SPT Realism Mod

  • The actual G36 burst irl is 2 rounds, so it being 2 round is fine either way.

    well HK offers it in a bunch of configurations, from 2-3 burst to just semi-fullauto. IIRC the German army version has no burst.

    the latest hotfix may have broken the tiered fleamarket setting, i have it enabled yet i can buy everything off the flea at lvl 17, could not do it on last hotfix.

    Oh dear god I hope you're wrong

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • well HK offers it in a bunch of configurations, from 2-3 burst to just semi-fullauto. IIRC the Germany army version has no burst.

    I'd always been told their usual burst option is 2 round, ive never heard of them having 3 round personally.

  • Seems to be working on my end tried a lvl 1, lvl 15 and lvl 60 profile, double check your config

    i've tried with several different settings, funnily enough hardcore flea works but the tiered flea doesnt. made sure its changed both in the manager and the config as well, i have no idea what could be causing it lmao

    edit: i went back to hotfix 2 and now tiered fleamarket works again, im lost.

    Edited once, last by nejurnia ().

  • i've tried with several different settings, funnily enough hardcore flea works but the tiered flea doesnt. made sure its changed both in the manager and the config as well, i have no idea what could be causing it lmao

    edit: i went back to hotfix 2 and now tiered fleamarket works again, im lost.

    Are you sure you didn't have "disable flea blacklist" enabled?

  • Hello! Just wanted to preface by saying that your work on this mod is greatly appreciated and that it elevates the SPT experience to a whole new level and I can't imagine playing it without this mod anymore. Thank you so much for all of your hard work ❤❤❤

    However, after upgrading to 3.5.0 earlier today, there's been a very strange and very obstructive issue. Playing as BEAR, the starting PP-19 has no issues whatsoever, but as soon as any other gun is equipped beyond that, it will jam literally any time a round strikes an enemy. I uninstalled every mod except this one and it still happened, but after disabling the Realism mod, weapons performed just fine.

    I've attached two videos below to show it in action. Both weapons are at 100% Condition and should have no issues whatsoever. In the second one, I even magdump into the wall just to show that it's fine under other circumstances.

    Video #1

    Video #2

  • Hi it says the videos are private

  • I am god's biggest moron ._.

    Should be fixed now!

    Very strange...I can't think how that is even possible. Can you tell me your in-game and app config options, exact weapon and ammo you were using?

    On that second video with the AKS-74u, the malf fix speed isn't supposed to be nearly that fast compared to me testing it just now. You said you're on SPT 3.5.0, are you also using the latest version of the mod? What other mods do you have installed?

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • my dumb ass thought that should be enabled since it was automatically enabled when i installed the hotfix :,) its been a long day, ty fontaine

    I forgot to mention that, when I first uploaded it I accidentally left that option on from testing ;( sorry about that. Been a long day for you and me both :D

    New Game - I have 3x Salewa,

    Should i have them ?

    They are also not found in Raid.

    First Therapist quest E-Z!

    edit: realism profile doesn't give you salewa, and it's the option that disables FIR requirment that allows you to turn those in. You can turn it off.

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • Very strange...I can't think how that is even possible. Can you tell me your in-game and app config options, exact weapon and ammo you were using?

    On that second video with the AKS-74u, the malf fix speed isn't supposed to be nearly that fast compared to me testing it just now. You said you're on SPT 3.5.0, are you also using the latest version of the mod? What other mods do you have installed?

    A third complete reinstall seems to have magically fixed it... Was just haunted by ghosts or something, I guess. Thank you very much ❤

  • I'm getting the following error on (attempted) server launch:

    The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced: TypeError: undefined is not a function


    TypeError: undefined is not a function

    at new BotLootGenerator (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotLootGenerator.js)

    at new BotLooGen (G:\Games\SP Tarkov\SPTARKOV\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\bot_loot_serv.js:47:1)

    at Main.preAkiLoad (G:\Games\SP Tarkov\SPTARKOV\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\mod.js:108:28)

    at PreAkiModLoader.importClass (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at PreAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at PreAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

    at process.runNextTicks [as _tickCallback] (node:internal/process/task_queues:65:3)

    at Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1984:13)

    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47

    I've attached config.json as a .txt file because it was saying file extension invalid for the .json for some dumb reason.

    Back to Star Sector with me, for now.

    Oh, and the only other mod I have is Modular NVGs. Getting rid of it doesn't seem to resolve the issue.

  • I can't reproduce this, even copying your config directly (it looks like you're using all default settings anyways?). I've had 2 others mention this error but they never got back to me with any details. You're not trying to use SPT 3.5.1 are you? You got SPT 3.5.0 from this website? All I can think of is reinstall SPT completely from scratch, and re-download latest SPT realism

    A third complete reinstall seems to have magically fixed it... Was just haunted by ghosts or something, I guess. Thank you very much ❤

    EFT/SPT is haunted as it is, I think something about 3.5.0 is just cursed :D

  • I can't reproduce this, even copying your config directly (it looks like you're using all default settings anyways?). I've had 2 others mention this error but they never got back to me with any details. You're not trying to use SPT 3.5.1 are you? You got SPT 3.5.0 from this website? All I can think of is reinstall SPT completely from scratch, and re-download latest SPT realism

    EFT/SPT is haunted as it is, I think something about 3.5.0 is just cursed :D

    Oh, I'm on 3.4.1. I didn't realize you updated the mod to 3.5.0 and the hotfix was for that, I thought it was a hotfix for 3.4.1. Perhaps the other guys did the same thing.

  • I keep getting popups about "enhancement and rare enhancements" on guns stating they have one after a self repair, but they don't always seem to show in my gun stats or act like they actually have one, sometimes they've worked and I have 15% less malfunction chance or 10% more accuracy as little boxes below as it should.

    Realism is my only mod installed that even touches stuff other than clothes, so I thought I'd ask if there's any chance its messing with the new self repair armor/weapon "enchantment" system.

    Not working ones


    As intended


  • Not sure if it's a bug or not, but the Global Recoil Modifiers in the GUI does nothing.

    Changing the values for Horizontal, Vertical recoil multipliers seems to do nothing. It does not show any changes to the weapon stats information, nor does it change how the weapons recoil feels when used.

    Version 0.73 Hotfix 3

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