SPT Realism Mod

  • Hello, Fontaine after i played with some settings i found out that Adjust Prices setting in Spt realism config is bugged. When i start server/launcher/game first 30min some ammo and helmets have changed prices, but when trader changes stock/after 30 min prices went back to default Eft prices. Example 7.62x39mm Sp 936 when i start but after 30 min 468. Same thing for other ammos and helmets. I found out that armors have Deffault prices doesn't matter if i check Adjust Prices or not. I tested this with only Spt Realism Mod / Spt Aki 3.8.3 . Randomize Stock/Prices turned off.

    are you using Fika?

    I never used Fika, im not planing using Fika since im not interested playing this game as Multiplayer. Can you confirm this bug that i reported or it is just on mine end? Should i reinstall Spt?

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