NotBen_2  mentioned it on Apr 13th 2024 and you responded saying it could be strictTiering.

      This is likely caused by turning off strictTiering (which was off by default in the last release).

      It makes the JSON that each PMC generates with larger meaning a hang on raid start."

      Also you mentioned it in patch 4.1.0:

      • Fixed a few errors around pmc plate loading that would cause lag at the start of raids.

      I've also seen a few Discord discussions about, where users have removed everything but ALP, and it still causes the raid start lag/freeze for 10-20 seconds.

      It wouldn't be a problem if you're playing solo, but I have a big friend group and every time someone starts a raid, every single person gets frozen for 10-20 seconds while actively in a raid.

      I just want to clarify that I love your mod and I respect the time and effort you've put in, I just want to be able to use the mod again. <3

    • I saw this a few versions ago, I haven't seen this lately at all.

      Unsure of the cause in your case.

      Anything changed in the configs?

    • Oh!

      Alp adds a lot of potential builds to bots, bot generation is more expensive. If you are playing with Fika/swag/Sain I'd suggest reducing the default swag spawns a bit and turning on spawn limiting in the F12 menu.

      That largely got me over any slow downs or jitters.

      Tldr: this may be caused by swag spawning 30 bots on raid load.

      Reducing that number to a manageable level relieves this.

  • Is there a way to set it up that bosses are separated from other non-pmc's in the config? Currently to use BUMA you have to disable all non-pmc's to get the bosses to use decent ammo.

    • not 100% sure if this is right but at the bottom of nonPmcBotConfig.json theres a big list of the bosses in brackets, clear them out and then maybe ALP wont consider them when changing values?
      This isnt tested at all, ive just done it to my own config so ill let you know, kinda hard to tell the level of a boss though lmao

    • I didn't think of trying that before, I'm testing it now. I'll post again after I've done a few raids and see if it makes a difference while using BUMA, it's usually pretty easy to tell after a few factory raids if Tagilla isn't using good ammo lol.

    • That's the case. Or just comment ot the all bosses bit.

      Or you can use alp to give bosses or other bots better ammo.

  • Hey thanks heaps for this mod, truly brilliant
    was just wondering, I get the undefined properties bug about some magazine generation, how I would properly remove the item thats bugging it, I've had a many day long google to try find the solution, so thought I might just try here, I'm sure you've been asked this 1000 times already haha <3

    I also noticed that when using forced cache to fix it, in the console it doesnt mention anything about detecting lootingbots, how does it change ALP if lootingbots is detected or not?

    Cheers <3

    • forceCached it used if you have a mod that breaks ALP.

      With forceCached on bots will still have heir regular loot.

      A new version is coming out soon that should help with this predicament.

      Heart 1
  • Version 4.3.0

    Major Release

    • Significant refactor
    • One very large bug, and 2 small ones fixed
    • ALP now completely overhauls Scav loot, feels much closer to live. <<< FEEDBACK NEEDED HERE.

      Can be turned off in the config file.


    :/ :thumbup:

    Heart 1
    • This mod is great! I have a suggestion, and if this is already implemented and I'm just not utilizing the functionality, comment to let me know I'm bad at reading the documentation.

      Max Items Allowed:

      What: The blacklist disallows bots to use certain items at all, but this functionality being suggested would limit the amount of "x" item a bot can spawn with. Such as ammo, grenades, weapons, medical.

      Why: Higher level bots are running multiple 60 round mags full of super rare rounds. At most a full mag or two, with the rest being lower tier ammo, would be more realistic. Also seeing lower level bots occasionally running higher tier ammo in a mag would be good. Ideally, these bots have mags of mixed ammo (higher tier top load, lower tier bottom load). Or, also would occasionally allow hatchet/pistol runners at any level.

      Caveat: SMG/PDW weapon builds on live EFT often enter raid with many mags full of flesh rounds, this is the only time I really see high-value ammo in a lot of mags.

      Anecdotal Info:
      Beyond the ammo example in the "why" section, I also had another problem where bots were constantly bringing in the same three medical items (Grizzly, Surv12, 400hp IFAK). I rarely see these items as loose loot/on players in live EFT as they're usually in the SC, but one raid in particular I had about 5 Grizzlys, 5 AFAK, and 7 Surv12, all with full use counts.

      Ideally, these items would be rather rare as on-bot loot and even have a low amount of uses remaining. I've blacklisted these items to prevent being over-saturated with higher tier medical loot, but a better work around would be good too.

    • Max items is currently a value set internally.

      I could tone back the quantity of ammo brought in, but these values are relatively complicated. And need to be calculated per pmc level tier.
      One could change the scav quantities today in the advanced config but no help will be offered there..

      Adding more mags for specific types of rounds is not currently a possibility with this algo.

      The medical issues you describe were a side-effect of 3.8.0 adding those items to default pmcs.
      I have amended that with the most recent release.

      If you are still seeing those items, that is bizarre.


      a low amount of uses remaining

      The above could very well be possible.
      I'll look at this.

  • does this work with bot spawning from questing bots or do i have to deactivate it ?

    i see in the console some info about "Algorithmic Level Progression detected, updating bot spawns"
    without further infos

    • It works with both questing and looting bots.
      It is specifically designed to work with both.

      Heart 2
  • Dewardian...The link can´t be open.

    • latest version is bugged so you need to roll back 1 version, thats stated at the top of this page :)

      Heart 1
  • cant open link

    • latest version is bugged so you need to roll back 1 version, thats stated at the top of this page :)

      Heart 1
  • Is it normal to get a 20-40 second freeze/lag at the start of a raid? I feel like it started doing that when I updated from 3.8.0 to 3.8.3.

    Mod list



  • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')

    at ProgressionChanges (Z:\381\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\ProgressionChanges.ts:434:64)

    at AlgorithmicLevelProgression.postAkiLoad (Z:\381\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\mod.ts:23:51)

    at PostAkiModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.ts:69:46)

    at PostAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.ts:33:24)

    at ModCallbacks.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\ModCallbacks.ts:33:41)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:57:26)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')

    at ProgressionChanges (Z:\381\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\ProgressionChanges.ts:434:64)

    at AlgorithmicLevelProgression.postAkiLoad (Z:\381\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\mod.ts:23:51)

    at PostAkiModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.ts:69:46)

    at PostAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostAkiModLoader.ts:33:24)

    at ModCallbacks.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\ModCallbacks.ts:33:41)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:57:26)

    I have this red error...

  • DewardianDev, please support the import of the added bot types in your wonderful mod. For example, the Punisher mod adds new bot type "punisherboss",


    Code: PunisherBoss.ts
    import * as bosspunisher from "../db/bots/types/bosspunisher.json";
    import * as bosspunisher2 from "../db/bots/types/bosspunisher2.json";

    and the ALP ignores this

  • Having some problems with bots generating sometimes. doesn't happen constantly which is weird. narrowed it down to this mod after switching to Valens progression. Folks over at the spt discord helped narrow it down

    • There is a bug with the current version.

      I have fixed it but stumbled upon another issue I'm trying to fix. Fix coming soon.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • How to fix it? the error appears only when using WTT- Rogue Justice and ALP together Unable to find bot: bosspunisher JSON, using assault bot as fallback when I get in the raid.

    • As a temporary solution for compatibility to WTT- Rogue Justice mod, need place bosspunisher.json and bosspunisher2.json \user\mods\WTT-RogueJustice\db\bots\types to \Aki_Data\Server\database\bots\types

    • Thank you for the solution! I also have the same issue.

      This made Punisher boss spawn normally.

  • There is a known issue with pmc spawned loot, will be reimplementing ALPS loot pool to fix this.

  • Hey, I have error message in console when playing with mod. Changed load order, tried different ALP mod versions and still get errors. Load order included, consol log message included.

    Error message from log:

    [2024-06-05T07:51:09.962Z] succ: Generated location bigmap
    [2024-06-05T07:51:10.106Z] error: TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
    [2024-06-05T07:51:09.967Z] info: [Client Request] /client/raid/configuration
    [2024-06-05T07:51:09.971Z] info: SWAG: PMC conversion is OFF (this is good - be sure this loads AFTER Realism/SVM)
    [2024-06-05T07:51:09.972Z] info: SWAG: day Raid Max Bot Caps set
    [2024-06-05T07:51:10.107Z] error: TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
    [2024-06-05T07:51:10.107Z] error: TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
    at Function.keys (<anonymous>)
    at C:\Games\Fresh SPT\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\OnGameStartUtils.ts:109:37
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at makeMapSpecificWeaponWeightings (C:\Games\Fresh SPT\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\OnGameStartUtils.ts:107:49)
    at Function.setValuesForLocation (C:\Games\Fresh SPT\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\GlobalValues.ts:154:36)
    at Object.action (C:\Games\Fresh SPT\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\LocationUpdater.ts:38:24)
    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63)
    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)
    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)
    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:151:38)
    [2024-06-05T07:51:10.107Z] error: TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
    at Function.keys (<anonymous>)
    at C:\Games\Fresh SPT\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\OnGameStartUtils.ts:109:37
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at makeMapSpecificWeaponWeightings (C:\Games\Fresh SPT\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\OnGameStartUtils.ts:107:49)
    at Function.setValuesForLocation (C:\Games\Fresh SPT\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\GlobalValues.ts:154:36)
    at Object.action (C:\Games\Fresh SPT\user\mods\DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression\src\LoadoutChanges\LocationUpdater.ts:38:24)
    at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63)
    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)
    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)
    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:151:38)

    Mods log:

    [2024-06-05T06:55:49.781Z] debug: Importing configs...
    [2024-06-05T06:55:49.898Z] info: Commit hash: d3ac83e63b10aae1ced66e40f28b4c7774c8ec9c
    [2024-06-05T06:55:49.898Z] info: Build date: 1714849547565
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.003Z] info: ModLoader: loading 45 server mods...
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.177Z] warn: Mod acorn-spec-container is not compatible with the current version of AKI. You may encounter issues - no support will be provided!
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.178Z] warn: Mod Fontaine-Fontaine FOV Fix & Variable Optics is not compatible with the current version of AKI. You may encounter issues - no support will be provided!
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.179Z] warn: Mod nooky and props-SWAG + DONUTS is not compatible with the current version of AKI. You may encounter issues - no support will be provided!
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.179Z] warn: Mod SamSWAT-RARDE SUSAT is not compatible with the current version of AKI. You may encounter issues - no support will be provided!
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.188Z] info: Mod: spec-container version: 1.0.0 by: acorn loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.188Z] info: Mod: SVM version: 1.8.1 by: GhostFenixx loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.197Z] info: Mod: Virtuals Custom Quest Loader version: 2.0.1 by: Virtual loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.209Z] info: Mod: BMWCore version: 1.0.0 by: Ashley Schaeffer BMW loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.220Z] info: Mod: DJCore version: 1.0.0 by: DJ loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.232Z] info: Mod: SWAG + DONUTS version: 3.3.5 by: nooky and props loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.238Z] info: Mod: SAIN version: 2.2.1 by: zSolarint loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.245Z] info: Mod: aaMFACSHOP version: 1.2.0 by: PETTAN loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.249Z] info: Mod: BRNVG - N-15 Adapter version: 1.0.0 by: Borkel loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.271Z] info: Mod: DoorBreacher version: 1.1.5 by: Props loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.277Z] info: Mod: LiveFleaPrices version: 1.1.1 by: DrakiaXYZ loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.291Z] info: Mod: Expanded Task Text version: 1.4.3 by: Dirtbikercj loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.297Z] info: Mod: Fontaine FOV Fix &amp; Variable Optics version: 1.10.0 by: Fontaine loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.297Z] info: Mod: AKExtension version: 1.4.1 by: Lyconox loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.303Z] info: Mod: Module-AdditionalClothing version: 1.0.0 by: DJ loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.310Z] info: Mod: MoreCheckmarksBackend version: 1.5.13 by: VIP loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.316Z] info: Mod: Two Slot Extended Mags version: 1.0.3 by: Platinum loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.323Z] info: Mod: AllTheClothes version: 1.5.0 by: RaiRaiTheRaichu loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.323Z] info: Mod: Realistic-Thermals version: 1.0.3 by: Borkel loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.349Z] info: Mod: easy-ammunition version: 1.3.0 by: Refringe loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.372Z] info: Mod: open-extracts version: 1.4.2 by: Refringe loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.372Z] info: Mod: AdditionalGear - BEAR version: 2.0.0 by: Ashley Schaeffer BMW loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.379Z] info: Mod: AmmoStats version: 3.1.1 by: RaiRaiTheRaichu loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.380Z] info: Mod: RARDE SUSAT version: 1.0.0 by: SamSWAT loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.380Z] info: Mod: Additional Clothing - BEAR version: 2.0.0 by: Ashley Schaeffer BMW loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.402Z] info: Mod: Crackbones Clothing version: 1.0.0 by: Crackbone loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.410Z] info: Mod: TraderModding version: 1.7.0 by: ChooChoo and wara loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.420Z] info: Mod: LootValueBackend version: 2.0.0 by: IhanaMies loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.426Z] info: Mod: ACTUAL SICK SICC version: 1.0.1 by: MoxoPixel loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.434Z] info: Mod: MICC version: 3.9.3 by: Revingly loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.441Z] info: Mod: DeDistortionizer version: 1.0.0 by: zSolarint loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.447Z] info: Mod: ConfigurableFallDamage version: 1.0.1 by: Nameless loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.501Z] info: Mod: Muzzle_Devices version: 1.0.0 by: Epic loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.501Z] info: Mod: Call of Duty: Warzone - Mil-Sim JW GROM version: 3.8.0 by: SamSWAT loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.509Z] info: Mod: Carl-QHB version: 1.1.2 by: Goewert loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.516Z] info: Mod: Carl-300 Blackout Expansion version: 1.1.1 by: Goewert loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.524Z] info: Mod: Carl-STAR15 300 blk version: 1.1.1 by: Goewert loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.530Z] info: Mod: gearprotaction version: 2.0.0 by: HANAVI loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.537Z] info: Mod: Guns_YetAnotherPort_Miralyn version: 2.0.1 by: PETTAN loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.572Z] info: Mod: WTTArmoryHK417 version: 1.1.0 by: Tron loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.592Z] info: Mod: WTTArmorySVD version: 1.0.1 by: Tron loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.612Z] info: Mod: WTTArmoryWilsonCombat version: 1.0.0 by: Tron loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.624Z] info: Mod: InstantRepeatables version: 1.0.0 by: Skulltag loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.650Z] info: Mod: RecoilTweaker version: 3.4.1 by: CreamCheese loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.751Z] info: Mod: AlgorithmicLevelProgression version: 4.2.2 by: DewardianDev loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.760Z] info: Loading: acorn-spec-container v1.0.0
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.976Z] debug: [aaMFACSHOP] preAki Loading...
    [2024-06-05T06:55:50.976Z] debug: [aaMFACSHOP] preAki Loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:52.191Z] debug: [AAAArtemClothing] preAki Loading...
    [2024-06-05T06:55:52.192Z] debug: [AAAArtemClothing] preAki Loaded
    [2024-06-05T06:55:52.782Z] info: Server: executing startup callbacks...
    [2024-06-05T06:55:52.783Z] debug: Server: 3.8.1

    • Support will only be afforded for 3.8.3.
      Also you have quite a few mods added in, ALP is likely not compatible with all of them.
      ALP changes every loadout in the game.
      It is recommended you add mods one by one instead of making a massive pack and hoping it will work.

    • Oh.. I think the poster above identified a bug with tier 5 bots.

      Will fix shortly

    • Ok, i will check next update for this error.

  • Hey - I installed Lotus and Artem and now I get this error when I enter a raid- I previously had no errors

    • Set forceCached to true. And remove these comments.

      Some weapon mods introduce bad items. Will likely automate this setting in the future.

    • You can ignore the:

      Required slot 'mod_muzzle' on muzzle_pp... Stuff

    • Oh hmmm.. there was an issue with adding new armors to pmcs or other bots.

      I wonder if this is due to that.

    • I removed the clutter-

      What does your last comment mean lol

      and which file has that setting?

      Will that disable all custom items?

    • It will, yes.

      Be aware there is a bug in the current released version.
      Working on a new version for release tonight.

  • I have used this in my last wipe and I remember there was a issue with realism progression and this one. Does it work well with each other now?