SPT Realism Mod

  • My game crashes when trying to drop into Custom as a PMC. Countdown gets to 1 sec.

    Error Message I get on the server:

    Realism Mod: Failed To Find Custom Preset For Bot marksman At Tier 1

    Weapon 5ae08f0a5acfc408fb1398a1 was generated incorrectly, falling back to weapon preset see error above

  • That error doesn't prevent you from spawning, it's doing exactly what it says: falling back to a default weapon preset. You have a mod conflict you're using the wrong version of Realism/SPT

  • Heya, Fontaine. Figured I'd hit you up here so as to not clog up the comments or bother you on Discord, haha. Feel free to respond or not!

    Just noticed you added D.R.I.P. to the incompatibilities section, and was wondering if it completely breaks bot gen, or just won't gen with drippy clothes? Don't mind them not having clothes, but don't wanna break your excellent bot loadouts!

  • Heya, Fontaine. Figured I'd hit you up here so as to not clog up the comments or bother you on Discord, haha. Feel free to respond or not!

    Just noticed you added D.R.I.P. to the incompatibilities section, and was wondering if it completely breaks bot gen, or just won't gen with drippy clothes? Don't mind them not having clothes, but don't wanna break your excellent bot loadouts!

    It seems to depend on load order. For some bizarre reason DRIP modifies bot generation by overriding server methods, which Realism's bot progression relies on. So if DRIP is last in load order I think it will break bot progression, if Realism is last I *think* worst case bots won't have DRIP's gear.

  • Hey Fontaine,

    Do you have a thread that has screenshots on updating the bots/pmcs weapon presets? I tried going into SPT-AKI-Versions\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\db folder and found the .json files and tried modifying the Item IDs and so on via notepad++ . However, cannot get them to work, I even removed all other assets within the weapon presets for sptbearpresets.json and others and only made 1 weapon loadout and the bot did not spawn with my preset.

    The Bots will still spawn with the old weapon presets.

    I tried following this guide: Realism Mod: Creating & Installing Presets, Making New Weapons, Gear & Attachments Compatible. - AKI Mods Workshop (sp-tarkov.com) But I still can't get these bots to come with the weapon presets I assigned. Any help is appreciated.

    Additionally, yes, using updated v0.11.2 SPT for v3.6.1 and also saved the files and reloaded the server after changes.

  • Back again!

    Is there a way to keep all other updates, but *only* remove the new recoil changes? I preferred the previous version's method, but don't want to miss out on the other updates included in the mod. I simply do not like the new recoil system, I didn't have a problem with the older recoil style, as i could tweak it in a very realistic pattern for all calibers and personally have never struggled with Iron sights being accurate enough at most ranges one would use them

    I've played enough COD or CSGO type games that I just don't want to do the 'pull down pattern' crap in yet another game, my character handling most of the recoil was enjoyable, only slightly needing to slightly compensate here and there. I'm messing around, but haven't quite figured out how to revert JUST the recoil to handle more like the last version. I do want to keep the attachment overhauls as they made the weapons far more fun to use in variety of styles but the recoil pattern change is just too much for my taste.

    Is my only option to revert to the previous version of the mod for the foreseeable future? or would it be possible to have a selection of Legacy (Live tarkov style), Old Realism, and S pattern as options?

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Back again!

    Is there a way to keep all other updates, but *only* remove the new recoil changes? I preferred the previous version's method, but don't want to miss out on the other updates included in the mod. I simply do not like the new recoil system, I didn't have a problem with the older recoil style, as i could tweak it in a very realistic pattern for all calibers and personally have never struggled with Iron sights being accurate enough at most ranges one would use them

    I've played enough COD or CSGO type games that I just don't want to do the 'pull down pattern' crap in yet another game, my character handling most of the recoil was enjoyable, only slightly needing to slightly compensate here and there. I'm messing around, but haven't quite figured out how to revert JUST the recoil to handle more like the last version. I do want to keep the attachment overhauls as they made the weapons far more fun to use in variety of styles but the recoil pattern change is just too much for my taste.

    Is my only option to revert to the previous version of the mod for the foreseeable future? or would it be possible to have a selection of Legacy (Live tarkov style), Old Realism, and S pattern as options?

    Nope. Previous recoil system also had "pull mouse down to control", the recoil didn't auto-compensate, that was the whole point of the first recoil overhaul.

    That guide isn't to do with bots. It's not intended for users to add or modify weapon presets or the loadout files. It can be done if you know what you're doing but I don't have time to help with that unfortunately.

  • Фонтейн добавил новую версию:

    Wtf! Fontaine you're the best! :палец вверх:

  • Nope. Previous recoil system also had "pull mouse down to control", the recoil didn't auto-compensate, that was the whole point of the first recoil overhaul.

    but it at least had an option to toggle the vertical recoil change off at least, and modify how much the gun moved per shot, and if the recoil grew over time or stayed consistent. i distinctly remember after adjusting everything, disabling vertical climb on ADS and hipfire, that i was able to aim, fire at a target without needing to move my mouse at all and staying mostly on target, besides wahtever base recoil the gun had based on stats. . that's what i'd like back, it was glorious. I'm certain i'm not the only person who disabled recoil climb in favor of Live style auto compensation, because it was more realistic and immersive.

  • I apologize for the intrusiveness, it's really useless to edit notebooks of weapon presets from bots, although it works for changing clothes and bulletproof vests. If you have time, can you please add at least one preset of sr-25, Mk-17, Mk-47, Rsass weapons to the high-ranking usec 3 and 4? Or at least some of these samples.

    Alternatively, you can copy at least one assembly from the bosses. As far as I know, they use this equipment. I tried to do it myself, but I don't know. how to implement it. I would be very grateful to you, it seems to me that mercenaries could well use these weapons samples for their tasks in real life.

  • but it at least had an option to toggle the vertical recoil change off at least, and modify how much the gun moved per shot, and if the recoil grew over time or stayed consistent. i distinctly remember after adjusting everything, disabling vertical climb on ADS and hipfire, that i was able to aim, fire at a target without needing to move my mouse at all and staying mostly on target, besides wahtever base recoil the gun had based on stats. . that's what i'd like back, it was glorious. I'm certain i'm not the only person who disabled recoil climb in favor of Live style auto compensation, because it was more realistic and immersive.

    So you disabled the previous recoil entirely and now you're bothering me to let you go back to not having any recoil and claiming that's somehow more realistic? There's dozens of config options for recoil that let you disable recoil climb, did you even try any of them?

    I apologize for the intrusiveness, it's really useless to edit notebooks of weapon presets from bots, although it works for changing clothes and bulletproof vests. If you have time, can you please add at least one preset of sr-25, Mk-17, Mk-47, Rsass weapons to the high-ranking usec 3 and 4? Or at least some of these samples.

    Alternatively, you can copy at least one assembly from the bosses. As far as I know, they use this equipment. I tried to do it myself, but I don't know. how to implement it. I would be very grateful to you, it seems to me that mercenaries could well use these weapons samples for their tasks in real life.

    USEC already have the SR-25, but I plan on adding more variety to PMCs later on with 3.7.0 or a bit later

  • i'll mess around some more after I update again, i downloaded and installed the last version literally 20 minutes before you uploaded the bayonet update and was trying to figure out the new UI and get back my old stable recoil.

    worst case, i guess i downgrade the mod till something changes in the mod setup seperating recoil from attachment overhauls, i liked being able to hit a man-sized target with 80%+ accuracy at 50m full auto with most calibers and I hope i can figure it out to be that way again.

    I think it would be too much work to break down Realism into enough parts so people can selectively change things.
    I love the health overhaul.
    I love the bot progressive changes
    I absolutely adore forcing bosses to have PMC health values and not be some PCP roided out monstrosity that takes 3 mags to kill.
    I'm in a love/hate with the flea changes, it fuels my inner hoarder but stifles my ability to progress certain elements of the game equally.
    I love the way attachments were made nearly irrelevant to weapon performance, this is the single biggest part I want to keep.

    I've just had enough with the ridiculous theory that guns climb to the sky when firing. and I believe also for many people who struggle with mouse handling in games, a game that you just put the sight in place and fire, and it doesn't run away into the sky is a big deal, and a good thing to have available for them.

    I see it regularly posted, people coping with disabilities and more, so they look for ways to mitigate recoil to be as least challenging as possible, they have a hard enough time just pointing in the right direction, let alone controlling violent recoil patterns. your mod gives them the ability to overcome that, and i think you should be proud of that, they have every right to enjoy the game as well, even though they are physically incapable of 360 no scoping like the rest of us.

    I don't *need* a low-recoil game. I just *want* to make the recoil feel more like a real weapon at my shoulder, not a 'game mechanic that requires skill' and fighting some magic string tugging on my muzzle into the sky

    TLDR, I'll dig deeper with the settings and see what happens. I do appreciate the customization and love the mod as a whole, but equally I do hope you might add more clear ways for users to understand what has effects, how. potentially as far as a simple 'on/off' toggle for some elements though I do understand much of that is limited due to it being tied together with other elements of the game.

  • Hitting a "a man-sized target with 80%+ accuracy at 50m full auto" isn't realistic, expecting to be able to do that with 0 mouse control is ridiculous. Attachments are only irrelevant because you made weapons have 0 recoil. I put a huge amount of time into making attachments interesting and useful.

    Alluding to hypothetical people with disabilities or alleged posts by them in order to guilt trip me into doing what you want is kinda gross. Regardless of even that, there's a config you haven't even bothered to look at and tweak before taking up my limited free time. The config has tool tips and is braindead simple, there's literally one called "recoil climb multi".

    Edited 2 times, last by Fontaine ().

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