Ref - SPT Friendly Quests 1.1.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Converted all the Arena specific quests for Ref into SPT quests. Rewards the same things as Live, with an added Lega Medal to each quest. Includes the sword unlock and secure container.

SPT 3.9.5 added these quests but they are for Arena, so when you unlock these you will also unlock the Arena versions. There is not a quick fix for this without potentially breaking profiles - use the mod Skipper for the time being to skip the Arena versions.


If you enjoy my work - you can buy me a coffee~

  • Version 1.1.1

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    • Added missing items
      • Grumpy's hideout key
      • Voron's hideout key
      • Leon's hideout key
      • Weapon Case
      • Item Case
      • T H I C C Weapon Case
      • T H I C C Item Case
  • Version 1.1.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    I made the quests easier. That's all. :S

  • Version 1.0.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    Initial Release

  • I'm guessing not all of Ref's quests are SPT friendly. I'm up to "To great heights pt.1.", and it's requiring to win a ranked Arena match.

    It does have a separate quest with same name only requiring PMC kills, but will that satisfy the quest, or will things still be stuck behind Arena wins? Since apparently Arena won't be coming to SPT.

    I know everything is a work-around for SPT to make things adapt to the Single Player dynamic, but it's a bit disappointing to see a whole section get cut out.

    • The PMC kills are the versions added by this mod. This mod does add friendly versions of all of those quests. SPT didn't have those quests when I created this mod - they were added in 3.9.5

      I cannot fix this until the next SPT release, because fixing it would likely brick peoples profiles.

    • Roger that

  • How do I unlock ref? I got everything installed but he is still showing as locked for me.

  • Does this mod implement "Against the Conscience" part 1 and 2? I cant seem to find the quest

  • your latest update that includes VCQL is missing the package.json

    • Read the overview. You need to install VCQL.

    • completly my fault there bud, i had deleted the older files For both this and VCQL to update and assumed as your DL included some VCQL files that it would work lmao

      Happy 1
  • Hello, i was wondering if it is possible to increase the amount of GP Coin i can get from each of the tasks i get from the other traders thats NOT Ref!

    Thanks :)

  • SO question. Does Ref have daily's I can do with this mod or does this mod just change his quests so I don't have to play "Arena". Because I can not seem to get him past Trader Lvl 3 and his small questline for To Great Heights!

    • This mod adds SPT friendly versions of quests. The arena quests didn't exist in SPT when I made this mod, they were added in 3.9.5.

      Vanilla SPT has ref repeatables, you just are unlucky and haven't gotten one.

  • Are the quests supposed to appear like daily quests? if yes they don't seem to appear for me. I currently have ref on easy money part 2

    • This mod doesn't change anything about repeatable quests.

  • I feel like this should be combined with a bunch of other mods to form a "better package".

    Boxes at ReF (BARF)

    This one adds the keys and container/gladius into Refs inventory.. but it trades for GP coins...
    It would work really well with your mod, if the trades were for lega medals instead, since your mod enables the player to obtain lega medals and the gladius/theta container through questing...

    There's also Bosses Have Lega Medals mod, which would make it possible to obtain even more Legas in-game, but Ref doesn't have the Keys and such in his vanilla SPT inventory.

    I feel like we are really close but we need some sort of coherent solution to fixing Ref for SPT and making all items available and obtainable, quests and loot.

    Thank you!

    • While I can understand your viewpoint, my other mod "Boxes Have Lega Medals" is split from this mod because not everyone wants to use both of them. They do mesh well together, but not everyone wants to install a mod that requires VCQL.

      The other purpose of this and that mod are to provide SPT alternatives to quests, and lega medals. If I added the Ref boxes to this - it's no longer just a quest mod (and you run into the same problem, not everyone wants boxes via Ref)

      Splitting them up allows you to pick which one you want, or install all of them.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Ref has a quest where I need to win Arena games. obviously I cannot do this, so what do I do in this situation?

    • None of the quests given by this mod require Arena.

      What quest are you referring to? Can you screenshot it?

    • image.png?ex=66bb1582&is=66b9c402&hm=e56007ee39104118d43ad8a57a6edf629d0d1ad98f8819369ceca2624f60f404&

      This one. Pt 1 came up right after the update to 3.9.5, and was skipped by me using the Quest Skipper mod to see if it was just a fluke, then this one cam in.

    • Ahh..looks like 3.9.5 added that questline to vanilla even though they are Arena.

      Are you also unlocking the SPT Friendly versions of those from this mod at the same time?

    • I am, I think at least. They are just PMC elim quests.

    • image.png?ex=66bbe0a4&is=66ba8f24&hm=3c2a7b37a92912186b4e00d6b97dc7da2d279e8bb5eefd65c26a8037481dd458&

      Quests like this. Gone through 4 of them.

  • How do you unlock the trader im lvl 17 and hes still locked?

  • I've noticed that there are no barter trades for ref, would this mod or the Lega medal mod have any effect on that? Do you know of a way to fix it?

    • All ref trades are technically barter trades for GP coins or Lega medals. So I'm not sure what issue you're reporting.

      The bosses have lega medals doesn't impact ref at all.

      This mod just adds the barter for the sword upon completing the quest for it.

    • Specifically, it's all Lega Medal barters apart from the sword and Shatun's Hideout key that are missing from his trader page

    • That would be a base SPT problem if those barters are missing. This mod only adds barters if they are unlocked via a quest.

    • Ah I see, thank you

    • I had this issue, it was a SVM mod setting "RemoveBarterOffers": true," change this to false if you use SVM and/or have this set to true. After a restart all of Refs items were in his shop.

  • Quick question about the keys, I believe that Grumpy's hideout key is unlocked at trader level 2 without any quest prerequisites, is it the same for this mod? I am at trader level two and can't seem to find it, but I've not tried Ref on live so I'm not completely sure

    • This mod only adds the sword to the assort due to it being quest locked, and the vanilla quest is not available in SPT.

      If that key isn't quest locked, this mod doesn't add it.

  • Regarding the reputation gain for Ref I noticed the following:
    On a standard account you start at Rep. 0 and the whole questline can give you 0.55 to 0.70, depending on your last mission choice.

    You'll reach Ref lvl 4 at 1.20 according to the wiki.

    I looked into the infos about Ref and it seems you can gain additional reputation by doing daily / weekly operational tasks in EFT:Arena. Only difficult tasks are giving Ref rep.

    I'm not sure if there are daily/weekly tasks assigned by SPT to Ref by default like on every other trader or not.

    But if not i would like to suggest to also create some quests or link the random daily quest tables also to the Ref trader so we're actually able to get him to lvl 4 :)

    • You do receive repeatables from Ref in Vanilla SPT, but if you aren't getting enough rep from them you may want to use a mod that adjusts the amount of rep you receive (such as my other mod - RepeatableQuestConfig)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • So it's impossible to unpack crates? Since when they comeback after workbench they dont unpack. Or is it bugged?

    • Crates have nothing to do with this mod. This doesn't change anything with crates, you will need to use another mod for those as it is outside the current scope.

      It may be added in the future though.

  • error-WhKxqvd

    I get this error message when trying to unpack an unlocked weapon case (rare).

    i tried installing BARF as well, thinking maybe it was a fix, of sorts. did not fix. I have all dependencies needed, what should i do differently to be able to open REF/Arena stuff?

    Thanks in adv!

    • This mod does not change or do anything with the Arena crates.

      3.9.1 includes fixes for some of them, but 3.9.2 will include others.

    • This is actually an issue with the mod "Gambler trader", I'll have to investigate it


      Heart 1

    Plz only use 7zip. Good chance It will not load correctly and leads to difficult troubleshooting.

    Amazing mod and keep up the great work!!! animeproudclap animedance aquadance

  • Is Ref unlocked through Quests?

    • i was just thinking the same thing.

    • Unlocked per the normal tarkov requirements. This mod does not change that.

      Unlock Ref by doing Skier's quest Easy Money - Part 1

  • Thanks for creating this!

    I’ve noticed that the quest success messages are showing the raw identifier vs. fetching a localized message. All other messaging appears to be referencing correctly.

  • Can you tell what exacly changed?

    • I think he is changing the tasks that require playing in the arena to something else as described

    • i know he is, just wanted to know what tasks he came up with.

    • Considering the Arena Quests are purely PVP. The replacement quests are also purely PVP.

      The except is the quests that are not Arena, but are blocked in SPT because you can't do the pre-requisites. (Against the Conscience - Part 1 is a good example of a non-PVP quest)

      Expect to kill a lot of PMCs. Considering the new secure container is the reward, I figured it's fair - plus you'll just do them as you play the game anyway.

    • are you open to suggestions ? i have looked in your locales and pretty much have idea what u did there :)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I copied the locales from Live. I would change them, but it was easier to get this out as is since I'm also trying to get out another mod to assist with Lega Medals before I sleep.