Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.0.1
- EpicRangeTime
Fixed broken dependencies, sorry for the issues
Version 1.0.0
- EpicRangeTime
can we grt back the m107 and the other guns from wtt pls ?
EpicRangeTime Author
Come to the server, this is not the place to ask.
i have the answer someone said they will get back in the future they need to update the wtt mods but thanks for you answer
someone ask on the WTT Dc server when they come back and one say they need time to work in it
I'v noticed the MOA is like.. .2 or .3 ish no matter what barrel you use.. But when you actual shoot the impact is more like if the moa is 20. or 30.. Also is it supposed to be SOO large when placed in the stash..?
Anyway.. thanks for making mods
EpicRangeTime Author
If you are using realism then I can't help you with that. And furthermore I do not have any issues with accuracy no matter the barrel, so I'm sorry but I can't replicate the issue.
I am not using realism...
Amazing gun but it overheats/jams really easily and becomes totally unusable after 7-8 shots. IDK if it's because of realism but I'm using the compat patch for it and its pretty rough.
EpicRangeTime Author
Yea it doesn't do that normally. Realism user problems
dropbox isn't avalaible?
EpicRangeTime Author
I clicked on it and it still works fine, are you sure you're clicking the right thing?
nothing on your end. turns out it was just not opening on firefox. strange
EpicRangeTime Author
I exclusively use firefox, really odd
Hey i think im somehow doing something wrong. I got the stocks in barrels available at traders, but no new rifle. Im using the mod with realism and the compatibility patch. Any Idea what went wrong ? Already tried reinstalling
where did you find the compatibility patch?¿
EpicRangeTime Author
Well I'm just making sure, but you did look on level 4 Jaeger? That's where I put both versions
I did not look at Jaeger 4( havent levelled him to that yet) but shouldnt locked weapons be visible in Presets?
Borkel here : WTT - M700 Long Action Realism Compatibility Patch
Hey sorry for the bother. Was really totally me. The rifles are shown on the flea.
Can the .338 Lapua version be used for quests?
EpicRangeTime Author
They both can, although as noted below the specific compat for tarkov shooter 1 is broken but I just completed tarkov shooter 3 with it
I love the mod, I've been using it a lot for some long-range kills, I am not sure if it's a bug on my end, but using this gun for Tarkov Shooter doesn't seem to progress.
EpicRangeTime Author
Might be a bug, I'll see about testing it. I tested it with shooter born to test the quest additions, make sure you don't have any odd mods that mess with quests though beyond the typical other weapon mods that may add weapons to quests. I'll give it a look.
Its working with SBIH, It worked with the first part of the tarkov shooter but refused to work with the 2nd requirement of the first part.
EpicRangeTime Author
Ohhh gotcha, yea thats a bug on my part, my bad. I'll get that added and get a hot fix uploaded.
Awesome, cant wait for the hotfix!
Dunno if its just an issue on my end, but I noticed the 34MM rings from your attachment pack dont seem to work with this rifle, saying there isnt any space. Absolutely amazing mod otherwise though, really scratched my itch for a Remington 700
EpicRangeTime Author
Just a filter issue, I'll note it down. Thanks
Epic, thank you for the epic work on this rifle and the attachments. I dont even play the game anymore, I just build guns lol
why does norma have such low pen?
EpicRangeTime Author
Well if you look into the bullet makeup of the Sierra Matchking (which is the only production round I could find for this weapon, in 250gr and 300gr format), it is just an FMJ round. I put the 250gr bullet at a higher pen and lower damage because it is going a bit faster due to its lower weight. They are the same bullet in effect with different weights is all, loaded by two different companies. I may add fictional AP rounds for it but I have to make the models.
the 300g has a lot more energy due to having a lot more weight but still being about the same speed, the 250g has ~5,540J of energy and the 300g has ~6,377J of energy
EpicRangeTime Author
I understand the way it is in real life but if I would have balanced the bullets around their irl load data and stats you would have basically had no spread in the grand scheme of things. If I can find a hollowpoint and an AP round then I would probably balance those two rounds - the 250gr and 300gr matchking - to be more similar to each other, more of a flavor of an FMJ. I am doing it this way for now as a way to have a partial pen round and a partial flesh round for the gun before I add more later.
Great work! Thank you a lot!
damn that third photo really makes you wish for L96a1
pls saar realism compatiboo?
ohh baby!!
a triple!!!!
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
Why is it flying around like a balloon?
EpicRangeTime Author
Broken dependencies, accidentally missed that when I added some new stocks yesterday and forgot to manually reassign the dependencies
if you don't pay attention to the crooked animations from the t5000, it looks good, not perfect precisely because of the animations
it's not the t5000...
EpicRangeTime Author
it's based on the DVL but go off king
EpicRangeTime Author
We couldnt base it off the AXMC because of the way that weapon is built. There are a lot of attachments that are animated, which makes it significantly harder to build from.
Yay, more .338 weapons! Thank you so much!
Quick question, the mod "AddMissingQuestWeaponRequirements" throws a bunch of errors with this mod installed. Is M700 lacking some kind of filter for the "AddMissingQuestWeaponRequirements" to pick up and include it in related quests? All other WTT weapons seem to work perfectly with this neat mod.
Patching quest The Tarkov Shooter - Part 1 (5bc4776586f774512d07cf05)
[Add Missing Quest Weapon Requirements] Weapon (1bf618e47cce6d69bec01e9f) not found in weaponToType for quest The Tarkov Shooter - Part 1 (5bc4776586f774512d07cf05)Patching quest The Tarkov Shooter - Part 2 (5bc479e586f7747f376c7da3)
I get the same error, and the following is written in the log file.
[2024-07-08T02:49:31.891Z] error: The application had a critical error and failed to run
[2024-07-08T02:49:31.892Z] error: Exception produced: Error
[2024-07-08T02:49:31.895Z] error:
Error: Cannot inject the dependency "configServer" at position #1 of "Watermark" constructor. Reason:
ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'X:\Projects\SPT-DEV\Mods\AddMissingQuestRequirements\Aki_Data\Server\configs'
at C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:324:23
at (<anonymous>)
at C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:295:38
at InternalDependencyContainer.construct (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:297:11)
at InternalDependencyContainer.resolveRegistration (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:166:51)
at InternalDependencyContainer.resolve (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:109:33)
at Program.start (C:\snapshot\src\Program.ts:25:46)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\snapshot\src\ide\ReleaseEntry.ts:19:9)
at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1930:22)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1435:10)
[2024-07-08T02:49:31.890Z] debug: Importing configs...
EpicRangeTime Author
I mean based on that specific error it looks like that mod might still be written for 3.8 because it's looking for an AKI directory. Upgrade when you can
EpicRangeTime Author
Besides, I wouldn't worry about it because I do have the weapon and its attachments properly added to quests. You don't need that mod for this
That is not the issue here. Other mods still require AddMissingQuestWeaponRequirements, and the error occurs when I try to use that mod concurrently with the M700. The user must choose between using the 'AddMissing' or 'M700'.
You can just put M700 below the "addmissing" in the load order.
I hope someone made a realism patch for this.
EpicRangeTime Author
No. Make your own.
SPT users when a new mod drops and there isn't immediately a Realism patch ready for it within an hour of its release (wtf the mods devs are clearly just being lazy)