Daniel Dfense M231 trench gun 1.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Old parts, fast shoot

  • Great guns, super stoked on retro parts for the M4/M16 family. Are the textures WIP? I understand you did them quickly. Just asking because they currently stand out and look very flat compared to BSG/other guns and parts.

    • Yes. Yes it is the final version for the hub unless I have to make some other structure changes to the mod. I will fix it eventually but I have other things to work on and textures aren't a huge priority.

  • does not work with 3.8.0

  • Hey pettan, big fan of your mods, I'm not a modder so I'm in no place to tell you what's modding all about.

    What I don't understand is you could just put 'DO NOT ask me to make compability patch or I shoot you on sight', would've been harmless, saving urself from all this drama, but no you choose to give the community a reason not to like you for what? To show how much you hate realism? Thought you made that point already.

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with hating certain mods, but this? this is like 'I don't care what the community thinks of me so I better make them hate me'.

    What's the point my friend?

    • it's because people keep asking over and over. Unlike most people who would just say there will be no technical support for realism and patches, Pettan meanwhile used to joke like that for a realism patch but now he just lashes out and gets more mad each time someone asks. It doesn't surprise me now he's forcing people not to make a patch despite the license he uses says otherwise.

  • I come from FFXIV modding, this kinda "don't patch or use with others" stuff is what makes the FFXIV Mod makers all go for each others throats and made it into a business. Thank the heavens for Private edits and a database of knowledge

    • Upload It

      Its not breeching any license

      Heart 1
    • whats crazy is pettan's port of the miralyn weapons pack, by his standards, is a license breach. thats not even his original mod and yet he made it incompatible with the realism mod.

      Heart 1
    • I'm honestly surprised with his hostility he isn't being talked about here. I worry this will break out in some nasty drama in the future.

  • waiting until realism patch.

    • but really, imposing a rule against a single mod just because *YOU* dont like it is embarrassing. the entire point of modding is exactly that, modding. making the game yours, making the mods yours (through further modification). this is just petty nonsense from a child.

    • I actually don't get at ALL why this guy just proceeds to say "FUCK YOU TO THIS PARTICULAR MOD"

      What is his problem with Realism? Why the hate? Even if he doesnt like it why does he go out of his way to make one particular mod in specific incompatible?

      This mod would have been my dream mod. Shame that i won't ever be able to make a retro CAR-15, because i sure as hell aint abandoning Realism which is literally a GODSEND

    • for real dude, and what sucks is you cant even disable the parts overhaul in the realism mod just to use unpatched mods like these, the hate is unwarranted and just seems personal.

    • go into packages.json and remove realism as an incompatibility if you still wanna use the mod with the realism mod, it shouldnt break the realism mod or vice versa

  • Just want to clarify to anyone that making a compatibility patch for Realism, using its in-built functionality that has already been used to make WTT weapons and others compatible, is not in breech of any licences. It is also not up to this modder to decide whether or not anyone can make a compatibility patch, and the their mod's declaring of Realism being incompatible can be disabled easily.

    Heart 3
    • This is nothing but non-stop harassment from the creator of realism and its users.

      I do not want to associate with your users, how hard is that to understand?

      If they want to make their game a worse experience its their own choice but to submit other creators to their will is nothing but pure harassment.

      ? 3 Thinking 3 Crying 1
    • I would not have commented if you hadn't falsely stated it's a breech of your license for someone to make a json object with your item id's being referenced, that is a false claim and gives the wrong impression to users.

      It is also not harassment for me to comment stating such, and I would like to see evidence of any prior "harassment" I've committed against you.

      Also, users asking for compatibility with particular mods is not harassment. Users asking about realism mod are as much users of any other mod they have installed as they are with Realism, they aren't a hivemind or distinct group.

      I get asked about compatibility for all sorts of mods, including yours, all the time, and never claim it is "harassment" or start getting aggressive with those mod authors.

      I ask you to be mature and civil on this matter

      Heart 5 Thumbs Up 1
    • @Pettan Aren't you imposing your will on users by asserting, without enforcement, that they can't make your mod you've voluntarily uploaded compatible with a mod they like?

      I understand you personally don't like Realism, I don't either, but it's silly to try to force users to conform to your own preferences.

      Pragmatically, there's no way to actually force users to obey you. Plus, I'm sure the combative stance you've taken towards Realism and it's users has already emboldened them, and I'm sure you can expect to see a compatibility patch coming down the pike because of it. Even if you delete it now.

      Thumbs Up 2 Heart 1
    • Why are mod creators always fighting?

      Ruining their game with realism mod?

      If you hate realism mod that's your thing but to tell others to not make a patch for it?

      I guess you just have a personal problem with Fontaine

      Heart 6
    • Wow it's amazing someone could have this much hatred for just wanting to make a patch for a mod. Seriously pettan might need to take a breather for a few days if he sees that as harassment.

      ? 1
  • Not downloading until realism patch

  • Incompatible with Realism?


  • Finally, I can clamp a light to the gas block and bolt a grip to the handguard. You are doing God's work, Pettan.

  • what's up with the realism hate jeez man


    ? 1