Drone — H10 (JET vehicle) 1.0.0

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I because of imperial ACE combat, project wingman and DCS led to want to fly planes in Tarkov, so and have this mod

H-10 is the codename of the rumored Chinese-made Russian Tu-22M3 supersonic bomber. In 2013, both Russian and Chinese officials confirmed that there were no plans for the introduction or transfer of technology to the 22M3, so this type of bomber does not actually exist.

Models are taken from modern warships.

You can buy the Remote control unit from Prapor, Equipped in the pistol bar, press the K key to pilot the aircraft in the battle, equipped with the Ejection seat F11 button can transmit the current position of the aircraft, after the crash will return to the body

WS key acceleration and deceleration, AD key around, mouse up and down to control the nose, space bar to lift the nose, left and right to control the aircraft flip, left and right mouse gun, F key to select missiles or nuclear bombs, right to launch

The TAB key opens the airborne radar, displays the AI position and distance, can cooperate with the infrared tracking missile, and press the R key to lock or switch the target

The F12 menu allows customization of guns, missiles, tactical equipment, and the ejection transfer function can only be used when the Ejection seat is equipped

And a guy's favorite nuclear bomb site

  • Does anyone know if this mod will be updated to version 3.10?

    i realy love the nuclear bomb XD

    • u can port this, if u read docs about SPT CLIENT MODDING

  • if you could make drones, both mini and normal for recon, with the minis having less chance or needing to be closer to the enemy to be detected, would be amazing. or R6 like drones

    Thumbs Up 1
  • how is this even possible. amazing

  • yo guys. so mods badass works great it breaks the radar mod that I have for the rest of the raid. But other then that it's a great mod for sure lots of fun. I love nuking the goons LOL.

  • Unbelievable. Is this really Tarkov?

  • Great mod! It would be awesome to launch it from the ground(or hands if it is designed to be launched from player, or make it fly to you from the horizon), land it and store in bag, or maybe do not blow it on "J" and let it fly away. But anyway many thanks!

  • FPV quadcopter drone (Avdiivka-vibes) would be sick tbh

    Heart 1
  • for some reason, the plane does not start on the K key. How to solve this?

    Thumbs Up 3
    • I can't even put the "gun" on the pistol slot.

    • Me too

    • Same here, only goes in primary slot.

  • Is a thermal hud in the works?. Also, great mod! I love using it as an FPV drone and direct impact landing on guys.

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • In fact, as long as you are equipped with head-mounted thermal imaging and turn it on, and then drive the drone, you will have a thermal imaging effect

    • Oh, that's pretty cool. Thanks for the reply.

  • Has anyone tried this in version 3.8.x?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Sorry, there is no version for 38X

  • Man idk if there is like a UAV mode on it but in the end that is a cool mod well done sir 🥰

    Heart 1
  • If vehicles are possible in tarkov, I wonder if we can see things like the quad bikes on woods being turned driveable or hunk of junk ladas to zoom around maps in.

    Happy 1 Thinking 1
  • what the sigma

    Heart 1
  • ok this is amazing, but I want a ground vehicle companion now

    Heart 3
    • I still need to learn how to make ground vehicles bugcatworking

      Heart 1
  • What a beautiful beautiful creation

    Heart 1
  • bro, I saw in the image of the "Gun" that u have 2 mods weapons, what are those? o:

    Thinking 1
  • im scare

    Happy 1
  • I don't see any point of this, but..

    I love it.

    Happy 1
  • This is absolutely amazing.

    Happy 1
  • bugcatrainbow RAWWWWR!

    Heart 1
  • getting missing json error on server boot any fix? or README for install? thx zaddys <3

    • Make sure your version of the game is 390 or higher. Place the 'atmod' folder and'AT.H10support.dll' in \BepInEx\plugins folder. Place the 'AT-H10' in server mods folder(user\mods).Normally it wouldn't go wrong

  • This is insane, I love it.


    Assuming the radar rotating is intended, could you add an option to disable the radar rotation?

    I've noticed the radar is displaying things incorrectly, the enemy is shown in one spot while the marker for that enemy is off to the left.


    Thumbs Up 1
    • This seems to have to turn off the DLSS、FSR Settings :saint:

    • How did you get it to work?

      Do you mind sharing your download version?

      I can't even equip it at pistol

  • The main thing is not to try a hydrogen bomb, otherwise everyone who was at the lighthouse immediately died, including the Sighted One. Wishes: 1 - So that the player does not die in 50% of cases when trying to land, 2 - make the hydrogen bomb weaker, 3 - fix the hud, add full compatibility with radar. And so - a great mod for entertainment.

    Thumbs Up 1 Heart 1
    • 1,I will change the height of the fall injury when eject in the next update

      2,The nukes themselves are designed to kill all AI,Maybe in the next update I'll add a button that, when checked, will injure the AI instead of killing it

      3,I tried it with my own nansuit mod, and the HUD generated with the camera as the parent was not affected by the drone mod.And I haven't found any other way yet :saint:

      Heart 1
  • This is absolutely awesome, mad respect.

    Heart 1
  • ....wow.


    Heart 1 Happy 1 Crying 1
  • Nice work, amigo. Good stuff.

    Happy 1
  • Definitely not what i was expecting to see when i was checking for new and updated mods today :D :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • Thx, unusual experience 8)
    Breaks some HUD mods, for example Radar. I think it breaks the drone HUD immediately after the flight starts.

    Heart 1
    • In fact, my nanosuit HUD will also be destroyed, and then I will make the nanosuit HUD with the camera as the parent so that it will not be deleted

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello, can you tell me, how installed this mod?

    • Im sorry, i was dont see readme file, now allright

      Thumbs Up 1
    • No problem. Usually there are instructions in the package

  • what in the fuck. I love it.

    Heart 1