SPT Realism Mod

  • Under BOTS (Standard BOT HP Multi). How do I make it where it takes less shots to kill? The bots seem a little bullet spongy.

    Go into the Realism Config editor "RealismModConfig.exe" and go to the "Bots" tab and change these values highlighted in yellow, reduce them to reduce bot hp and increase them to increase bot hp, make sure to hit save when you're done and relaunch SPT Aki server.

  • Hello thanks for this awesome mod :)
    is anyone aware of a bug or something that prevents you from gaining exp in skills?
    i tried using the gym to level STR but i keep getting 0 xp and my other skills dont seem to level or when they do its at a insane low speed im playing with Realism, ProgressiveStash, OpenExtracts, CustomReaiTimes, AllTheClothes, MC-Talk, Kobrakon-Adrelaline, Samswat Weatherchanger,BushNoESP.

    thanks for any help :)

  • Hello thanks for this awesome mod :)
    is anyone aware of a bug or something that prevents you from gaining exp in skills?
    i tried using the gym to level STR but i keep getting 0 xp and my other skills dont seem to level or when they do its at a insane low speed im playing with Realism, ProgressiveStash, OpenExtracts, CustomReaiTimes, AllTheClothes, MC-Talk, Kobrakon-Adrelaline, Samswat Weatherchanger,BushNoESP.

    thanks for any help :)

    I haven't ever noticed issues with skill XP not going up and this mod doesn't change XP gain sorry

  • Hello. I have a bit of a problem which makes me unable to play after achieving level 5. Game doesn't want to load my character(stash etc.), even after reloading the game. It just stays in loading screen without the caption. I had this problem on earlier version 0.74 and now on 0.76 also. And yes I have reinstalled whole spt aki, created new profile, didn't help. I looked into configs tried to turn off bot tiers and flea tiers bot also didn't do anything.

    Mods I use:
    Realism Mod
    ACOG for life
    FaupiMunitions Expert
    Path To tarkov
    ZPlatinum Ammo Stats
    Kobrakon Adrealine
    Reflex Sight Rework
    Fov Fix
    Uniform Realism Bridge
    Amands Graphics

    I would be grateful for help.

  • Pretty sure it's PTT causing this issue

  • Hey I'm pretty sure my issue at, Gun pointing in random directions making hip fire impossible. Is stemming from your mod, would you happen to know why? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

    Those are stances, you can read about them on the versions page SPT Realism Mod - AKI Mods Workshop (sp-tarkov.com)

    To see the keybinds go into your f12 menu and check the Realism tab, at the bottom.

    By default you can use your left right up and down arrow keys to change stances or press j to cycle through them.

  • Those are stances, you can read about them on the versions page SPT Realism Mod - AKI Mods Workshop (sp-tarkov.com)

    To see the keybinds go into your f12 menu and check the Realism tab, at the bottom.

    By default you can use your left right up and down arrow keys to change stances or press j to cycle through them

    Hey I had a quick question. When I cycle through the stance menu using J, it never reverts to the normal straight facing one. Can I have it return to that someway or turn of the stances? Thanks.

  • Hey I had a quick question. When I cycle through the stance menu using J, it never reverts to the normal straight facing one. Can I have it return to that someway or turn of the stances? Thanks.

    I don't believe you can disable them, I could be wrong, but you can just unbind the keys in the f12 menu, if you double tap an arrow key it will change back to not being in a stance.

  • Hey I had a quick question. When I cycle through the stance menu using J, it never reverts to the normal straight facing one. Can I have it return to that someway or turn of the stances? Thanks.

    If you don't want to use stances then just don't use them, change the keybinds to something out of the way (which they are by default for most people). If you want to cancel a stance while using the cycle keybind, just double press the keybind.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • If you don't want to use stances then just don't use them, change the keybinds to something out of the way (which they are by default for most people). If you want to cancel a stance while using the cycle keybind, just double press the keybind.

    Ok thanks, its just that when ever I drop an item or interact with a backpack it automatically puts me in stance. Shouldn't be that much of a problem though.

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.7.7 for SPT AKI 3.5.3 - HOTFIX

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT except 3.5.1 and 3.5.2

    Fixed stances being way too fast and snappy. It came to my attention that "Camera Smooth Time" config option of my Fov Fix mod was affecting the speed of the stance animations, and I had been developing the stances while using the Fov FIx mod. Stances will now be a lot smoother and the correct speed. If you want them faster/slower you can still do this in the config menu (F12) if you enable advanced config options at the top of the menu.

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