Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 3.0.0
- The_Katto
This thing has a lot of bugs. I'm posting it so people stop trying to download the old gear mod and complaining that it doesn't work because it's honestly getting super annoying.
The majority of things in this mod is going to be changed/removed so please don't bother reporting bugs. I most likely already know them or they won't matter when I remake the mod.
Adds a lot of new gear, special thanks to MaL from TFL for allowing me to use their assets. -
Version 1.1.2
- MC Witch Doctor
AKI 2.1.X Compat
Some Stat/Locale/Price and Loyalty changesBlack AF Glass now has "correct" transparent visor
SPH Variants Protect top and nape
Jammerpack size and slots updated to better fit LL1 Bag
Defender 2 Assault Min/Max Durability Fixed
Tig7 Thermal Palette Corrected (Was Fusion, Now BlackHot)
Version 1.1.1
- MC Witch Doctor
The (Head, Ears) Hotfix
Various fixes for things like
APH variants protecting ears
SPH Variants not protecting nape
Black AFGlass being Opaque
FIle Download Limit Exceeded
As always, have fun and don't be afraid to report issues! -
Version 1.1.0
- MC Witch Doctor
Oh y'all wanted gear?
2 New Belts
(Preview Icons are borked currently)2 New Bags and fixed slots for the Stealth Angel
New stuff to put on your head like:
Exotic variants of existing helmets
Brand new helmets not in the gameDress up has never been more fun.
Special thanks to:
ATLAS for letting us use the Black RAC and AFGlass
JustNU for some of these phat clothes
Twisted for reworking the majority of our textures and preview icons. (SOTR finally has a preview icon!) -
Version 1.0.7
- MC Witch Doctor
New Camo!
Swedish M90-1 Helmet
And an additional bag because we felt like it!
As always, feel free to come to us with any comments, questions, concerns and suggestions! -
Version 1.0.6
- Le_Kaiju
Change log 1.0.5 --> 1.0.6
[Added] Three new tops
[Changed] Adjusted textures of flektarn set and black tactical pants
[Changed] Balance, stat and loyalty level pass[Fixed] Backgrounds of items are now consistent with BSGs colour scheme
Please update KMC-Core to 1.0.2 if you haven't already
-Le Kaiju
Version 1.0.5
- The_Katto
Accidentally included some dev stuff in the previous 1.0.4 version which borked some stuff. This version fixes it and removes the unfinished dev stuff.
Version 1.0.4
- MC Witch Doctor
[FIXED] - PMG is now the only mask that blocks earpiece.
[FIXED] - SPH4 variants and CVC now block earpiece as well, ANR is still useable.
Version 1.0.3
- MC Witch Doctor
[FIXED] - Helmcover is now in correct position on FAST variants
[FIXED] - Helmcover now correctly only fits on FAST variants
[FIXED] - ANR Locale corrected
[FIXED] - ANR Now correctly fits on the same helmets as FAST RAC in addition to DH-132 AND SPH-4 Variants.
[FIXED] - Virago bundle replaced, now correctly shows mods like NVG and mandible.
[CHANGED] - Deathstroke Mask Price Raised[CHANGED] - ANR Price Lowered
Version 1.0.2
- MC Witch Doctor
Fixed Belts for real this time
The_Katto Author
Update - 11/16/2022
I'm still alive but development of the mod has been paused so that I can focus on my studies in college. I haven't abandoned the mod, and there's no ETA on when I will release an update, but I plan to release an update when I feel like I've reached a good enough point. Personally, I'd prefer if people could leave the mod alone for now, I'd rather not hand it over to someone else. I'm hoping to try and push something during winter break when my college semester ends.
For those wondering, current reasons why I haven't pushed out an update of what I've already achieved is mostly due to the following:
Some custom weapons are missing audio
Some textures could be polished/I'm not really proud of it
Some guns aren't finished or are bugged
A lot of minor stuff that I want completed aren't done yet (custom ammo, attachments for custom weapons, etc).
Uniforms/clothing not having the right FPS hands
Custom bullet stats unfinished or missing things
Helmet attachment overhaul unfinished
Any plans on updating to 3.9? i really enjoyed this one back in the day :c
I'm just here hoping for the return of a legend.
When I went to the merchant's store, and then went to the clothing tab, it just wasn't there. It doesn't even load. There is a tab with clothes, but it's just not there. What needs to be done to make it appear?
this mod was made when clothing assorts were affected, so it's way too outdated to function properly.
buying from outfitter doesnt crash the game if you generate the icons for all the gear items by going to the handbook first!!
at least thats what fixed it for me
if someone could post the generated thumbnails, could you add it to that directory and it would work? Maybe upload it as a mod
Ryan Gosling
PLZ, update this brilliant mod
Can Someone help me with this. I deleted the line you are supposed to but server is broken
post a sc of the file u editted
I gave up brother. Couldn't get any help lol I edited the KMC Core trader.js and only removed the line traderConfig.durabilityPurchaseThreshhold[traderId] = 60;
THIS WORKS ON 3.7.1!!!!!!! EASY FIX!!!!
1. Simply go to this directory in KMC-Core EFT(SPT)\user\mods\KMC-CORE\src\_api\modules
2. Open 'traders.js' with Notepad/Notepad++
3. DELETE Line: traderConfig.durabilityPurchaseThreshhold[traderId] = 60;
Note: Before attempting to open the KMC related traders, open flea market first and click on all of the new weapons/gear to generate the icons. If you don't, the game will try to create icons for all the modded items at once and will cause the game to crash. This is the only temporary fix for right now for KMC related mods.
did as you said, ragman is broken and the kmc gear wont even go on my character and it then gets stuck in an endless loop
Junko Space Mommy
You have to go out of your game and log out of profile and log back in. Or use SVM to make clothing free first. but the former solution should work for using clothing.
I deleted the required line: traderConfig.durabilityPurchaseThreshhold[traderId] = 60; and the weapon mod started working, but KMC GEAR gives a critical error when starting the server. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
Your work was my inspiration for my own gear mod. So many amazing items!
Your mod is actually the one I'm currently using because I can't get KMC Gear to work on 3.7.1
lol Great work btw
KMC Gear doesn't work properly on 3.7.0 even after removing proper line from KMC Core. Outfitter crashing game, but you can buy his shit from Fence. Thats sucks.
Is there a way to wear the clothes in the new version without the game crash?
Hey guys my questions are: how do i get clothingTrader (name idk) level 2 because there are no quests
and is the discord still alive because the old link doesnt work anymore
just buying stuff from the trader should level it up
update ???
just download old version?
Forest Ninja101
I'm noticing a lot of the vests and rigs have invisible slots or slots I cannot see. So when I quick click something into my inventory when it seems full, it disappears into the void
Forest Ninja101
every time i try to open the trader, it crashes the game almost instantly no matter what i try. Anyone know a fix for this?
you have to inspect everything thru flea (slowly!)
yo I got you spt gang, i got it working in 3.5.5
TL;DR You need something like Realism to restrict botloadouts. Use Junko Space Mommy's fix during install. DO NOT USE FAIT.
Through a lot of trial and error, I've found that KMC works as long as you have something restricting bot loadouts.
My current mods setup is running SAIN AIO, Realism, SWAG+Nooky preset and KMC both Gear and Weapons (Core as well, obviously).
Found that no matter what I did, having KMC mods installed without Realism would always generate the "botloadout exceed stack pool" error, after the bot/generate line.
Redid my install, loaded in all the mentioned mods above, then installed KMC and works like a charm.
There's a known fix posted by a user on the mods workshop (Cheers to Junko Space Mommy) that bypasses the trader restriction, do that fix during your install of KMC:
go to SRC in KMC Core folder, go to API, go to modules, and then use Notepad+ to open up traders.js and look for the line:
traderConfig.durabilityPurchaseThreshhold[traderId] = 60; DELETE THIS LINE.
You might not even have to do a clean reinstall of the game, just make sure you delete the SPT/user/cache folder
before you run up the server; it'll redo your mod list to decrease conflictions. You should really do this any time you're adding to an existing server.
Much thanks again for Junko's trader fix!
go SPT
does this method still work for 3.5.7 and above?
not sure, I haven't upgraded to .7 yet. but I've been using a few new .7 mods on my .5 build with no issues, you should be fine. As long as you're 3.5.x I think it should be compatible.
is there a fix for game crashing new traders?
Junko Space Mommy
go to SRC in KMC Core folder, go to API, go to modules, and then use Notepad+ to open up traders.js and look for the line:
traderConfig.durabilityPurchaseThreshhold[traderId] = 60; DELETE THIS LINE.
This will fix the error you get with Core.
IMPORTANT NOTE: KMC Gear breaks outfit traders like Ragman and makes it so that when you try to buy clothing from him via Services, it will load infinitely and eventually give you a timeout request error. Katto mentions this in a thread below that clothes as of the moment do not work ie unlocking them and equipping them. HOWEVER, you can wear the mod's rigs, helmets, plate carriers, and any accessories plus patches all in raid and on your character in menus. the error only appiles to clothes as far as I've seen.
I know this is probably a stupid question, but I am still pretty new to modding spt. Does the current version of this mod work with the new update or will it crash the game?
add me on dc i will help :dereinerandom
When you update this again can you pls make the helmets compatable with ATLAS gpnvgs
Mod still works after 3.5.0, don't complain before you try
Unfortunately it doesn't work with 3.5.1 but I'm fairly positive it has to do with the traders.
Download shutdown with error forbidden. Help plz
Is there a way to change Armor class of the gear?
yea in the config ffiles
This mod breaks the outfit shops of other traders. When buying clothing I get a bad request timeout. Are there any workarounds for this?
The_Katto Author
strange. I know my trader is bugged, didn't know it broke others.
Yeah, I also found it strange, but if I remove your mod, it works. Here is the error that the server tosses at me whenever I buy any clothing with this mod installed.
The trader has no clothes, and when I tried to add it to my profile, the model did not load. what to do?
The_Katto Author
clothes don't work atm
Unable to download file!
hey I don't know what it might be but anytime I try to go into the traders menu the game crashes for me. Your weapons mod trader works just fine but for some reason this one just crashes the game for me
Try to hit only highest level gear or a category asap and don't try to open gear components. Worked for me.
Looks like the armor plates aren't working properly, almost got killed against a scav with crap ammo wearing a lvl5 plate lol I don't think I have any armor rebalance mod installed either. The plate durability was untouched after getting shot, only the durability of the armor itself, maybe it's not incorporated properly like headgear armor pieces does.
Alright after some testing looks like this only happens with armor vest, not rigs, first sign is that durability doesn't increase when you add the plate, looks like they don't link well. BTW this plate mechanic is really cool.
Wood Grouse
Is it working with SPT realism? I don't understand the plate system you've got
The_Katto Author
dunno, I don't use that mod
Loving how thanks to your awesome work my dreams of LARPing as "Soldat Sven 'Klimpen' Svensen" nervous Swedish conscript in M90 Helmet and clumsily holding his AK5 he calls Berit when alone. Thank you for making this possible by sharing your hard work with the world!
(hoping the AK5 "Adam" or A gets added in the future if possible and of course if you want to)