Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
This mod checks to see if there is any foilage in the way when a bot looks at the player. If there is, it will make it so that the bot cannot see the player anymore.
Its only called filbert, pine, tree.
Do not use this mod with SAIN as it has its own version of no bush within it.
To Install:
directly drop the dvize.BushNoESP.dll into your BepInEx/plugins folder.
If you guys enjoy my work and feel like buying me caffeine, here's my kofi.
Version 1.9.0
- Props
SPT 3.9.0 Update
Remember sain has its own nobushesp implementation -
Version 1.8.0
- Props
SPT 3.8.0
Updated for 3.8.0..
Version 1.7.2
- Props
Update for SPT 3.7.4
Do not use this if you use SAIN as its built in
Version 1.7.1
- Props
Update for SPT 3.7.1
Version 1.7.0
- Props
Update for SPT 3.7.0
Version 1.6.0
- Props
Updated for SPT 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 Only
Version 1.5.2
- Props
Update for 3.5.7 Only.
Version 1.5.1
- Props
Updated for 3.5.6. This version of NOBushESP will only work on the 3.5.6 version of SPT
Version 1.5.0
- Props
SPT 3.5.5 Only
- Added Version Checker - Means it will only work on SPT 3.5.5
- Added 2 different ways to disable bots shooting (should work on boss ai now assuming you hide behind bush and no body part is visible). I had someone test this for me.
- Removed options (no need for that now)
Version 1.4.5
- Props
SPT 3.5.5 Only
- Made basic optimizations
- Commented out log
- Added warning if you are using it on a version of EFT that it was not meant for (Thanks DrakiaXYZ).
Just curious, would any of these mods (No Bush ESP, No AI ESP, No Nade ESP) work if you have the "That's Lit" mod?
Props Author
maybe no nade esp, but thats if you aren't using it with sain. it's lit handles ai perception so you shouldn't be using no bush or no ai esp.
is this working on 3.8.0?
Props Author
use the 3.8.0 version?
i'm sorry i'm not being rude , i'm just wanna know is this still working or not , i'm worry that you disable 3.8.0 so it's no longer working , i'm sorry
Please noted that version 1.8.0 is still what it was for 3.8.0.
This mod really needs to be looked at - it doesn't work like it did back then.
Perhaps new vegetation types were added? And all bots crouch when using it.
And I've singled it out to this mod each time for the past releases,
I would love to use it and for it to actually work but it doesn't. really.
bots are cracked
I don't think this is working, says it loaded but I just got slammed through a bush, I couldn't even see the bot through the bush.
Props Author
Are you using SAIN?
Props Author
Well i can't say no bush is perfect. maybe you got the rare chance where the line of sight dodged all the leaves and hit your character. also keep in mind if you were still 'seen' by an enemy , they won't just forget you ran into a bush
I dk sometimes it seems ok, then others not so much. Idk.
it's ok I guess, sometimes humans can also feel there's an enemy in the bush, so why not for the bot? lol
So i may not use this with Sain at all correct? or is there a way to disable the option and use it with this mod and it is ok.
As stated in description, SAIN already takes care of what this mod fixes and since they overwright the same file they are not compatible at all.
That One Guy Around Town
I hope that one day this can overwrite SAIN because I like SAIN's bot settings except for the bush ESPs, so idk what the best trade-off is. I've even tried THATS LIT mod but I seem to have problems with AI becoming OP outa nowhere for some odd reason. Yes, I've tried tweaking settings but can't seem to get anywhere (not asking for help, just mentioning this). Your mod seems to be the best out there for AI ESP settings, props to you!
Is there a way to overwrite the No Bush ESP in SAIN with this one? I've found SAINs implementation a little lackluster.
Props Author
Unfortunately no, as I can't control the ai from his mod.
thanks for this mod ♥️
nice mod, this makes the game more realistic and simulates PVP, also makes you feel more tactical when you move throught bushes
Does this mod work for 3.7.1?? If not will it be updated??
so none of my bepinex plugins are working with f12 the only ones that do are amands, only ones that seem to work or pop up in f12
Props Author
did you check your log to see if you have any errors?
Please check your log folder in the errors file.
i have
just a "convertintopmcchance"
Props Author
does your spt/bepinex/logoutput.log show that the plugins are loading?
you should see something like
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [dvize.NoBushESP 1.7.0]
Could not load [dvize.BushNoESP 1.7.0] because it has missing dependencies: com.spt-aki.core (v3.7.0 or newer)
Followed installation instructions and I dont use SAIN
Props Author
You tried to use this on a version that is not SPT 3.7.0 that means
But it is 3.7. I downloaded it yesterday.
Props Author
i'm pretty sure you did not install 3.7.0 correctly then?
The file it says its missing is like a main file
Yes you right, faulty installation or something. TY
is this counts as insta spot you when you peaking 3th floor from tiny window too?
or there is any mode like this>
im tired of getting insta headeyes from 100m from small crack in the wall
Props Author
This should stop when peeking through unbroken glass at 50m ( i think). I added that feature as a while back but never really tested it.
does nothing for cracks in the wall though.
ill add this any way
just installed NO BUSH ESP to BepInEx/plugins folder, but upon aki server startup the board doesnt seem to find this mod since it says loaded 0 mods. any help?
Props Author
its installed. if you don't see it in the bepinex menu (f12) , that means its not installed.
Hi all,
i also installed it in BepInEx/plugins folder but in the F12 Menue it doesnt show up. I checked my older 3.5.0 Version and there it shows up. Anyone know a solution?!Im not using Sain btw.
Props Author
My mistake, i removed the in-game menu. Well, it should load as long as you are in the right version. You can check the bepinex log to see it loaded correctly in /bepinex/LogOutput.log
Alright, thanks for the Information!
Doesnt work for me
Are there any mods that conflict with this?
Thanks in Regard
Mod ATLAS-GEAR Version 1.0.3 von ATLAS, Nomad_420, Mighty_Condor
Mod Gilded Key Storage Version 1.1.0 von Jehree
Mod JustNUCore Version 1.1.0 von JustNU
Mod Priscilu Version 2.3.8 von Reis
Mod Priscilu Special Weapons Version 1.2.9 von Reis
Mod Props Automated Selling Version 1.3.0 von Props
Mod OpenExtracts Version 1.0.5 von Refringe
Mod SVM Version 1.6.4 von KMC, EmuRC-GhostFenixx
Mod NoDiscardLimit Version 1.0.0 von Skwizzy
Mod Simple Wave AI Generator (SWAG) Version 2.0.0 von nooky
Mod The Dealer Version 1.0.0 von Kwebber321
Mod MultiCam Black Bundle Version 1.1.1 von FALmonsta
Mod DrakiaXYZ-Waypoints Version 1.1.2 von DrakiaXYZ
Props Author
Are you using sain? its probably a client mod and not your user/mods folder
where is sain Located? In the bepinex?
Props Author
in the bepinex/plugins folder
fixxed it by installing sain (now labs is unplayable cause when i fire 1 shot, all the raider of the map will chase me)
Props Author
If you press the home key on the keyboard, there are sain related options so they don't all 'hear' you or are gigachads.
If you are using SAIN, you don't need NoBushESP because its built-in now.
Any news on when this will work for 3.5.8?
Thx in advance.
Props Author
Well, if you use sain, it's built-in so you don't need it.
This should still work on 3.5.8 otherwise if you don't use sain.
oh nice, no I use POOP.
thx for the intel I'll look into it.
for others; this is it:…/?highlight=sain#versions
Eh, still my beloved (head, eyes) through the bushes.
BTW, playing with spt realism. Any way making them work together?
Props Author
it should? try the test version in the comment below. also capture a clip if possible so i can try to recreate.
Unless realism has custom logic for aiming and what bots consider visible.
Guess problem is that realism have its own bot logic. Dunno how to override it with your mod.
Hey man, great mod! I was wondering, can this be extended to glass blocks? Snipers and machine gunners spotting me through a glass block wall 150 meters away seems like it could use some improvement.
Props Author
that would prevent bots from shooting you through windows then
Yeah I figured there would be issues.
Hmm, maybe if the bots only shot at targets through windows if the target is at a distance of 50m or lower. I can't even see what's in my neighbours apartment across the street if he doesn't have his lights on, and since most interiors in tarkov don't have lights, that could be an okay solution.
No shooty through window if target is >50m away.
Props Author
You can try this test version that excludes glass at distances larger than 50 meters .
excludes low grass and high grass if distance larger than 25 meters.…
Props Author
Did this ever work for you?
I'm sorry, I didn't see your reply. I'll try this out and get back to you!
Works with bushes, not with trees. (I was completely concealed in the tree leaves near gas station on custom and sniper scav tapped me.)
Edit: I do not see anything in my F12 menu however below it it has NoBushESP in the category of "plugins without config"
Props Author
If you are using sain it will not work because he has separate bot logic to tell if a player is visible. Also it only really works for if a bot 'initially' sees you. If a bot can see your head, you are considered visible.
There are no config options anymore.
oh, i got sain too.
My comment is no longer relevant, since SAIN dev implemented NoESP into his code and it works. Ezpz
I have no idea whether this is possible or not, but could you make a mod makes it so the Ai can't see me through the grass? this is probably impossible given how the grass is rendered, but I get shot through it when I cant see the enemy too often.
I have this installed (3.5.7) along with NoGrenadeESP, I noticed on this version the config file is not created. NoGrenade created config. In previous version I used with 3.5.5 BushNoESP created a config file.
Bepinex log output does show the dll loading.
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [dvize.BushNoESP 1.5.2]
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [dvize.NoGrenadeESP 1.4.2]
Props Author
Yes there is no config now. Its not needed. I don't set values that you guys can change
i have this mod for 3.5.5 and i run the latest version, yet bots still shoot me through all kinds of foliage and trees, from rogues to regular scavs... maybe fontaine's realism has something to do with that tho
Props Author
Do you run sain by chance? unless realism touches ai behaviour too.
i just remembered that i do have the sain mods actually, i think that might be it
and idk i thought realism would affect bots behavior, but also i had issues with bots spawns before installing realism, and the fix to that was to install realism and when i did, i thought the bots behaviors were related to it
Props Author
Yeah, sain overwrites a lot of the default behavior so he may have to write a custom no bush esp for his own ai logic.
what's sain? Im having the same problem and im trying to see which mod is screwing with the ESP.
sain is a mod that affects bot behavior, from reacting to flashlights to moving differently in combat. look it up and see if you have it in your mods folder
1.4.5 shows up in bepinex menu fine with just the enable/disable option.
1.5 seems to make it dissapear from the menu completely so not sure if working for me
Also as a side note, 1.4.5 is where I started using this a week ago and while it works great, I never saw option 2 - " radius of the object that is checking" - not sure if that's still a thing
Props Author
1.5 has all those options removed. it should be working.
Guns shoot blanks. Bots standing up after i kil them. Tested it with every mod spereratly and i have 3.5.5 installed. Help
Props Author
are you sure you have 3.5.5. That sounds like you have a conflict with versions for wierd things like that be happening.
For ease-of-use, put your .dll in a "BepInEx > plugins > .dll" folder structure so users can just drag & drop into their root directory (like most other mods).
Did your newest version fix boss AI still firing through bushes?
Props Author
No. I still need to dig around code, but i may not be able to fix that if its not using the same basic functions as other bots.. sigh.
Installed this mod and all my guns now shoot blanks.
Props Author
well.. what version of spt are you using. the latest will only work with 3.5.5
That could be. 3.5.4
Such a strange error though.
Props Author
Please report if you see any issues on the latest 1.4.4 version.
Please use it with the 'Disabled' in the F12 menu where that will switch it to the isVisible method of detection.
Note there seems to be issues with boss related AI - not fixed yet
I just had a few test raids after the recent update and I had a few bots that were just standing up after being killed and I couldn't loot them anymore. Going by an older reddit post and after disabling the mod itself and trying it again, this seems to be linked to your mod.
Props Author
what other client mods are you using? (mods in your bepinex/plugins folder).
I also assume you correctly installed SPT 3.5.5 and downloaded the latest version of this.
Amands Graphics, Amands Hitmarker, Fenix' No AI ESP and TakeABreak. That's all. And yes, I did test it with all of them as well seperately.
Props Author
What version of fenix no ai esp are you using? The one i put in the comments for 3.5.5?
If you aren't then thats probably the culprit.
Will test it out, thanks for the tip!
Does it work with 3.5.5?
Testet it and bots don't shoot at all so it doesn't work.
Props Author
I haven't bothered to update to 3.5.5 yet.
but yes it will need a new version
U might feel like doing it one day, would very appreciate it
AI bodies are freezing after kill shot. They will just stand there and not switch ragdoll, remaining unlootable. Basically dead but acting alive. Related thread. Just this mod.
Props Author
That happens when you use wrong version of no bush with spt sometimes.
what version of spt are you using?
3.5.3, since 3.5.4 is fucked up.
Props Author
What other client mods do you have?
There would be a lot of other people complaining if it wasn't something specific to your setup.
King!AmwiEse_YTztlkeqRcRmrTUh5w88 - Mods!AmwiEse_YTztmkq603x-CMJ9dutm - Plugins
Props Author
i bet its your fenix no ai mod since there is no recent version of it.