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Borkel's Big Realistic Thermal Package
Someone suggested I make a big package with my previous two thermal mods, but I decided it would be wise to wait for 3.7.0 to include the new thermals aswell. So now here it is, my Big Hot Thermal Package has arrived.
What's unique about this?
Other thermal overhauls aim to uncap the refresh rate and offer a perfect clear view through the display of the thermal, with no pixelation, noise, blur... Instead of that, I aimed for pure realism, so I researched the real the life specifications of Tarkov's scopes and injected them into the ingame scopes. For example, the FLIR had a resolution of 172*129px and a refresh rate of 21Hz, while in real life it would be 320*240px at 60Hz. On top of that, and thanks to TEOA's work, I've erased the max range limit of 250m that all thermal scopes had, making them usable at longer ranges.
Also disabled vertical sync on all thermals.
Stats and Pics (make sure to click on them to see them in full resolution)
- FLIR RS-32 2.25-9x 35mm 60Hz
320*240px 60Hz
Now with a new more realistic reticle from Geff Hannigan's EFT Scope and Red Dot Sight Overhaul. Also thanks to Fontaine for updating Geff's mod.
- Trijicon REAP-IR 60Hz 640*320px
640*320px 60Hz
- Armasight Zeus-Pro 640 2-8x50 30Hz
640*512px 60Hz (the display itself is 800*600px, but the thermal sensor is only 640*512px)
FUSION mode is now easier to use
- SIG Sauer ECHO1 1-2x30mm 30Hz
206*156px 30Hz
FUSION mode is now easier to use
- Torrey Pines Logic T12W 30Hz
80*60px 30Hz
Should work perfectly with EFT SCOPE AND RED DOT SIGHT OVERHAUL BY GEFF HANNIGAN - Reupload, just make sure my mod loads after it.
Not compatible with other thermal overhauls but even then it's not going to break the game.
Drop inside of user/mods.
Also check out my Realistic Night Vision mod, it has the T-7 thermal goggles.
If you wish to support me and help me achieve my dream of owning night vision goggles you can buy me a coffee.
Version 1.0.4
- Borkel
Updated for 3.9
Also disabled vertical sync on all thermals for better accuracy.
Version 1.0.3
- Borkel
Updated for 3.8.1 and all future 3.8 versions
Version 1.0.2
- Borkel
Updated for 3.8.0. Let me know if there are any issues.
Version 1.0.1
- Borkel
Updated for 3.7.1, just to get rid of the version warning. I don't have 3.7.1 myself so let me know if something is not working.
Version 1.0.0
- Borkel
Do let me know if something breaks. 3.7.0
Borkel Author
If anyone has any issues please report them here or in the support thread
my thermals just wound up as missing textures
Borkel Author
Well that is weird. Try to download the mod again and make sure there's no other mod replacing the same files. What SPTarkov version are you using?
8.3.1. Tried re-downloading and reinstalling 3 times, it's at the end of the load order (but I don't have any mods that should replace it anyway). Also getting no errors.
Borkel Author
Send me a screenshot of how the FLIR looks to you, or any other thermal, but send me a screenshot
Could you please update the same mod you posted in Oddba forum?
In case u have forgot it, here is the link:
The mod there has not been update since Spt 3.7.3 and its version remains 1.0.1.
Sadly Google Drive is not available in my region, so I could't download the lastest version directly from here
praise every god imaginable i hope this gets an update
Borkel Author
someone else updated it already
what is it called?
Borkel Author
i forgor 💀
Did you eventually find it puggy?
Realistic Thermal Scopes
I hope this gets updated, Zeus for now is kinda borked.
I am once again, on my knees, hoping my prayers will be answered!
can we get a update for this please
Hey, I don't know if anyone else has had this issue but when I use a canted Torrey Pines thermal the scope I'm using takes on the thermal effect and sight perspective of the TP thermal. It also only seems to occur in raid.
The mods that I use that touch optics/thermals are Geff's optic overhaul, Fontaine's FOV fix, and this one.
Very nice, saldy I can't find a way to switch between white or black background on the REAP IR, works on other scopes so I don't know where this could come from
Any advice ?
no hay enlace
Borkel Author
a mi me funciona
Hi! Really like this mod!
Wanted to ask if we could get a head mount for the REAP-IR ? As it says it supports it in the description. And you did something similar for the N-15 in your NVG mod.
Borkel Author
You already have the T-7 thermal goggles for that. It wouldn't be easy to do what you are asking for.
I know

But it would be nice to have a thermal monocular. Especially since its cheaper.
But I also may be biased because I own a thermal monocular irl
Coraline's Cat
vote borkel for prez
essential mod! ty!
The last mod that was needed for 3.9 to complete my personal Realism mod package. So awesome... thanks man!
Hi Borkel and thank you for such a nice mod, loving it!
Any plans for 3.9.x?
Borkel Author
In time
I don't know if this is an issue from the mod or if it's from Tarkov, but for the Torrey Pines thermal if a PMC does not have a helmet their head does not show up when I look down its sight.
Borkel Author
lol i'll test it
Borkel Author
doesn't happen on my end
what kind of mods are you running?
Borkel Author
Many mods, but that would have nothing to do with your problem. Your issue might come from mods that you yourself are using.
Right, I have borkel's bloody wounds along with both Visceral mods for things that affect the models of characters, which seems the most likely candidates.
The other mods I have either change the ai a bit or add new equipment/guns to the game, and I also have Realism, Friendly PMCs, and Raid Overhaul, but I don't think they're causing that problem
awesome, been loving your realistic NODs pack for a while now, but before using this i have to ask if it works with the (updated) geff hannigan reticles? i can't play without those, BSG reticles suck, but since both affect the thermal sights will this conflict? rather not have to pick and choose between the two but if i have to
Borkel Author
yeah it works, just make sure it loads after geff hannigan's
sweet, time to enjoy some c r i s p y reticles and FLIRs
Absolutely great mod, I love how the scopes are modelled like their irl counterpart. Though I do have a suggestion about potential improvements.
In original EFT the devs messed with the thermals not just in range and resolution. They also added a horizontal "scan bar" that goes from top to bottom every few seconds. This isn't just a graphical effect but also offsets the entire image downward slightly, and makes your shots go high. The amount of offset gradually decreases after the scan bar disappears, and gives you about a second of precise sight picture until the "bar" comes back and mess up your aim again.
I understand that EFT devs added this "scan bar" for balancing reasons but what bothers me is that If a real life scope have this issue, then it certainly would be considered a defective product.
Could you consider removing this "scan bar" in one of your future updates? This "scan bar" is probably the most realism destroying feature for thermal sights from the original tarkov.
Borkel Author
Next update i'll get rid of them
No idea what info you'd need to site a bug but the mod isn't working for my friend and I using Fika. Zero issues with the realistic NVG mod and one of my faves to use. If you could give me some guidance on getting the data needed for a tweak, I'd like to help
Borkel Author
Does it work without Fika?
Tried to use this mod recently but it just does NOT want to load. No error, bottom of the load order. Just doesn't work despite nothing that should be interfering.
Borkel Author
Are you using last version of SPT and the last version of my mod? Is it properly installed in user/mods? Does the error disappear when uninstalling my mod? What other mods do you have?
Accidentally replied to the wrong post originally sorry.
Unable to send a screenshot atm, but I can confirm it's just using the basic thermals since the Terry Pines is still the low refresh rate, super pixelated type, and the FLIR is using the default, '+' sign reticle.
Borkel Author
well i'm out of ideas then
Yeah I couldn't figure it out since it works for friends with identical setups. Just gonna replace the files of the actual game and keep copies of the original
@Borkel, Thanks so much for the 3.8.1 update. Does "Updated for 3.8.1 and all future 3.8 versions" mean this version ALSO works with 3.8.0, or do we still need the previous version for 3.8.0? Thanks.
Borkel Author
it works in 3.8.0 too, but it doesn't add anything new
Will this be updated for 3.8.1?
Borkel Author
on it
How would one increase the range of thermal some more? I find the current cutoff isn't enough to snipe to scav cottage from the overlook on Woods.
Borkel Author
I'm not sure but I think it is possible
I was going to comment something similar. If the cut off point for the thermals were increased this mod would be a 10/10!
Borkel Author
the cut off point is already set to a very high value, but there's probably some other setting that can help (if i find it)
Hi, 3.8.0 is live now got any update for this? Much appreciated
Borkel Author
Yes, i've been trying to download EFT's latest version but with my small town's shitty internet it has been hard. Today I'll update the mods as I already have 3.8.0.
Understood. Thanks for the update, have a nice day.
I know this is a part of the mod but the thermals are picking up thermal signals from to far for how I like it for example on woods I can see people from further than across the pond which kinda feels broken for me is there a way to switch this?
Borkel Author
You'd have to edit the bundles yourself. It may feel OP but this mod just aims for realism.
it says not compatible with my current version of aki even tho its 3.7.6
Borkel Author
you can ignore the message, it is compatible
Sadly I got an Issue with the FLIR 60hz Thermal Sight. Took me a while to figure it out why I wasn't hitting shit with it. For some reason the Shots will land a good shot left of what I aimed for @100m easy a meter to the left.
Aside from the mod that fixes Scopes and FOV I have no mod installed that should alter scopes and to be sure I load your mod last in loadorder. Any Idea what I could try?
Borkel Author
I'll check now
Borkel Author
It's working perfectly on my end. What weapon and ammo are you using?
T-5000 using MK316(modded) and tried M61 too. Using normal scopes, basicly any 34mm scope, gives normal shooting results. Unfortunately I don't have access to other thermals like Zeus yet to test further.
Edit: Img-Link to clarify, here you can see how much I have to aim off center to hit a shot.
FOV: 68 @1440p resolution if that matters.
Borkel Author
If you want to test things you can always create a new SPT Developer profile in the launcher. I recommend you uninstall all mods that alter scopes (including mine) and then try them individually, see if something changes. This way we can properly find the source of the problem.
Ok not really a satisfying solution but it fixed the issue for me:
- I re-installed borkels thermals AND SPTRealism (I previously disabled stuff like ballistics and medic changes)
- put SPTRealism after Borkels
I dunno what broke it but its working now.
can it work on 3.6.0 ?
Borkel Author
Most likely it does yes
thanks mate
package says 3.7.1 tho side say 3.7.6 any chance u could make it 3.7.x if compatible to that ?
Borkel Author
It's perfectly compatible with 3.7.6 so you can just ignore the warning. But if you really want it, I can upload a new version just to get rid of the warning.
Would be lovely as it has to do with support in general at other situations.
I'm using this and the re-uploaded Geff's overhaul. I set this to load after Geff's but all the scopes and reflex sights appear blacked out with the T-7. I assume I missed something, but as far as I can tell I followed all the directions for installing both.
Borkel Author
you are trying to aim through thermal scopes while using the T-7 thermal goggles?
No, I was using standard scope (ACOG) and some reflex sights. I'll test the other thermals scopes.
Borkel Author
Still, you can't see through any scope using the T-7 thermal goggles. Thermals can't see through glass. It's not a bug.
Oh ok, I missed that, thx
I don't have. he doesn't give out an error either, it just doesn't work, only this mod has been installed
Borkel Author
well i'll work on it when i finish my exams
Have you started to work on it again?
Borkel Author
tomorrow is the last exam
Borkel Author
the mod is working perfectly for me in 3.7.6
Will there be an update for 3 7 6?
Borkel Author
does it not work?