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I have updated Fin's Eerie Silence mod which allows users to customize the ambient noise and how deaf helmets sound.
Original mod here: Fin's Eerie Silence
Fins original license included as requested.
Version 1.6.0
- Props
Updated for SPT 3.9+
Version 1.5.0
- Props
Updated for SPT 3.8.0
Version 1.4.0
- Props
Update for SPT 3.7.0
Version 1.3.0
- Props
Updated package to 3.5.0 only.
Version 1.2.0
- Props
- Made current with 3.4.1 warnings
- Changed so High, Low, or None is not case sensitive in config.
Version 1.1.0
- Props
Updated for 3.3.* and added check so it doesn't matter what case letter you put in the config.
Version 1.0.0
- Props
Any 3.10 plans?
Anyone try this with 3.9 yet?
Props Author
It won't work. I need to update it
Is it possible to lower the obnoxiously loud ambient wind even without a headset on?
Will I need to disable headset changes from Realism and Raid Overhaul for this to work?
Props Author
Probably since his is a client mod.
Aaaand how to configure rain/wind sounds? Is there some gui hotkey maybe?
Spt 3.8.3
Props Author
there is a config folder (in the mod folder) with a jsonc file you need to edit with a text editor.
Aw, okay. Ty (slider will be great)
is it possible to reduce or silence the Breathing/Huffing noise with certain Face shields/Visors?
There's a mod for that
can you mb add a slider so you can config how loude the sound is?
Is there a way to lower the breathing sound when visors are equipped?
Does it work on 3.8.0?
Props Author
It should, you just need to edit the package.json file to say 3.8.* in the version line.
Does it work on 3.7.1?
Props Author
Yeah it should
hate to bump a slightly old thread but it's not working on 3.7.3, the rain makes me go deaf even though i have comtacs on
am i stupid? i thought there shouldn't be compat issues with mods on 3.7.* up to .3
It's working fine on 3.7.6
Works on 3.5.7, must-have mod
I don't know if this is just my headset or sound profile, but the quieter noises have this really weird crackle that plays in the background with them. I was thinking that, because the sounds are created with the ambient noises in mind, the crackling is compensation for the lack of ambient noise. When I turn the volume up (prefer not to because tinnitus) it kind of makes it go away, but I think the crackling is just less obvious because it doesn't change volume.
Oh, and before you think hardware issue, other games don't have this for me. Just SPT with this mod installed.
Does this reduce your footstep/gear shuffle noise? If not could you make it do that too?
Props Author
Only a cat would care about that.
i'm not sure, would have to look into it. are you talking about the actual sound or how enemies can detect it?
Just the actual sound, it's deafening to me when I'm trying to listen for enemies. xD
It has to do with the fact that the game doesn't render Z audio, so your feet sound too close to your head. Its also why stuff upstairs/downstairs is super duper loud if they are in the same XY position as you -- without the Z calculation they are the same apparent distance from your head.
I don't think this mod can change that, it looks like it is just modifying parameters related to the ability of headphones to already distort/adjust ambient volume to make them more impactful.
not to be a pain in the ass but maybe a good idea for a future update is having pre existing headset value configs in a seperate folder, so people can edit certain values of a headset they like. for example ambient noise reduction, if that's the only value they are looking to reduce on a particular headset.
idk if that's possible but yeah thought it could be cool
This mod go hard, it's pretty dope 10/10
Dude, thank you so much for updating this!
will this also work on 3.2.3? i'm not updated yet since mods aren't either
can confirm this does indeed work on 3.2.3
What do all these Stats mean?
Etc.. ?
I'm fiddling with the values and nothing sounds any different
Props Author
So the change is only going to work for headsets (like comtacs) and thats more like audiophile stuff. Attack lets you know the delay before the Compressor kicks in. Release lets you know the delay before it kicks out. Threshold is the limit to which the compressor dials up the volume too.
I would say google it since i don't half know either
. I can give you the default value though for comtacs 4:
"Distortion": 0
"CompressorTreshold": -30
"CompressorAttack": 40
"CompressorRelease": 120
"CompressorGain": 14
"CutoffFreq": 120
"Resonance": 1
"CompressorVolume": -2
"AmbientVolume": -32
"DryVolume": -50
cut off frequency is probably like the equalizer.. you set what noises to filter out based on pitch.
Resonance is probably how echoey it sounds like a cathedral hall or something.
Currently using the Sordins, they're just my personal preference. When I change "ambient_noise_reduction_multiplier" to higher values (was originally set to 4, I now have the value at 20) I can't tell the different all ambient sound stays the same more or less. "maximum_helmet_deafness" I have the used all the different settings and I still don't notice any different in the sound. Is it because of the headset I'm using or am I missing something?
Props Author
the other setting won't work if you turn on the full stat settings (by writing true in the config). you got to pick one or the other (for now).
If you use full stat setting, probably making that Ambient Volume more negative will work.. also mess with cut off frequency. thats it.
Not to be a pain again! lol Bushes and Trees no longer make noise when walking through them, bug?
Props Author
My guess is the values you changed filtered them out with the values you put in. Do you hear the bushes when using the non full control mode?