SPT Realism Mod

  • So looks like the armor is still broken just died after getting shot twice in the chest while wearing AVS. T-45M1 gzh is what killed me.

  • Good Sir, I hope you are doing well. It's me again, asking for more of your hard work. ^^

    I know you added armor presets so that we could add in our own armors to your system. Absolutely wonderful.

    Would it be possible to add in ammo presets as well, so we could add in our own ammo compatibility in the future?

    For example, the mod I am building currently adds in "old" and "damaged" ammo to the game and loot pools. (Inspiration from Stalker series). I would love to be able to make it compatible with your system. Right now my "Damaged 9x19mm PSO" has a random fire-rate increase of 900% on the stats screen due to incompatibilities :D

    Thank you for all of your hard work.

  • Great Mod !!

    Having one niggle though , If I encounter a Boss he's able to shoot me through solid cover like a car . They also kos when I'm a Scav .

    All the settings are default on your mod and the only others i have are :


    Not sure what you mean, cars aren't great cover in EFT, and bots will sometimes try to shoot through cover. Nothing this mod does can affect that. Bosses are supposed to kill Scavs on sight depending on their scav karma, again this mod doesn't have any features that change that and that's how it works in live

  • Found Error - i removed Medical Changes mid save.

    Med Changes OFF

    Custom Items OFF

    Errors when selling items on flee

    Error -

    EDIT - Fixed - I Enabled "Add Custom Items" again and now im able to sell again.

  • Not sure what you mean, cars aren't great cover in EFT, and bots will sometimes try to shoot through cover. Nothing this mod does can affect that. Bosses are supposed to kill Scavs on sight depending on their scav karma, again this mod doesn't have any features that change that and that's how it works in live

    ah ok , sorry been a while since playing Tarkov , Bosses seem a lot harder now lol

  • What are the best settings/tweaks for making this a little easier gameplay? The bots always seem to know my location and are waiting for me around the corner. I die always with heads/eyes/nape.

    Help would be appreciated.

  • What are the best settings/tweaks for making this a little easier gameplay? The bots always seem to know my location and are waiting for me around the corner. I die always with heads/eyes/nape.

    Help would be appreciated.

    Realism doesn't really tweak the AI, if you have PMC and Boss difficulty ticked in the config it just increases their level of difficulty from asonline to hard or impossible, which are still base SPT Aki settings, if you want to make the Ai a bit easier look at a mod like poop and poop variety

  • Remove all custom items from your inventory first, there's even a config option "Revert Meds"

  • I can't seem to get this mod to give me a good mix the 4 PMC tiers each raid. Even when I set the bot tier odds to something like 1,1,1,1 it still seems to give me mostly tier 4 or tier 3.

    No other mods installed besides amand's graphics and fov fix.

  • Just a quick update as to the random crashes I've been having. I began play testing the game for hours with no mods on, and with no mods it still crashes. So, can confirm its not the realism mod after all. It must have been a fluke that the game didn't crash when I play tested no mods for a few hours last week.

    In case you are wondering, I did begin to see something in the task manager, but only for a split second. GPU goes from normal to 100% immediately upon the game crash after stuttering. It only last for a split second at 100% GPU so its hard to catch. It's so quick that when monitoring for which process is causing highest GPU, it doesn't refresh the list fast enough to display the process causing it. I know its SPT on its own though now.

    Thank you for the time helping me and all of the suggestions throughout, and excellent mod!

  • Just a quick update as to the random crashes I've been having. I began play testing the game for hours with no mods on, and with no mods it still crashes. So, can confirm its not the realism mod after all. It must have been a fluke that the game didn't crash when I play tested no mods for a few hours last week.

    In case you are wondering, I did begin to see something in the task manager, but only for a split second. GPU goes from normal to 100% immediately upon the game crash after stuttering. It only last for a split second at 100% GPU so its hard to catch. It's so quick that when monitoring for which process is causing highest GPU, it doesn't refresh the list fast enough to display the process causing it. I know its SPT on its own though now.

    Thank you for the time helping me and all of the suggestions throughout, and excellent mod!

    Sorry to hear that it's not a localised issue, but glad to hear it wasn't Realism related. Hopefully you find the cause and are able to fix it!

  • I can't seem to get this mod to give me a good mix the 4 PMC tiers each raid. Even when I set the bot tier odds to something like 1,1,1,1 it still seems to give me mostly tier 4 or tier 3.

    No other mods installed besides amand's graphics and fov fix.

    1,1,1,1 would be a 50% chance of having Tier 3 or Tier 4, when the odds are that tight RNG can seem skewed as no RNG is perfect.

  • I should clarify what I am trying to do a little better.

    I want a more scavenger-like experience in SPTarkov. It kills me that when I kill an AI PMC that they are almost guaranteed to have high tier armor, a decked out gun, and 5 mags of ammo. This makes the game, even with the realism mod, too easy to get good kits, especially when your player level is above 20 or 30. It just doesn't feel like live in anyway and the unpredictability of the type of bots you will run into is gone.

  • I should clarify what I am trying to do a little better.

    I want a more scavenger-like experience in SPTarkov. It kills me that when I kill an AI PMC that they are almost guaranteed to have high tier armor, a decked out gun, and 5 mags of ammo. This makes the game, even with the realism mod, too easy to get good kits, especially when your player level is above 20 or 30. It just doesn't feel like live in anyway and the unpredictability of the type of bots you will run into is gone.

    Have you tried setting the bot tiers to what they are set to at lower levels? or even to an extreme such as 15,15,1,1 at whatever level range you currently are?

  • Hey there,

    Thank you for the great work! I am having what I think may be a bug, and wanted to run it by you.

    My PMC's current level is 23, and for the last 8 or so levels most PMC bots have had more or less one of two loadouts. If it's a USEC it is almost always an M4 or ADAR with the same Magpul MOE handguard, standard muzzle device, varying tactical devices and sights, consistently with the SOPMOD stock. USEC seem to always wear either the THOR or Trooper armor. Bear PMCs have a similar issue where they very frequently have an AK-102, iron sights, one of three stocks. Furthermore everyone wears tacsports. It seems that any PMC wearing ear pieces is wearing tacsports 80% of the time. Scavs are also constantly wearing them. I could easily leave every raid with a 6SH118 Raid bag full of them.

    I don't think I have any conflicting mods, but after over a week of playing this mod in the last day or so PMC's have been absolutely drilling me from 100m+. It's disheartening to get into a firefight like that, get the kill, only to find its an AK with iron sights or the SAME M4/Adar with some reflex sight.

  • 1,1,1,1 would be a 50% chance of having Tier 3 or Tier 4, when the odds are that tight RNG can seem skewed as no RNG is perfect.

    After doing tons of testing with this mod over the past couple days, I have found a bit more insight into my problems with this mod, or maybe the problems with the way SPTarkov spawns the bots.

    It seems like it picks a tier based on the odds in the config for USEC and another tier for Bear pmcs, but only those 2 tiers. So what you see in raid would be like only level 1-10 bears, and level 31+ USecs, or level 11-20 USEC and 21-30 Bears, etc.

    It doesn't seem like it's possible to get more than 1 tier in each raid for both factions.

    Is this expected behavior? and if so, is there anything we can do that can make it more unpredictable? I would love to encounter multiple different tiers of pmc bots in the same raid as this would be far more unpredictable and more like the live version of the game.

  • I'm noticing that all scavs, literally all of them, wear the SFERA-S helmet... I take it that isn't normal?

    It shouldn't be all of them, but no, it's not normal and will be fixed next update, if you want to fix it yourself in the meantime you can go into SPT Aki\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\db\bots\loadouts\scavs and edit the scavLO.json, search for "5aa7d193e5b5b000171d063f": 1000, and change the 1000 to 1.

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