Path To Tarkov

  • Would it be possible to implement including cash in your PMC inventory into the "money in stash" value that's used for some things like insurance and especially after-raid healing from Therapist? It's really frustrating to have to burn hard-to-find supplies like splints or surgery kits just because I haven't been to a location yet and thus there's no money in the stash even though I've got 200k in my wallet.

  • No worries :) I also noticed that Therapist healing seems to look at your main bunker stash for money if healing after death, rather than the stash you were using before you died. So if you want to be able to use therapist healing upon dying you need to keep some rubles in your main bunker stash at all times. Not that big of an inconvenience, but a quirk that probably should be mentioned somewhere so players aren't saying "wait I know I had money in my stash but I can't heal? WTF?" It's happened to me a couple times and only today did I realize what was happening.

    Would it be possible to check your PMC inventory for rubles and briefly transfer them to stash before Therapist checks how much money is in the stash, then transfer them back to the PMC inventory? It's a bit filthy, but it's all I can offer XD

  • trap added a new version:



    Typescript Migration

    • Complete rewrite for spt-aki 3.0.0


    • crash when missing insuranceStart in some cases when player died
    • hideout_multistash_enabled is set to false in default config
    • properly recover stash when hideout_multistash_enabled has changed
    • no more bypass_luas_custom_spawn_points_tweak option in config
    • better profile purge mechanism: Jaeger trader is now restored properly
  • Hi there, really cool mod to change up gameplay, i used to play it in previous AKI versions without problems, however i'm starting in 3.0.0 with as few mods as possible, and after installing this one the game stopped saving my loot on extract (or death) i've been testing a bit and it will save XP gained, and "offraid position", so if i go to customs, from zb11 to zb12 i will respawn in zb12, but i keep going back to my stash with the same gear i came in.
    Am i the only one?

    My other installed mods are:
    KcY-SeeItemValue 1.3.1

    That's it.

    Edit: just found out, it doesn't save any advancement on tasks, like kill 5 scavs on customs, if i killed 2 and it says so in-raid, after death/extract it goes back to 0.

  • trap added a new version:




    • player profile not saved correctly when raid is finished
    • reset the profile persisted offraid position when cannot find it in config file
  • Hey, thank you for the quick update, everything works now pog
    now i just need to find a mod that makes bots not spawn right next to me and i'll be set

  • trap added a new version:




    • Keep the FIR (FoundInRaid) status on item you bring in raid with your pmc (no matter if you got "Run Through" or "Survived" status at the end of the raid)
    • When extract with a Scav, all items are marked FIR


    • Added bypass_keep_found_in_raid_tweak option in config.json (default to false) that allow to disable this fix if it conflicts with other mods
  • working great til i died, now when loading to main menu it fails to load giving me the error object reference not set to object instance? dragged the folder into mods under user/mods, did not mess with config...should i have?, i posted this in comments but should have poosted it here in support

  • trap added a new version:




    All items in the pmc inventory are marked FIR at end of the raid (like with the Orbitas-MarkItemsFIR mod)

  • trap added a new version:




    Restore traders_access_restriction to true in default config.json file (I just changed it in the previous release 3.1.1 but it was unintentionally)

  • trap added a new version:




    • add missing laboratory exfiltrations in default config file


    • add vanilla_exfils_requirements option to config (default to false) that allow to restore vanilla exfiltrations requirements (except for ScavCooperation exfils)
    • feat: add traders integration for GearGal, AR shop and Gunsmith
  • trap added a new version:




    Get rid of dangerous mainStashId persisted in profile (this avoid game crashes when profiles are messed-up)

  • trap added a new version:




    Fix the uninstallation procedure, now profiles main stash ids are correctly restored

  • trap added a new version:




    Fix profile corruption due to bad mainStashId resolution, please consider v3.2.2 as instable.

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